
The plateing looked very enticing, and good to the palet. Yes, high end food is simple to make at home, sometimes "real" chefs make things look hard to justify the high dining out prices, and to make you think theirs is the only place to get that dish. But they are easy to replicate in your own kitchen, and sometimes come out better to your taste! I'll think of something good and be back later......Gary

as promised earlier, tonight's simple fare celebrates any season.....this is what we eat in the North Country in Jan. to hurry summer along.

Weather on the lake is very pleasant today with dropping humidity, and cooling North Breezes, and the Lakes water temp is 5 degrees warmer than the air temp. at 75.
Let's start by sitting back with our favorite outside view, in a comfortable chair, with the libation of your choice....Mine of course will contain rum of some sort.
Both of tonights recipes come from "Florida Outdoor Mag"

Bacon-wrapped shrimp kabobs:

2 lbs. lg.-jumbo shrimp-peeled
1 lb. maple-flaveredbacon
1 bottle your favorite BBQ sauce
horseradish to taste
non-stik spray-on oil
aluminum foil

clean and peel shrimp. cut each bacon strip in half, and use to wrap each shrimp. Place shrimp on skewers. Brush the skewers with the BBQ sauce, cover grill with al. foil, punch several holes in the foil. The foil keeps the sauce next to the shrimp while cooking. Forgot to mention that you mix the BBQ sauce and horseradish together to you taste before basting. Cook the shrimp until reddish-pink withcontinual basting. Don't over cook or will be tough. Serve the remaining sauce with the kabobs for dipping.

Texas Cavier:

1 cans Blackeye peas drained
4 stalks celery-chopped
1 lg. onion-diced
4-5 jalapino peppers- deveined and minced
1 green pepper-chopped
1 red pepper-chopped
4 cloves garlic-minced
olive oil to taste
red wine vinegar to taste

Mix all ingriedients. Cover and let sit overnightto mix flavors,( not necessary IMO). Serve as a side dish. This is also good served on toast points as appetizer.

Hope you enjoy, and heading next door for a while, be back ......Gary


Evening everybody,

I've been on the road. Glad to see JG got paroled early. All is right with the TNET force. I got some detecting in today. I found my first mercury dime, first 50 cent piece, 6 coins from the United Arab Emirates, and more fishing weights then you can shake a stick at. I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Hope everybody is doing well. I'm going to back track and read and the posts I have missed.


UAE coins? where you been? are you cia?

I'm still trying to figure out if Jeff is a beautiful brunette, a sweaty pirate or a CIA operative! Maybe he's all three!

no Crispin may be cia, I have no UAE coins


Don't want to miss a good intro for a you go...

Willie Nelson - On the road again.

Evening everybody,

I've been on the road. Glad to see JG got paroled early. All is right with the TNET force. I got some detecting in today. I found my first mercury dime, first 50 cent piece, 6 coins from the United Arab Emirates, and more fishing weights then you can shake a stick at. I'll post some pictures tomorrow. Hope everybody is doing well. I'm going to back track and read and the posts I have missed.



You just have to get use to Jeff's multiple personalities, I think there may be times he's not sure who he is. Gary

Good Evening, Everyone!

I've been torn lately on spending my time reading for the Fall Semester or
getting my ruck ready for this weekend's camping trip.....

Ah, to be in the mountains for a few days!

Might be awhile before I'm able to go again.....

I should hear back from the med equip repair people for a meeting this Thursday.
I've also got to go to the College to get my new Student ID, Parking Pass, etc.

Then I'm off for one last respite before
academics win over all free time.

As one who would never advocate gambling, :laughing7:
I wonder what the line in Vegas is for rain on Scott's trip?

Here' the latest info......

Dahlonega Weather - AccuWeather Forecast for GA 30533

I've learned to not believe the damn prognosticators.

Pardon my vocabulary....

Instead, I'll prepare as usual with the knowledge that it can
get chilly in the mountains, especially if you are wet....

That reminds me, I need to replenish my magnesium fire kit with some new dryer lint.
And waterproof some matches.
And read chapters 4-8 in the first book.

Wow! So much to do, so little time!
Summer is quickly running out.
I hear rumblings of .....Football!

We're not even down to MLB Playoffs, yet!


We'll see cold medicine creep into the commercial circuit on TV, then,
the exploitation of the Labor Day Weekend, the Halloween season, the Thanksgiving season, then, GASP!

