Released in 1982, on the album, "It's Hard," it peaked on the charts at #68 on Jan. 15, 1983.

It's amazing the information gleaned from the most unlikely sources:


"A song by the rock group The Who about the facade one erects, or the pose one assumes, whether from pride, arrogance, insecurity or some other motive, in order to conceal his or her identity or essential self. The song lists various happenings, the pursuit or occurrence of which causes us to forget that we conceal ourselves as such."

Pretty accurate 411...

How many times have I played that album and missed the meaning?

How many other albums contain pearls?

I'm looking at music a little differently lately....



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Must post a pic of the boys now sleeping together..:)

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My son lounging on couch :)


  • image-1418808318.webp
    38.9 KB · Views: 87
Thanks Scott,
Beautiful creatures. .takes me back to another time in my life and the feel of a soft warm muzzle. .

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

wondering if this post should be on second amendment forum

Must post a pic of the boys now sleeping together..:)

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Winston is so cool....
He knows what time it is.

And who's "moustache kitty?"



LOL. yeppers and ready for fun

wondering if this post should be on second amendment forum

"Now Son, I see that you can start fire and,
pay attention while I'm talking, boy...

Put, I say, put the matches down, son...

Fire is good, for cooking, on campfires....
but sometimes fire is best left in your pocket until it is really needed...

Ya know, Sometimes I feel like I'm spittin' in the wind.

Is any of this makin' it's way through your pointy little head, Son?"


We missed you Jeff and don't wanna see you go sit in the corner again.

If you have problems with a member (other than me :tongue3:) send me a PM and we'll work out a solution.

Your Friend,


The invitation to PM me is open to all, for any reason, in confidence.


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I just had a random thought, looking ahead to the upcoming semester, with the experience of last semester,
that parking is at a premium.

I may end up using my bike again this Fall.

The College is woefully short on bike racks.

Perhaps I'll look into having more bike racks purchased and installed...

I like it.
Good on many angles;

Gonna look into it.....


Here's another one of those songs from an album that I've played hundreds of times,
without really listening to the words or making a connection to the meaning.....

How many time were you admonished for YOUR ATTITUDE?

You go down the pub
You wear make up
And old dads trousers
Why don't you tidy up
You talk like a docker but you act like a queer
You drink champagne then complain it's too dear
You try so hard not to follow any trends
Then you cry in your beer and say you've got no friends
But is it any wonder that you've got no friends
But it's not the make up
Or the way you dress
It's not your appearance, that they all detest
It's not your manners, that you gotta improve
ooooo--it's your attitude.

Attitude, Oo Oo Oo
Your attitude
Attitude, Oo Oo Oo
Your attitude

Take off your head phones
Hear what's going on
You can't live in a time zone
You've gotta move on
But before you get there
There's one thing you've gotta do
Oh change your attitude
It's your attitude
It's your attitude

Attitude, Oo Oo Oo
Your attitude
Attitude, Oo Oo Oo
Your attitude

The '80s are here, I know cuz I'm staring right at them
But you're still waiting for 1960 to happen

You might have the illness, but you've got the cure
You've got the answer, you will endure
You're the only person that's gonna pull you through
Ooh, with your attitude

Attitude, Oo Oo Oo
Your attitude
Attitude, Oo Oo Oo
Your attitude

You gotta learn to be positive, it's your only chance
You mustn't be so defensive, you gotta join in the dance
But it isn't your dancing that you've gotta improve
Ooh, it's your attitude.

Attitude, Oo Oo Oo
Your attitude
Attitude, Oo Oo Oo
Your attitude

It's all the music
It's all in your brain
You've used all the old licks
Now it's all gotta change.
Change your attitude
It's your attitude

My Mom always admonished me on such matters-socially, psychologically, morally and spiritually.

I miss my "admonisher..."





Good luck on the new home purchase.....I'm sure you'll get it all sorted out.

Regards + HH


Hey everyone, I am late to the party as usual! LOL! I am trying to not get stressed out to bad this weekend. Kind of hard not to though. We are coming down to the wire on closing on our new house in Florida and we have one big detail to finish by noon on Monday, otherwise we will have to get an extension for closing. Not easy to do as it is a short sale. Lets pray for the best!

Hey everyone, I am late to the party as usual! LOL! I am trying to not get stressed out to bad this weekend. Kind of hard not to though. We are coming down to the wire on closing on our new house in Florida and we have one big detail to finish by noon on Monday, otherwise we will have to get an extension for closing. Not easy to do as it is a short sale. Lets pray for the best!

Party in your new house!

I'll send out invites via "Easy Riders" for free beer to all Harley riders.
What bands shall I mention?

Oh, and it all starts at the early hour of midnight.

Don't worry, Brother, I got this.....



Oh..hey Scott Mr moustache is Squiggy. ..

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Party in your new house!

I'll send out invites via "Easy Riders" for free beer to all Harley riders.
What bands shall I mention?

Oh, and it all starts at the early hour of midnight.

Don't worry, Brother, I got this.....



Yo, Bro,

It's several biker clubs interested and am now hearing back from another group of Friends.

All I need now is the date and the address. :laughing7:

We'll show them how we can all get along!



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Time to read some more from the books for Fall Semester.

Hope all are well and happy!

This next coming weekend, I'm going camping...
may be the last trip before school starts...
At least a 3-nighter....
{plan on rain...}

Best Wishes for a safe, happy and enjoyable weekend.

See y'all again soon!



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Tonight we honor the repatration of the wayward JG, in honor of his return, may I offer Campagne momosas, brussceta with smoked salmon, topped with buluga caviar.

Mr DJ if you please...a little " We are Family" Gary

now that's living the good life

Gary, Jeff etal,

Here you go Sister Sledge - We are family.



The Staple Singers - Respect yourself + I'll take you there.


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