Today’s feel good — I think I have found inner peace. I read an article that said the way to achieve inner peace is to finish things I had started.
Today I finished two bags of potato chips, a chocolate pie, a bottle of wine and a small box of candy. I feel better already. Pass this along to those who need inner peace.

So today I took the dog and 12 y/o to Planet 3. He had a great time. My dog watched in wonder....... about 10 minutes before we left, my dog jumped out of my lap and began rolling over and over. It was as if she said “ you kids ain’t got nothing on me” she was hilarious!!!!!!’n

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Hey Scott have you ever heard of Gary Hilton up your way?

I've heard of him but don't have any real "connection."
Other than why I am armed when I go camping in that area.....
I've often said that I don't fear snakes, bears or the weather when I camp...
I fear humans.

I once rented a house from Jeffery Dahmer's uncle, in KC.
I frequently went to Westport in Kansas City to Bob's Bizarre Bazaar.
I lived in Park City, Kansas the same time Dennis Rader was a City Code Enforcement employee.
I worked on apartment remodelling in KC the same time as Richard Grissom.
I camped less than 10 miles in north Georgia when Eric Rudolph was in the area running from the law.
My Pap was friends with Richard Hickock.
And, I once fished on the Kansas river in Lawrence with John William.
Man convicted of killing Lawrence boy in 1988 denied parole through 2021 | News, Sports, Jobs - Lawrence Journal-World: news, information, headlines and events in Lawrence, Kansas

Too many times...Too close.


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And, let's change gears, shall we?

Has anyone else noticed "Oldies" songs being played for commercials on TV besides me?

Which ones have you noticed?

Recently, I noticed this one for some new drug a big pharmacy is pushing...."Otezla?"
(apremilast, a plaque psoriasis medication)
MY! Don't they get creative and use "Catchy Names" for their drugs and use the songs to push their poison?

Most "drug" commercials, however, are for mood disorders....

I can explain why the use of "Oldies" are popular with the pharmacy and ad execs in the smoke filled back rooms...
After all, I DO have a Psychology Degree....

Tomorrow, on TV, I'll probably see a Lawyer group advertising settlements for people whom have taken this drug.

See why I hate pills?
Having a Psychology Degree, I eschew most "chemical solutions" and advocate counselling and "one-on-one" consultations.
Seems like it is too easy and detrimental to just write a script and say,
"See ya next time. Hope this works for you...."

From a "One-Hit-Wonder" Band, named, "Pilot."

I'm guessing that someone is making the bank on royalties.....


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The thunder rumbles loudly outside my door right now...
A storm is a-brewing...
Lightning strikes close by and LOUD thunder...
I hope that my electricity holds out....
Yet, the sun is making an effort to remain.

Have you ever seen the rain.....
And now, the rain falls in torrents as thunder cracks above...

I feel that I should be camping....

I have made sushi for Tristan's and my lunch tomorrow and am working on home-made crab rangoons.

He thinks that he can best me at chess and I will take in a small set tomorrow.

There is $20 on the line.

Little does he know that I won Championships as a youth....

I'll play him for as long as possible before I win.
Perhaps I've mentioned the time that I spent in County lock-up?

I played chess with other inmates to supplement my financial advantage.
You know, Ramen, coffee, chips and candy bars....

I haven't mentioned it?

My mistake.
Never mind....
Perhaps later....


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Just finished the crab rangoons...
Electricity was interrupted a few times, yet, I completed my endeavor....

I now have 3 dozen crab rangoons...

Oops. I just ate some....
Nom, nom!

And now all that is remaining is some sushi to prepare....
I've got the steamed rice and nori ready...
Let me roll it!


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Sweet, benevolent Scotty will be there to help another,
But, I've shown a deadly side....
A reason for my disturbing dreams.....
A Reason for 'carrying."

Don't ask for reasons....
Just know that I'm there....
And, I got your back...


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How about a drink, my Friend....
I'll buy....


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And, I am preparing another sushi roll....
Tomorrow's lunch will be Great!
Are you hungry?

I have your sustinece....


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And when,
The light grows dim,
And you Friends are gone,
When your last magazine is empty,
and all that is left is to throw your weapon, I'll be there, with a belt or three of M60 cal ammo....
Yeah, I'll be there, Brother....

Count on me.

You know that I'll be there....
Sometimes, My pistol sings....
And my aim is true...Stories are yet given....
Life is a gift....


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For Scott — Two Alabama State Trooper patrol cars were in hot pursuit of a Camaro heading east toward Georgia on I-90.

When the suspect crossed the Georgia line, the first trooper pulled over immediately. The rookie trooper pulled over right behind him and asked, "Sarge, why'd you stop?"

"You dumb rookie," replied the sarge. "He's in Georgia now. They're an hour ahead of us, so we'll never catch him."

I came home and my dog peed a little because she was happy to see me. None of my friends pee when they see me. I am surrounded by fakes.

I came home and my dog peed a little because she was happy to see me. None of my friends pee when they see me. I am surrounded by fakes.


2GF: I read your post and peed my self, but I am still recovering from surgery.

Haha glad you liked it Johnny. I hope everything is well with your latest surgery....... I think you get cut on as much as my wife does. As you can tell I enjoy making folks laugh thru dumb jokes or magic. I’m glad you had a good laugh my friend!!!!!!!!

Oh wait, you said you peed? Ah yes, Johnny, my FRIEND HAHAHA

I came home and my dog peed a little because she was happy to see me. None of my friends pee when they see me. I am surrounded by fakes.

It don't count if you were gone 12hrs!


I just came back from the washroom does that count.....:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:

Uncle Bill of course fine sir!!!

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