Don't smile while on an airboat ride, you'll be picking bugs from your teeth for a week.

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Just to set the record straight. ..I voiced a view and then agreed that people should be able to post what they like!
The problem seemed to occur when I stated this may not be the best thread for me due to the topic and a couple of people wanted to debate this...VERY ODD!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk

Yeah, I know! LOL! I love my psycho kitty! LOL!
I actually have computer photo files filled with good loving kitty pics. LOL!
I have lots of sweet puppies, too.
I just love their little lips and noses, and sweet little puffy pad paws.
I guess I should shut-up now....... :laughing7:

View attachment 882853
What? no mention of puppy breath?morning-breath-dog-framed.jpg

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LOL! Yeah, I got a few puppies, LOL!


Diesel ram you are close to me......I hope you had fun air boating and saw plenty of gators. I have often wondered with the capabilities of the airboat why they aren't used in snow too. Pretty fun stuff. I hope you had a lot of great Florida fun how did you like the heat today haha

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Yep, no matter where you go, there you are! :laughing7:
Everyone have a real great weekend!


Boxers return to your corners and take a ten count. Nothing wrong with disagreement or conflict. Every group of individuals has discord at some point or another. What makes a group of people special is the ability to regulate these emotions afterwards. Some of us know more about what is going on in each others' lives then others. There are now sub-groups within the group. We have identifiable twinships. No apologies are needed from anybody. Welcome to living and functioning in group dynamics. A lot can be extracted from recent exchanges that may be helpful in each of our personal lives unrelated to the forum.

If everybody agreed all the time then I would start accusing people of being fake.


Boxers return to your corners and take a ten count. Nothing wrong with disagreement or conflict. Every group of individuals has discord at some point or another. What makes a group of people special is the ability to regulate these emotions afterwards. Some of us know more about what is going on in each others' lives then others. There are now sub-groups within the group. We have identifiable twinships. No apologies are needed from anybody. Welcome to living and functioning in group dynamics. A lot can be extracted from recent exchanges that may be helpful in each of our personal lives unrelated to the forum.

If everybody agreed all the time then I would start accusing people of being fake.


Crispin, while truly I appreciate the sentiment, I no longer care to be part of a group where fellow members say things like "Sounds like it's time for a hiatus, and frankly Ben, I don't care what you think". There is a certain level of disrespect there which goes well beyond a simple disagreement. Several little incidents have taken place but have been kept quiet and I am pretty sure most of you know what I am referring to.

Unfortunately, I think this recent little squabble has brought to light an issue that has been swept under the rug and kept hushed for some time now. Speaking ones mind is no longer "accepted" amongst this group. Everyone must be like minded and pretend to get along. IMO, for some it is easy. For others, it is painful and awkward. IMO, that is not why I joined this group in the first place.

If we are truly a group of individuals, then why do the others in the group seem so inclined to stifle one's individuality?

All the best,
Just my 2 cents...

Well said Ben,
Life is difficult enough, I don't need elected angst in my personal life!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Crispin, while truly I appreciate the sentiment, I no longer care to be part of a group where fellow members say things like "Sounds like it's time for a hiatus, and frankly Ben, I don't care what you think". There is a certain level of disrespect there which goes well beyond a simple disagreement. Several little incidents have taken place but have been kept quiet and I am pretty sure most of you know what I am referring to.

Unfortunately, I think this recent little squabble has brought to light an issue that has been swept under the rug and kept hushed for some time now. Speaking ones mind is no longer "accepted" amongst this group. Everyone must be like minded and pretend to get along. IMO, for some it is easy. For others, it is painful and awkward. IMO, that is not why I joined this group in the first place.

If we are truly a group of individuals, then why do the others in the group seem so inclined to stifle one's individuality?

All the best,
Just my 2 cents...

Being part of a group does not mean that one has to respect everybody in the group. As long as everybody respects the leader of the group (Bill) then all is well. You are right. The mentality of the thread changed. It had no choice but to change. The thread would evolve or go extinct. We do not need to over the reasons for this. I have always encouraged you to speak your mind and I have always supported you. If somebody does not care what you think...then who cares? People can be rigid and flexible at differnt points in time. I am no exception to this. I took my hiatus because forces in my life were driving me down an emotionally tormenting path. I could not deal with even one ounce more of conflict; hence, TNet was not the place for me. I came back when I was mentally ready to accept support. Support was offered when I left but I was not ready to take it. Perhaps, others are in this place as well.

Nobody can stifle your individuality. The loss of your voice permanently to this group would be most regrettable. Do what is best for yourself but allow the rest of us the honor to converse with you when you are ready.


I've been waiting for that EMP for a while now,HF radio operator I am,one good blast and it's over as we know it!
A proper heads up and i have some special wine put away for just such an occasion!Mercury trying to get me to break in to it but i can resist.


Well said about the group dynamics.....I worked in a pretty rough and tumble environment and we had some pretty heavy dust ups over the years.....but somehow we all managed to patch things up one way or the other....

Maybe it's an age thing but I pretty much take peoples behavior/personality for what it's who they are and what makes them different.

I try to accept them for who they are warts and all and hope others give me the same courtesy.....I'll get off my soapbox

Regards + HH


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