Coming soon to your state.
Thank God!
When's MY state?
My Best,
(Draw your own conclusions....)
Viva the concept of "Separation of Power."
Separation of powers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quick synopsis is the delegation of power between the Federal Government vs. the individual states government to dictate laws over their citizens.
Please forgive the "not acceptable as reference on College papers,"
But, this really explains the politics and,
The facts of the constitution of this country,
conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
We all love our Country.
Those who serve allow you to love your Country.
Take a minute to help someone by opening a door for them.
Go to your local Animal shelter for an hour or two a week and love some animals,
Volunteer to lead an activity group in songs at a local Senior Center
Re-read the constitution, and decide, "Is this a life worth living for?
Be a Patriot!
Know the Constitution and how the laws and career politicians can be changed!
"How?" you may ask...
And my reply is one word....
Gettin' too "political?
Yeah, I'm sure that you are right.....
So, off to study-land, my Friends.
At least there's good music, right?
Looks like an "all-nighter."
"Get my Coffee ready!"
My Best,