Just down the street, I find a shop that sells HOT concoctions!



I purchase one called, "One Fu*kin' Drop At A Time,"
Sold with an eye dropper...
And another called, "Death Stalker," made with Scorpion Peppers.

I have made some of my own recipes that included names like, "Blister Your Butt," and "Scott's Devil's Dirt."


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Here ya go Scotty. Some traveling music ,on the street.


And, just down the street, at the end of Canal Street is....

Harrah's Casino!


Being cautious upon entering, I got a cup of coffee. Cream and sugar, thank you.

I then wandered the floor looking for action.
I found it in the way of "Texas No Hold 'Em" Poker."
$100 buy-in.

I signed on to the waiting list and, 30 minutes later, found myself sitting at a "No Limit" bet table.

How did I do?

Well, how did you expect me to do.....

And I scored some great cigars...:headbang:

More later....


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After winning $600 at the casino,
I continued my walk.

Scotty plays to win, dig?
And, I smoked a great $50 cigar!
Rolled before me.....


Is this vacation the best or what?



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I was at work. My LtCol yelled at me down the hall come see this. About 3 people were in the break room watching it unfold. Shortly after I arrived, the second plane hit the second tower. I was the Antiterrorism Officer. We collectively gasped. I said “ well gentlemen, looks like we’re going to war.” “ I have some phone calls to make” About 3 days later I was summoned to Langley........

Somewhat drunk with my winnings at the casino, I found my way to the New Orleans mint.

I took many photos but I'm still drunk with the experience.

Certainly you understand.

I'll post pics later...

I love vacations!


OK. Here it is.....
One of my pics....


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Scotty I got news for ya buddy there is no somewhat drunk. It’s like pregnancy you either are or not. Hehe

I was at work. My LtCol yelled at me down the hall come see this. About 3 people were in the break room watching it unfold. Shortly after I arrived, the second plane hit the second tower. I was the Antiterrorism Officer. We collectively gasped. I said “ well gentlemen, looks like we’re going to war.” “ I have some phone calls to make” About 3 days later I was summoned to Langley........

And, I was recruited based upon my language skills...Dig?


Scotty I got news for ya buddy there is no somewhat drunk. It’s like pregnancy you either are or not. Hehe

And when one portrays a drunk, to play others, what would you call that?
Military Intelligence.

Do you not recall the times that my Pap and I hustled the pool tables years ago?

Do not mistake my appearance as a drunk, for you will soon lose your ass....Or life...Dig?

I'm not your fool.....

Play me and lose.....


Now, let's walk on down the street, shall we?

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O.K. , flush with the sight and smell of $$$. Better?


My full house beat the flush.
Buddy jumped up and wanted more action.
I said, "Bring it."

Kudos to the "House."
I cashed in my winnings for $ 600- and walked.
I offered to meet Buddy outside in the parking lot.
He declined....
My, doesn't that cigar taste sweet?


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Somewhat drunk with my winnings at the casino, I found my way to the New Orleans mint.

I took many photos but I'm still drunk with the experience.

Certainly you understand.

I'll post pics later...

I love vacations!


OK. Here it is.....
One of my pics....

View attachment 1631400

that is cool right there

Then, I made my way down another unfamiliar street....
Looking for a familiar site, I saw this...

And I found my youth....,

Do you not see why?


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Jumbo shrimp........

Uncle Bill, Johnny where you fellas hiding?

Joke of the day — Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Second joke of the day — My hearing aid occasionally emits a brief high-pitched squeal that can be heard by anyone near me.

One day my little grandson was sitting on my lap when the device started to beep. Surprised, my grandson looked up at me. “Grandpa," he said, "you've got mail."

Found myself in the "Crescent City Brewhouse."
Crescent City Brewhouse | Crescent City Brewhouse

Had a pint of a dark beer called, "The Black Forest."
Was tasty and slaked my thirst.
I had another.

I had promised Kipp that I'd get him a souvenir T-Shirt, so, having won handsomely at Harrah's, I bought him and his wife a T-shirt.
I also bought my landlord a T-shirt and one for myself.

While waiting for the staff to bring my shirts, the lady barkeep gave me another pint, on the house.
It always pays to tip your waitstaff!

During the time I was waiting for my shirts, sipping the 3rd pint, I noticed a "house band" tuning up.
I made my way over to do a bit of recording....


(I'm still green at uploading videos, RC. I'll try again, Friend.)

I stayed at a "Country Inn,"
A Radisson Hotel.
I was pleased with the price, the friendliness of the staff and cleanliness.


Almost everything about this vacation was perfect!

I didn't even once think about all of the work awaiting me once I returned....

Well, maybe once....:laughing7:



Joke of the day — Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?
The answer is, "No."
Most times, such products are manufactured using animal fat.
A TRUE vegan would abstain from such an offering.
Sorry to be a "buzz-kill" on your humor.....
We're still Friends, though, right?


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I am now back at home.

A weekend now awaits me to cut the grass, unload my truck, do laundry and prepare for what awaits me at work.
Johnny, the second shift Supervisor, will be glad to know that I'm not eligible for another vacation until about June of next year.....

How long will it take me to catch up on repairs?

I'm guessing about a week.
If I work my ass off.

Let's do it!


I must try out a new shot glass...
George Dickel Black tonight.....
And I'll hold my guitar now to play a tune or two....:occasion14:

Y'all be well.
I nearly had a wreck while driving back.
A Mustang entered the interstate somewhere near Mobile, Alabama, and kept on coming over to my lane from the right.
I laid on my horn and after nearly kissing my passenger side, dumb-ass swerved back into his lane.....
That was a "Light up a cigarette" moment....WHEW!

About an 8 hour drive one way.
One gets "road weary."
But, Scotty is on point, Dig?


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