I guess that I should call it a night and get rest for tomorrow.

I'm supposed to help my locksmith Friend with a Government Housing rekey job in the morning.

It is an IC Core change-out and I pinned up every cylinder and cut the keys on the "Best" Master keying system.

Can't let my Friend down.....

I'll pour a glass of milk, chew on a couple five cookies while I start Chapter 4.

Soon, I'm sure that slumber will come calling.....

(Yes, I'll take the book with me camping....)

Good Night, All!



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Don,t be up all night and risk a flash back. (Fun guitar though).


The milk and cookies are on hold...

You opened up a whole can of "Been there, Done that."

I've seen both Styx and Reo many times, individually AND together!

Great times!




Did I mention bootleg recordings?​

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I believe you. Gonna leave you rest though.Daylight before you know it.You gots to fix stuff!

Yes, Friends,

I have "been there."
"Done that."

And, I STILL have the T-Shirt....

(From the 80's)

A concert shirt that I paid $25 for.....




A song, by the Zep.....



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What a Friend that I have with you.

As well as all of my Friends here.

I want to thank everyone for putting up with me and replying to my thoughts.....

I have no enemies, only friends, and those who may disagree...

My Best Wishes to my Treasurenet Friends,


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Its a two way street usually..
I looked for a tee to retaliate with only to find they are away,likely in basement.(Surely i saved some?) You,ll have i guess to picture the back of a Nuge shirt "Locked,Cocked,And Ready To Rock",i,m sure i kept it at least.

"RC need Charter!"

"Who'll give me a dollar two, now a dollar?

I got a dollar now who'll give more?
YEAH! got more, who'll give a dollar more?"

PM me to make magic.....



(yes, I have auctioned, from as far back as the 70's....)

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The results of PM's to me are clear...

RC is...

maxwell smart.webp]
This more closer, Chief, to "Charter Membership."

"I'd bet that AU24K has five bucks for a Friend....."

You Bet!


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I have some bad news, and some Great news.

The bad news...

We've lost
Our Friend,
as a "registered user,"

The "great news," my Liege,

Our Friend, RC, will now have Charter Status!

Thanks to all for the PM's.

Your anonymity is guaranteed.




Give it a day or two for details....

Thanks for your contributions!


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Ya know,
I got a glass of milk and some cookies waitin' on me, and, well,

Dammit! I love cookies~


What was the question?

Oh, yeah, Cookies.....

[my favorite is "Shared."]



Not worthy! Now,and being you,re active in nominations Scott i,ll p.m. you to work out a way to get me around p.pail,(pun yes).
Quite a concept of a cross section of people who get along because they want to. And provide a place to hang when/if the current gets too strong else where.To those who tolerate by choice, my profound thanks.To any who have no choice , it ain,t so bad checking artillery at the door. Lots of effort by multiple members made something work.
Heck,even loitering is tolerated.:laughing7: l.o.l.

Hey everyone, I am early to the party today! LOL! I am actually home sick, as I woke up running for the bathroom. I hate being sick! It's to nice a day for this crap! Oh well.
Scott, do you happen to listen to Dave Ramsey by any chance?

so..first, thank everyone for not insulting an belittling me in here...
I know I am a bit out of step..
so a heart felt thank you.

{post modified by request.}

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so..first, thank everyone for not insulting an belittling me in here...

seems like every thread I post in....the first response is some insult...but if I respond, my comments are removed. and I get nasty pm's for the authority figures...who also insult me openly in threads...

I know I am a bit out of step...but double standards are for parades...not human interactions...
so a heart felt thank you to those who don't stoop to such measures...

Seems to me moderators should not openly participate in such ways! Maybe that's where the saying " it's good to be the King" came from. Don't like a comment, off with his proverbial head!


As you know, I frequent manyof the same posts, and I usually find your posts interesting and for me thought provoking. While I may sometime wise off when frustrated, In see no problem with much of what you say, and in some instances, your post was needed to bring the topic back from the ludicrous.....Particularly LDM! Keep it up, someday they too will learn.......Gary


I will certainly take your suggestion and look at Wolfgangs recipes. I've eaten at a couple of his establishments, and he does have a flair for delivering simple, and tasty food with a flair.


Congradulations, seems we both have been benificiaries of this fine thread, and while I may not have been as worthy, you are most deserving! I also like the idea of the "Crispin Critter" scholarship fund, and making other worthy people CM's. I also agree that this is one place for all to get along, and leave their opinions and attitudes checked at the door. Later....Gary

so..first, thank everyone for not insulting an belittling me in here...

seems like every thread I post in....the first response is some insult...but if I respond, my comments are removed. and I get nasty pm's for the authority figures...who also insult me openly in threads...

I know I am a bit out of step...but double standards are for parades...not human interactions...
so a heart felt thank you to those who don't stoop to such measures...

SC, you will learn the boundaries. I can say from experience that pushing too hard will only hurt you ( well and also all the females who adore you).
Choose your battles wisely, like old Jack, find ground favorable to you

Hey everyone, I am early to the party today! LOL! I am actually home sick, as I woke up running for the bathroom. I hate being sick! It's to nice a day for this crap! Oh well.
Scott, do you happen to listen to Dave Ramsey by any chance?
Do get well Diesel, your right its no weather for feelin yucky.

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