I guess we remember the 70's TV Series "Kung Fu" One of my favorite lines from Master Po, the blind master - But how is it you can hear the grasshopper at your feet?" How is it you don't? I come from a horrible childhood. I left home at 16 joined the Army at 17, they had to find my parents to sign the papers and all..........So my role model was Qui Chain Kane, I wanted to be like him. I was a peaceful kid, studied martial arts, couldnt handle the beatings at home, alcoholic father, mom always taking up for him, I bled to much. He stole my childhood..................so anyway, I had a Pitbull with Blue eyes. I named him Master Po. Just like the character. So one day, good ole pops tried to cut my throat, still got the scar and Master Po attacked him, tore him up good.......Know what he told me? You better put him down by night time or they wont find you or your GD dog........the longest day of my life..........I LOVED my dog..........anyway why not join they could kill me but couldnt eat me, besides they couldnt do anything he hadnt done to me. Needless to say, the 4 SERE schools I would attend were shall we say walks in the park.........thanks guys, sorry about the old memories, but that @$$hole's been dead, I never attended his funeral..........I would have pissed on his grave..........Long live Grasshoppers, from master to pupils...........