untitled 5.webp

"Well? What do ya think?"

" I think it's all good. The boy is obviously better prepared for the Fall semester than any of his classmates."

"Yeah, but what if his Scholarships don't come through and he can't afford his books?"

"Pshaw, I have full confidence that the boy WILL find access to textbooks, even if it means 'buddying-up' with the cutest girl in the class."

"Oh, the Humanity!"



As a Veteran,

This is relevant to me.

I hope that it is to you, also.

For My Friends



I hope not to be found "too political" by current PC standards...
but that's a whole 'nother can a worms.....​

As a Veteran,

This is relevant to me.

I hope that it is to you, also.

For My Friends



I hope not to be found "too political" by current PC standards...
but that's a whole 'nother can a worms.....​

ok if you remember Red, you have be as old as me, he was great

ok if you remember Red, you have be as old as me, he was great


Yeah, I'm probably "that old."
Wanna compare "scars"
Mental or physical?

Here, have a snort of this here corn squeezing.....

Got a song request?



Back when there was only 3 channels.

Color TV and computers were something from "Buck Rogers,"

and, really, life was alot easier....


Last edited:
think it was ' good night and God bless'

and he was also from Indiana

Gertrude and Heathcliff were my Favorites He was a funny man,and always said God Bless at the end of the show.

Ah, yes.
The two seagulls.

Then, maybe some of you may remember the humor of Jonathan Winters.

Or, maybe not.....



Don't make me go all Lawrence Welk on ya.....​

And now,
180 Degrees from the threatened Lawrence Welk,
I offer what everyone is thinking right now!




A government takeover? Heck, that happened a few years back. Nothing to worry about now. We missed the boat for worrying.

A government takeover? Heck, that happened a few years back. Nothing to worry about now. We missed the boat for worrying.

A "Doubter." In Maryland, I perceive....

Allow me to speak for this thread....

The original title, has since been modified.

Allow Crispin to explain:

Originally Posted by Crispin Kind of hard to sum up, but I'll try: Many Aeons ago, in a galaxy far, far away I was discussing with JerseyBen the merits of forming a club named after Spartacus. Several days to weeks later Worldtalker posted that he was not worried about a government takeover. I thought this was a valid point and started a club of people not worried about that very thing. People started signing up, Worldtalker resigned, and the list grew bigger and bigger. It came to a point that we had to assign positions in order to keep track of all the important goings on. Bill became minister of music and was later joined by Au24K. Backbacon became chief chef and was later joined by GMD52. I attempted to relinquish the position of president to Spartacus several times but he didn't want to join the club. GIB headed up our zombie army and kept our enemies at bay. The more people who joined, the more enemies we developed. Polarization began to occur throughout the forum. DieselRam grabbed the 2000th post and instilled a temporary peace. Alas, it would not last and Crispin's Critters was temporarily shut down at my request. Several of us attempted relocation but I was fooled by Sauron the Deciever. After taking council with my mentor I called TreasureHunter on the phone and he welcomed us back with an unconditional positive regard. I then came under a merciless attack by Ms. Jackson. From then on out the mission of the thread changed. We took a vow of friendship and to support each other. Recipes were shared, good music was generated, and the club has prospered ever since. We have lost quite a few good members along the way but hopefully they will return to us. New members joined and developed strong roles (SecretCanyon, Fletch88, and others.)

Now, this thread is a bastion of hope and positivity for all those on treasurenet who wish to join. Many of us let newcomers know that politics and hatred are not welcome in this thread, TH is always keeping watch. Occasionally, a ruckus spills over into other threads and members get put on time out; however, by and large we are a peaceful lot. Okay, that's about it....any questions?


I hope this will clear up any mis-preconcieved notions....

Welcome to the thread!



Have you any musical requests, my Lord?



A late evening tune for you....

King Curtis - A whiter shade of pale.



A "Doubter." In Maryland, I perceive....

Allow me to speak for this thread....

The original title, has since been modified.

Allow Crispin to explain:

Originally Posted by Crispin Kind of hard to sum up, but I'll try: Many Aeons ago, in a galaxy far, far away I was discussing with JerseyBen the merits of forming a club named after Spartacus. Several days to weeks later Worldtalker posted that he was not worried about a government takeover. I thought this was a valid point and started a club of people not worried about that very thing. People started signing up, Worldtalker resigned, and the list grew bigger and bigger. It came to a point that we had to assign positions in order to keep track of all the important goings on. Bill became minister of music and was later joined by Au24K. Backbacon became chief chef and was later joined by GMD52. I attempted to relinquish the position of president to Spartacus several times but he didn't want to join the club. GIB headed up our zombie army and kept our enemies at bay. The more people who joined, the more enemies we developed. Polarization began to occur throughout the forum. DieselRam grabbed the 2000th post and instilled a temporary peace. Alas, it would not last and Crispin's Critters was temporarily shut down at my request. Several of us attempted relocation but I was fooled by Sauron the Deciever. After taking council with my mentor I called TreasureHunter on the phone and he welcomed us back with an unconditional positive regard. I then came under a merciless attack by Ms. Jackson. From then on out the mission of the thread changed. We took a vow of friendship and to support each other. Recipes were shared, good music was generated, and the club has prospered ever since. We have lost quite a few good members along the way but hopefully they will return to us. New members joined and developed strong roles (SecretCanyon, Fletch88, and others.)

Now, this thread is a bastion of hope and positivity for all those on treasurenet who wish to join. Many of us let newcomers know that politics and hatred are not welcome in this thread, TH is always keeping watch. Occasionally, a ruckus spills over into other threads and members get put on time out; however, by and large we are a peaceful lot. Okay, that's about it....any questions?


I hope this will clear up any mis-preconcieved notions....

Welcome to the thread!



Have you any musical requests, my Lord?

It was meant to be more funny than political, but I understand your point. As for musical requests, anything from Simple Minds would be great.

Belfast Child is one of their good ones.

I'll try to post it later when I figure out how to do it.

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