Christmas ads and displays!

My point is;

It's time to slow down.
Yes, work hard, plan for the future, but,

Don't forget to stop for just a moment, every day,
to just be thankful for the blessings in your life.

Resolve to be a positive influence in someone's life, to hold a door open for someone,
to always be kind to animals, to help others in some way---
even if it's a smile and a kind word.

I'm sorry, but the only music that those 9 out of 10 were...

Hope all have a fantastic and productive week ahead!

Best Wishes,



You just have to get use to Jeff's multiple personalities, I think there may be times he's not sure who he is. Gary


Jeff, I understand.
Me? Not so much.

I use "multiple personalities,"
as I assume Jeff does also;
For Humor.

Have you not seen some of the personas that I've posted?

As a mater of fact,
look at my previous post and notice that I speak of myself in third person?

So, like I said,
Jeff, I understand.
Me? Not so much.

My Best,



You just have to get use to Jeff's multiple personalities, I think there may be times he's not sure who he is. Gary

well think about it guys, anyone can be one person. It takes talent to be many people. And that way no one gets too close a bead on who I really am!!


One of the food gurus these days is Wolfgang Puck and his flagship restaurant is Spago's in Beverly Hill, Ca.

He does have some recipes on his website and most of them seem pretty straight forward.....the Spago's menu is on the website also but no prices....heaven knows what they charge....

Do an internet search for Wolfgang and check out some of his might give you a bit of inspiration for future fare.

Regards + HH



The plateing looked very enticing, and good to the palet. Yes, high end food is simple to make at home, sometimes "real" chefs make things look hard to justify the high dining out prices, and to make you think theirs is the only place to get that dish. But they are easy to replicate in your own kitchen, and sometimes come out better to your taste! I'll think of something good and be back later......Gary

well think about it guys, anyone can be one person. It takes talent to be many people. And that way no one gets too close a bead on who I really am!!

For Jeff,

Stay safe, Jefe.

Call if you need anything.



Jeff? who ever he is today, hmmm, gotta wonder l.o.l..


One of the food gurus these days is Wolfgang Puck and his flagship restaurant is Spago's in Beverly Hill, Ca.

He does have some recipes on his website and most of them seem pretty straight forward.....the Spago's menu is on the website also but no prices....heaven knows what they charge....

Do an internet search for Wolfgang and check out some of his might give you a bit of inspiration for future fare.

Regards + HH


Ya know, Guys...
You just gave me a great idea.

A "Treasurenet Golden Recipe Book."

I'm no slouch in a kitchen,
having once been "Kitchen Manager" at a Sorority at Kansas University.....

Oh, My! The stories that Uncle Scott could tell....


Pardon, I digress....

The recipe book could be actually a download-thus negating postal costs for hard copies.

Of course, offer hard copies.

Having worked in many printing shops,

and actually compiling a book, printing it, collating and binding it, gold stamping the spine and cover,

I think this idea could generate revenue to fund Charter Memberships....

"Senor, I think you think too much...."

Any interest in a potential endeavor?



Of course, after Monday, follows Tuesday....

I'm ready for tomorrow;
I'm ready for the rain.

My Best,


You Dog!

Didn't realize that you learned how to post videos.

You gettin' good, man.

I Nominate RC as Auxiliary DJ.

You go, cat!

My Best,


Peaked at #6 on Oct. 5th, 1974.

Best Wishes, My Friend!​

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Ya know, Guys...
You just gave me a great idea.

A "Treasurenet Golden Recipe Book."

I'm no slouch in a kitchen,
having once been "Kitchen Manager" at a Sorority at Kansas University.....

Oh, My! The stories that Uncle Scott could tell....


Pardon, I digress....

The recipe book could be actually a download-thus negating postal costs for hard copies.

Of course, offer hard copies.

Having worked in many printing shops,

and actually compiling a book, printing it, collating and binding it, gold stamping the spine and cover,

I think this idea could generate revenue to fund Charter Memberships....

View attachment 840233
"Senor, I think you think too much...."

Any interest in a potential endeavor?



Now, kids, y'all see,
what a well rounded "education" and experience can lead to.

I'm always looking out for the penny, 'cause the dollars look after themselves, and,
tryin' to find new ways to help others, and willing to be as crazy as I need to be to live my dream.

How 'bout you?


My Best,


(DAMN! What a sweet "Ovation" guitar....I once owned an "Ovation")​

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