Ships that washed ashore on Dog Island during the 1899 Carrabelle Hurricane were*unearthed completely by Hurricane Michael's vicious storm surge last week*in*Franklin County, Florida.
Of the 15 ships that were grounded on the barrier island during the storm 119 years ago, it's unclear which or how many were unearthed by Michael.
Sitting on the Gulf of Mexico side of the island, the wooden ships now rest*in plain view near the west end of the island.
They’ve been mostly stationary since 1899 when they were wrecked in a hurricane,” wrote DOS spokeswoman Sarah Revell. “From time to time, some parts of the site have become exposed.”
The 1899 hurricane crossed over the Florida Keys into the Gulf of Mexico where it strengthened into what would be classified today as a Category 2 storm. It sacked Lanark and*St. Teresa Beach. Carrabelle, Florida left just nine houses standing and killed*one woman, who was crushed by a house.
Courtesy Florida Today