Perhaps you are interested in how I won $600 at the casino.....
Harrah's. At the end of Canal Street in the French Quarter.
I've been to other casinos that have "Texas Hold-Em'" poker,
but they have only offered the game through "video" play or "Play against the dealer." (The "House.")
But, here, I played against other players. NO house involved.
It was me against the world......
I purchase $1000 in chips.
Now, I will use "terms" that are familiar to some, and terms that I have created.....
I'm fresh at a table of "Texas Hold-em" No limit. Minimum $100 buy in. No limit on bets.....
I take my seat and size up the other players. As they are sizing me up.....
Now, Friends, I have A LOT of experience playing this For "Play Money."
Where you never see one's expressions or mannerisms.
This is a whole new experience for me.
Big Blind is $20 and small blind is $10.
I'm not on the button and two cards are dealt to me, face down.
I take a look at my "pocket."
I got "Dos Equis."
This is a term that I created to reflect my pocket.
The Roman numeral for 10 is an "X."
I have 2. Thus, "Dos Equis.
I take a sip of my coffee. and wait.....
I show NO emotion, but scan the table for signs......
I see one guy's pupils enlarge.....
He must have a pair, some "paint" or "Big Slick."
(Paint=the name for either a Jack, Queen or King. Big Slick= Ace-King.)
Everyone drops out but me and two others. Buddy included.
I call the "Big Blind" of $20.
Here comes the flop....
A jack, a king and another 10.
A "Rainbow" flop.
(Rainbow Flop= all different suits.)
Buddy cannot contain himself. If he was a dog, his tail would be wagging.
I quickly calculate the odds in my head and conclude that he is riding a straight.
I'm holding 3 of a kind.
His bet.
He bet $100.
Other guy folds.
Now it's just me and him...
Now here's where my psychology comes into play....
I took my time and "Slow-Played" him.
I acted like I wanted to fold, (and I actually thought I should, but, the odds of one more "paint" card showing up kept me in)
I eventually called.
The next card turned is called "The Turn," It was a 5.
No help to either of us.....
His bet.
He bet $100.
Now the odds have changed. I quickly calculate the odds of paint to help me versus his potential straight.
I raise $100.
Friends, I wish you could have seen his face when I raised.
He was so shocked, thinking he was a winner with a straight that he didn't counter-raise.
The pot is right, and here comes the final card. The "River."
AH! Another King!
Buddy's bet.
He bets $100.
He think's he's going to "Slow-Play" Me?
I raise $300.
He calls.
He show's his "Rainbow" straight and I show a pained face and said,
Damn! I guess my full House wins, don't it?
I reached out to rake in the chips and as I did, I looked at the dealer and said, "I'll cash out now."
THAT'S when Buddy got pissed....No chance to win back his losses.....
Perhaps my proclivity and success of Collegiate "Statistics" and odds study paid off.....
Of course, there was a bit of Psychology involved, too....
Y'all be good and play the hand dealt to you!
I purchased several souvenir Chips for my collection.
Soon, I will devise a question, in the way of a contest, to give one away....
Since RC seems to be in tune with me, I'll consult him with the details.
It appears that My questions are too easy.....
What do you say RC, my Friend?
Something like, "What was Moses's wife's name?"
I have many souvenirs.
I have also lost many souvenirs in my life....
Those are the ones that I remember and cherish the most.....
Tune up, John....
You play and I'll sing.....
Or vice-versa.....
Perhaps you should sing and I'll play.....
Don't cha just love the sound of nothing but a guitar and a voice?
Sometimes, souvenirs are found only in our memory.
Make as many souvenirs as you can, my Friends!