I had family add a chlorine tablet for now so it doesn't turn green. What brand was your chlorinator? Mine is Aqua Rite.

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Bill, i hope Lucky will retain the most sight possible.

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He doesn't appear to be uncomfortable but the vet said cats have a high tolerance for pain....the occular pressure in that eye is like 75 and the other is 17 or so....normal range in 15 to 30....let's hope the drops bring the range down to acceptable levels.

Regards + HH


Aww! Poor Lucky. .:(

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I too have a special recipe for you, we forget at times there are those who don't relish game and meat.
This is a real easy microwave recipe, and would go good with BB's onions......" soy-marinated mushrooms"
1 lb. fresh mushrooms,( if large cut into thirds)
1/2 c. veg. oil
1/4 c. soy sauce
1 tsp. salt
In a large heat proof bowl mix the mushrooms, and all the ingredients,
cook on high 2 mins., give bowl 1/4 turn, stir and cook another minute on high,
Remove the mushrooms from mix with a slotted spoon, let stand a couple mins.......serve either hot or cold.
Mushrooms should have firm texture......enjoy.

I would also like to commend you on your work with wildlife! As a forester and wildlife biologist, we sometimes view the flaura and fauna in the wild as resources to be worked with to conserve the integrity of our Natural environment, and don't see the views of other's, just as worthwhile.....keep up the good work.....Gary

Once had a cat with an eye removed and lid sewn shut permanently. He rebounded quickly and hardly missed a stride.


Yeah....that's plan B if the medication doesn't bring the eye pressure down....keeping our fingers crossed that we don't have to take that route.

Regards + HH


Once had a cat with an eye removed and lid sewn shut permanently. He rebounded quickly and hardly missed a stride.

don't forget the black eyepatch


He doesn't appear to be uncomfortable but the vet said cats have a high tolerance for pain....the occular pressure in that eye is like 75 and the other is 17 or so....normal range in 15 to 30....let's hope the drops bring the range down to acceptable levels.

Regards + HH


Poor guy! Cats instinct is to hide pain so that they won't be vulnerable to predators. Sometimes the only way you can tell they are uncomfortable is through a change in behavior. ...I would hope if they felt he might be in pain they would rx something...

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4


I too have a special recipe for you, we forget at times there are those who don't relish game and meat.
This is a real easy microwave recipe, and would go good with BB's onions......" soy-marinated mushrooms"
1 lb. fresh mushrooms,( if large cut into thirds)
1/2 c. veg. oil
1/4 c. soy sauce
1 tsp. salt
In a large heat proof bowl mix the mushrooms, and all the ingredients,
cook on high 2 mins., give bowl 1/4 turn, stir and cook another minute on high,
Remove the mushrooms from mix with a slotted spoon, let stand a couple mins.......serve either hot or cold.
Mushrooms should have firm texture......enjoy.

I would also like to commend you on your work with wildlife! As a forester and wildlife biologist, we sometimes view the flaura and fauna in the wild as resources to be worked with to conserve the integrity of our Natural environment, and don't see the views of other's, just as worthwhile.....keep up the good work.....Gary

Thanks so much Gary for the kind words and recipe. ...I love mushrooms! :) yum!!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Sorry to hear about Lucky, hope he'll be ok! I would wonder, if he is getting light sensitivity in that eye,
he may could use the eye patch? Or at least some soft lighting. Good luck and let us know what happens.


Have you tried the whole BBB method from BBB for Beginners ? The BBB Method ? Trouble Free Pool ?

I started doing it this past June and my pool was crystal clear all summer. My wife said the water never smelled like chlorine and it didn't dry out her skin either.

PM me if you want any tips on the method.

Don't mind Jeffers Ben,he is just twisted! lol!:))

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Well, at least I'm back in Fl....

Screen Shot 2013-10-08 at 8.48.25 PM.png

I'm not a specialist in glaucoma but it sounds like Lucky has open angle glaucoma, in that case, it is actually quite painless. If it was narrow angle glaucoma then it would be very painful and the vet would probably have already done surgery. At least that is what the symptoms are like in humans. Either way, relatively easy to treat and Lucky should be up and drinking Guinness in no time. It sounds a lot worse then it is. I have a couple of really cool stories about animal vet specialists; however, I can't tell them. These folks are such experts in their fields it would give their identity away. They do some cool stuff. Have a good nite all.


Poor guy! Cats instinct is to hide pain so that they won't be vulnerable to predators. Sometimes the only way you can tell they are uncomfortable is through a change in behavior. ...

Parrots do that too. When they are sick they will push their food around and scatter it to look like they are eating and still part of the healthy flock.

I've got to weigh my parrot to make sure she maintains a correct weight.

She get's a little cranky at times, and that is a good indicator.

Speaking of parrots...

Parrot Chute.gif

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