Silver Member
I'm smiling Bill sometimes it's painful but I'm smiling thank you my friend it's much appreciated
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I was going through some of my past finds and say quite a few silver chains, etc.....which led me to this
The cookies - Chains.
I just want to say thank you to everyone. I became a Spec Ops medic, but it didn't bother me killing either. I had a long career from LRSU , to COLT team to Spec Ops medic. My career was cut short I was retiring after my last deployment anyway. However, there was this matter of an IED and A helicopter crash that broke my back. I spent all of 2009 in and out of surgeries, rehab and I'd do it again for all of you! I've seen hell and it ain't pretty. Embrace your friends, your family, tell your loved ones one more time you love them . Do something special for them. You never know when the next words could be your last so make them special. Make them count. God bless you all
wow, sorry for all you had to endure, but man, stick in a happy story once in a while. (smile)
I just want to say thank you to everyone. I became a Spec Ops medic, but it didn't bother me killing either. I had a long career from LRSU , to COLT team to Spec Ops medic. My career was cut short I was retiring after my last deployment anyway. However, there was this matter of an IED and A helicopter crash that broke my back. I spent all of 2009 in and out of surgeries, rehab and I'd do it again for all of you! I've seen hell and it ain't pretty. Embrace your friends, your family, tell your loved ones one more time you love them . Do something special for them. You never know when the next words could be your last so make them special. Make them count. God bless you all
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I've probably posted this one before....but still a great version of this classic song.
Sheryl Crow - The first cut is the deepest.
Uncle Bill, did you already post the song ' well it's all right" maybe by traveling wilburys