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Now you're making my eyes leak....

Think I'll gather up some supplies and take them by the animal shelter tomorrow.
The usual items...newspapers, "Pounce" cat treats, rawhide chewies and my time to help and a chance to love on an inmate.

I seldom visit because it is so hard to leave the critters, thinking of their existence and bleak future.

If I won the lottery,
I'd create a sanctuary for displaced animals.
I would employ no cages.
I would create different areas that are compatible to different animals who could share their space while enjoying a sense of freedom.

From snails and worms to vertebrates on up, I would live every day in the pleasure and appreciation of all animals!

I'd also probably finish my college.....

My Best,


{Don't ya get a kick out of watching animals sleep when they dream?}

Ah, the slight twitching of whiskers, the involuntary tics of the legs, and, especially the facial contortions?



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Animals are the best!! That said I can hardly wait for these four squirrels to be off formula! :)

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Well people I'm back from a non detecting weekend due to heavy rain. I did however make it over to visit my chum that has a camp down the lake for some drinks and some good eats. Ever see a Coniferous and a Deciduous tree grow from the same Stump? The rain let up for a bit so I snapped some shots of my pals cabin and the unique tree that grows beside it to share with everyone.

Wow! I have never seen that kind of thing before! Thanks for the pics...

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All that Jimmy Buffet got me to thinking about David Allen Coes' song, "Jimmy Buffet Don't Live In Key West Anymore"! LOL! :laughing7: Me and a few other friends used to live with some of his bodyguards down here. LOL! :laughing7: Loved Pop Coe, RIP!
You'll have to search and link yourself, it's got a few words in it, NSF-T-net. :laughing7:

Hope everyone's day and week is off to a good start!
Anyone in the Monroe Mich area? With a job for someone? Yep, the phone rings, I go to western union. :BangHead:
2GF, I'd be in your shoes, if it wasn't for W.U., and the ability to throw money at the situation! :BangHead:

All of the boys (except Phil the singer who turned out to be a chump) from the band Pantera recorded a album with D.A.C. The bands name was REBEL MEETS REBEL and it was the last album that Dimebag was a part of recording before he was gunned down on stage by some psycho.


Animals are the best!! That said I can hardly wait for these four squirrels to be off formula! :)

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Let me guess....once you have weaned the squirrels, you will seek another maternal position towards animals?

"Did, did I get that about right?
Well, that really says a lot about you.
And what it says is that you are a kind, nurturing person.
Yes, someone who is not a stranger to sacrifice for another's benefit.
Well done, Miss Squiggy woman, Well done!"



I've got some play-doh spaghetti for dinner, if you haven't eaten yet....​

Yesssumm Scott, you got the maternal part right, and thanks for the kind words..:)
Of course I have other sides as well, I keep working to improve!

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You're right, that was near the end....

Maybe most of the members here had never heard of him....

Here's another beautiful one by him.

That man had the voice of an angel and it's a shame that more people don't know of him and his music. This is on of my favorites and the video is very touching as it shows footage of his ashes being returned to the Ocean and the Earth where they belong.

For you, Barb!

My Best Wishes,


That man had the voice of an angel and it's a shame that more people don't know of him and his music. This is on of my favorites and the video is very touching as it shows footage of his ashes being returned to the Ocean and the Earth where they belong.

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" has been covered by many.
Your example ranks high on my list.
Also on my list of artists who have covered this song is Stanley Jordan.

A Pleasant evening to you and may a bountiful day greet you tomorrow!



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Another classic rendered by Stanley Jordan....

For the guitar purists amongst us...



5am comes soon, time for sleep..goodnight to all!

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Here's a tune for you....

Patty Smyth - Downtown Train.

Patty Smyth?
Now where have I heard that name?

Or was it this?

"Shoot. I don't rightly recall.
That was too fur back...."

"Here, have a pull of this here snake venom I brewed last fall...."



A mini story....
Last night, about late-thirty, I heard a loud crash!

I'm wondering if my landlord, who lives upstairs is having some type of "emergency."

I sit, wait, listen...
Soon I hear his familiar footsteps. I guess that's good, right?

Anywho, as I'm working on academia, the sun rises and I go outside for fresh air.
I find a large decayed branch has fallen and hit the house.

I moved the branch from my way, looked up towards the roof line, and, discerning no damage, went off to help my locksmith Friend for the day.

Alas, yard responsibilities fell by the wayside, but I discussed the situation of academics to Michael and he admitted to me that he really didn't even know where I was with rent.

I said, "I keep track."


Y'all best be good this week, hear?



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Post a song by "Pinky Tuscadero."
(Oh, and for the win, her real name and from whence her persona appears.)





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Post a song by "Pinky Tuscadero."
(Oh, and for the win, her real name.)




untitled 9.png

"Oh, Crap! He's not thinking about contests? With winners? And prizes?"

"Ha! Shut up old man, sit back and watch him get nerded out before he gets to go camping again!
You DID bring the popcorn, right?"



What? Nerded out?
Picture 597.jpg
Really more of an escape, to post humor, keeping in mind everyone's affections.
Posting my "random thoughts," my experiences, (which proves my existence, right?)
and perhaps a story that makes you smile... or makes you laugh...:icon_scratch:

I forget.
So let's have Red tell it as he meant it from his heart....

Good night, and God Bless!


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And I forgot GREAT news!
My Philosophy Professor IS likely to return this semester!
His stroke was not as severe as initially diagnosed! :headbang:

I know where his office is, I have visited him several times between classes to ask about the next lesson
or to chat about a subject that I read of in the New York Times.
(Disclaimer: I pick up a copy when I'm on campus to read between classes and appointments and meetings.)

I will surely stop in again to chat, pose questions and offer my assistance. :thumbsup:

Good news will reach you also!



I'm pretty close to a double all nighter.
You know, when you start worryin' about whether you'll wake up in time to go to.....whatever,
or will you wake about time the evening news comes on the next day.
Should I take (a look at) more ummm RICH, Undiluted freshly ground coffee beans,
to the consistency required for an espresso....

I have probably another 4-6 hours of study needed, and an 8 am class,
well, do the math.
I'll be at it all night. Again.


Don't think I'll post much for awhile......
ya, things. Yeah, I got things to do.

I must focus on my academic goals.

How better to enjoy your own time! :thumbsup:

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