Nothing like a vacation to brighten ones out look.
My last vacation has been a few or more years ago. Fishing Canada.
Though I do stay at Dads now and then when he needs serious watching.
Stopped in unannounced at Dads the other day.
A dang it all event.
Same dishes in dish drain I washed last week.
Funky dirty dishes breeding who knows what in the sink. Knocked them out and lectured Dad that his coffee cup needs to be washed once a week.
Rancid trash.
Same left overs I put in fridge too....
Need to bring him some food.
He did have a pot of chili cooling, but it smelled funny enough to politely decline a bowl.
Left my phone on his sofa.
Guess I gave myself another reason to go back.
He gets checked on regular by others. Proof of life or something like that.
Left me in a sour humor. Knowing the answers to about any question about his existence doesn't help.