Parrots do that too. When they are sick they will push their food around and scatter it to look like they are eating and still part of the healthy flock.

I've got to weigh my parrot to make sure she maintains a correct weight.

She get's a little cranky at times, and that is a good indicator.
I thought I saw a pic of your parrot, big white bird?
Glad you've had a safe trip.
I got 2 little green quakers, I've had since '99. You know, for snacks! :cat: :laughing7:
I'm kidding squiggys, they is my little preciousesses!

nite G, HH!

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Well, 4 am come early, so good-night all.......will check in tomorrow night if I don't fall asleep on the camp couch with the dogs.....Gary

Bill you didn't know I'm an amateur animal psychiatrist. You pets talk to me while laying on a couch and tell me what's bothering them .... Hehe

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Thanks for weighing in with your opinion.....I'll pass it along to the doc....I hope your week is not to brutal and you make it
to the weekend in one piece.

Let's hope that G.I.B. gets his fool proof casino system sorted out before your next visit....wouldn't want you and the missus, Eva and Junior sleeping on the

Regards + HH


I'm not a specialist in glaucoma but it sounds like Lucky has open angle glaucoma, in that case, it is actually quite painless. If it was narrow angle glaucoma then it would be very painful and the vet would probably have already done surgery. At least that is what the symptoms are like in humans. Either way, relatively easy to treat and Lucky should be up and drinking Guinness in no time. It sounds a lot worse then it is. I have a couple of really cool stories about animal vet specialists; however, I can't tell them. These folks are such experts in their fields it would give their identity away. They do some cool stuff. Have a good nite all.


VERY CUTE GUYS! Thanks for the pictures Cat! :))

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Bill my mother use to date a guy that drove buses for bands on tour. He said Fleetwood Mac would get real drink and real loud. So one day he takes one of ther empty whiskey bottles and when he needs fuel he fills it with ice tea....... As he's driving they start drinking and trashing the bus, so he starts drinking his ice tea and acting drunk and belligerent, driving off the road Slamming on the brakes driving off the road. Slamming on the brakes going all over the place. He start showing the bandmembers the bottle of what they think to be whiskey for what in effect is really iced tea and they said down sit forward and don't move a muscle.........,,,,..,that's how I met Rick James super freak He said it put the fear of God in the band members.

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Thanks for the info Ben. I am going to checkout the link you posted right now.

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Well good morning, I'm sitting at the VA again 72 miles away from home. I came here yesterday and they said I was a day early....... Even though I called to confirm my appt. so I just smiled and here I sit again

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Well good morning, I'm sitting at the VA again 72 miles away from home. I came here yesterday and they said I was a day early....... Even though I called to confirm my appt. so I just smiled and here I sit again

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Yeup relchair that's me

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Orlando the office workers were very busy. I had 3 hours of testing so my doctor was there too

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It's Darts and Guinness night in Canada, have a good night everyone and wish me luck as we're 0 and 3 for the season and playing a very tough team.

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