Perhaps you know that I hate bridges.
Perhaps you know of Lake Pontchartrain.
Perhaps you know that I was a victim of such!!8m2!3d30.1935309!4d-90.1239958

I hate bridges.
I hate bridges over water.
I found myself lost and on the "North Causeway."
Once I was on the bridge, looking forward, I could not see land....
OK, Scott, don't freak out....
I kept reminding myself how far that I could swim....

This bridge was over 20 miles of water!

I made it over, but the story gets worse....


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Yep I remember the old Hee Haw show always good for a some chuckles...:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Anybody remember that tv show Hee Haw? “Hey grandpa what’s for supper?” Well last night we had pork chops, macaroni and cheese, black eyed peas and corn on the cob. What did you have? I know I can’t compete with Uncle Bill and Scott!!!! Haha


I remember it very well. I had received an early pension offer from work and watched in horror and the towers came crashing down.

I was supposed to have my farewell party on the Thursday of that week and when I got a call from one of the higher ups asking if it was ok to postpone it. My answer was twofold I don't want any of my friends or coworkers flying in when we don't know if anymore craziness is going to happen. Also it's not the time for a party when all these innocent people lost their lives needlessly.

I’m flying my flag at my home at half staff today. To honor all who have perished, lost eyesight life or limb in the military because of 9-11-01. Of course it’s for all Civilians as well. Do you remember where you were? God bless


Uncle Bill thanks for sharing your story. You know I really worry about all of my friends here. So I was thinking god forbid, but if something happened to one of us, how in the world could we get the word out???? I don’t know....


Another story that happened on 911 was relayed to me from a fellow coworker at my retirement farewell a few week later.

Since I worked in Railway marketing our sales rep covering NYC flew in for the get together. He was a Vietnam vet and was in NYC on business when it happened and was staying at a hotel next to the trade center.

He was actually on the sidewalk and witnessed the plane hit the 2nd tower, he knew it was going to be chaos so rushed to check out of the hotel and headed off on foot to walk across the nearest bridge to escape the craziness to follow.

Does not my experiences invoke your wanting to know of this and that?

Perhaps I shall not relate further experiences. I'm upset of recent posts....
Too bad that I decline further experiences.....
Many amusing stories are not available now....
Because one has played me.
Shame on you!
I will remain dormant.
(Posts that are not on Treasurenet. Posts that reflect Military Service.)

Love my Friends here at Treasurenet.

Let me find out who disses my post and I'll show them how a slow death is performed.....


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Scott I have no idea what you’re talking about. I still love ya like a brother!!!!

Uncle Bill glad your friend made it ok. Chaos is a good word explaining that time frame.

Does not my experiences invoke your wanting to know of this and that?

Perhaps I shall not relate further experiences. I'm upset of recent posts....
Too bad that I decline further experiences.....
Many amusing stories are not available now....
Because one has played me.
Shame on you!
I will remain dormant.
(Posts that are not on Treasurenet. Posts that reflect Military Service.)

Love my Friends here at Treasurenet.

Let me find out who disses my post and I'll show them how a slow death is performed.....


Nothing like a vacation to brighten ones out look.:laughing7:

My last vacation has been a few or more years ago. Fishing Canada.
Though I do stay at Dads now and then when he needs serious watching.

Stopped in unannounced at Dads the other day.
A dang it all event.
Same dishes in dish drain I washed last week.
Funky dirty dishes breeding who knows what in the sink. Knocked them out and lectured Dad that his coffee cup needs to be washed once a week.
Rancid trash.
Same left overs I put in fridge too....

Need to bring him some food.
He did have a pot of chili cooling, but it smelled funny enough to politely decline a bowl.

Left my phone on his sofa.
Guess I gave myself another reason to go back.
He gets checked on regular by others. Proof of life or something like that.

Left me in a sour humor. Knowing the answers to about any question about his existence doesn't help.

RC I rather doubt my kids will even call me. Good job friend!


Hang in there unfortunately we all go through rough patches along the strong.


RC now that’s funny!!

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