Jeff, maybe another thread like "Catching Jeff Of PA" is in order? How about a thread called "Who Likes Jeff Gordon" put up in the Everything Else section? It may help you in your quest.

Hey! good thinnin there Backbacon. When I am Emperor I shall appoint you my think tank.


This must be "story night..."

Here's another from my illicit youth....

I was enjoying an evening with my newly married wife, (#!, 1978) when a crash and knock was heard at my door.

Well, we were "enjoying" the nuptials and listening to my stereo cranking out this tune, LOUDLY,

And who should appear?

Yes, the local constabulary.

Quickly apprising the situation,
I confronted the interlopers and sent them upon their way to investigate
true crime being perpetrated that evening in so many words....

I learned that sometimes it's not HOW you say it,
it is WHAT you say....

I still have pull after 25+ years in that jurisdiction.....



Always better not to be confrontational when your holding...... I have been pulled several times when I was very, very, VERY worried about them searching my car/van. Being polite and respectful helped as I was never searched...

I was pulled for expired inspection sticker on a car I had had only about a week, another guy and I had traded cars and pink slips one night. I never noticed it was expired, officer asked for my license, I reached for my wallet and releazed I had forgot it at home. I was working for phone company so I showed him my company ID. He said fine, show him my registration and he would let me off with a warning.

I showed him the registration and I hear him sigh, I asked is something wrong, he says your plates dont match the registration....

He then tells me son, I have to have your car towed and I have to give you tickets now for expired inspection, no license on me and invalid tags on car..... He then says, " your in so much trouble I want search your car." Lets just say I would have had free room and board for awhile.....

It turned out the guy I got the car from own several cars that tags were all due at same time and he reversed the plates by accident........:BangHead:

What was even more nerve racking was I had to go to the impound lot and claim my car and it's contents....

Ah, Kids,

When I was in the Army,
At 18 years old, I was allowed the privilege of drinking.
"Hard likker"

Yes, another story....

One day, I engaged another recruit to a drinking contest
when I first arrived at my "permanent duty station."

We agreed upon cutting cards for shots of "Southern Comfort."

Well, after about an hour, the quart was finished and the result was that until then,
I had never had my clothes washed...with me in them!

To this day, I will not take a shot of "Southern Comfort."



If anyone is looking for a fantastic Porter try this one out.


One more story for tonight....

One evening, a Friend came by and said," XXX is using newborn kittens for target practice."

Knowing how I would react, he was eager to accompany me.

I waited until near dark, and drove to the country, and parked 1/2 mile from the location.

I then low-crawled to the barn where the kittens were.
Grabbing the first kitten that I saw, I ran back to my truck and sped away....

My kitten saved was Otis....

Picture 107.webp

Picture 106.webp

Picture 147.webp

My Buddy for over 10 years....

Damn the fool who would hurt an animal...



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Perhaps I've mentioned this before, but,
Whenever I was having a bad day, Otis knew and jumped into my lap as if to say, "It's OK, Scott."
And when I'd play this song and start to whistle the tune,
Otis would come and look for love that he would always get....

For you Otis....

I miss my Otis Boy....



To my mind the way people treat or mistreat helpless animals tells you a lot about their character or lack thereof.....I couldn't intentionally harm a helpless animal and look at myself in the mirror.

Regards + HH



One more story for tonight....

One evening, a Friend came by and said," XXX is using newborn kittens for target practice."

Knowing how I would react, he was eager to accompany me.

I waited until near dark, and drove to the country, and parked 1/2 mile from the location.

I then low-crawled to the barn where the kittens were.
Grabbing the first kitten that I saw, I ran back to my truck and sped away....

My kitten saved was Otis....

View attachment 829705

View attachment 829709

View attachment 829710

My Buddy for over 10 years....

Damn the fool who would hurt an animal...




To my mind the way people treat or mistreat helpless animals tells you a lot about their character or lack thereof.....I couldn't intentionally harm a helpless animal and look at myself in the mirror.

Regards + HH


Bill, My Friend,

Having studied advanced psychology,

anyone who willingly harms animals is suspect for further crimes to include....

Well, I still have more to study before I make my pronunciations....

But, God help them if they ever cross my path.....



You all must also remember Ripple, and Old Duke, ,,,,,,Thunderbird, and the ever tasty.....Strawberry Swizzle! Ah those were the days.....$ .35 cents/gal. gas, and the evenings libation was under $1/bottle.......a lot of bang for a buck......Gary

my first job was a gas station and gas was 24.9, man am I old?

Well..yeah..eighty something. .lol!

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And my addled brain just remembered Grand Union Beer.......Red-White,and blue can.......$1.99 a case.....I think it was all brands barrel bottoms poured into one....Just like exlax.......cleaned like a white tornado......Gary


I just saw weather radar, and some t-storms went through your area, and are just arriving here on the north wind.....Much rain....Gary

I gave a talk tonight for a cancer support group. As usual, somebody asked me, "How do you deal with all of this on a daily basis." I gave a new answer tonight: "A friend of mine gave me advice that has changed the way I interact with people. It is not an absolute answer to your question; however, it has been very helpful. 'Control your emotions or somebody else will.'" The woman who asked the question smiled and gave a knowing look. I wonder if she is a metal detectorist...


my first job was a gas station and gas was 24.9, man am I old?

I rode my bike across town when I was a senior in high school to be the night manager of a full serve gas station.

Remember "Pumping Ethyl?"
$0.34 per gal.

Saved up until I bought a Honda, 1964, 305 Dream with a "Scrambler" front end.

Damn, those were the days.....




She wasn't by any chance a Psych nurse was she?........Gary

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