So yesterday we had furniture delivered to my house, as we just moved in a few months ago. This place is much bigger than our previous, thus, we had to buy furniture to fill it (and my wife wanted to replace our old beat up bedroom furniture).
So my wife had ordered a new bedroom set when we were at the furniture store picking out couches/chairs, etc. What we did not realize was that since we were replacing old beat up dressers with one of those dresser/closet combos and moving it to a (previously unused) built in alcove, this would eliminate our current TV setup creating a problem that I never even knew I had.

This entailed shopping for a new TV that could be placed in front of the bed in an empty spot on the wall where the old dresser used to be. The solution was to FINALLY replace our old 32" CR tube TV with an HDTV that would be mounted to the wall.
Well, she picked out the furniture, so this part was my project. I found a really nice LED 32" HDTV made by Samsung and had it delivered to my door for $282 total. Tack on an additional $25 for the wall mount and I was ready to install.
USED MY GARRET PRO POINTER TO LOCATE THE STUDS. Measured and drilled the holes and set up the mount. Mounted the plate to the back of the TV and set it all up. Works great and I feel some "homeowner pride" having done the whole job myself.
I know I am no match for diesel as in building my own house or anything, but I'll take a win where I can get it. Thanks for reading.