And banjo music would never be the same......
Back a few years ago, when I was delivering pizzas for Dominos, when I returned to College,
seeking my Psychology Degree, I once had a delivery to an address that wasn't shown on the map.
It was late in the evening and it was my last delivery.
I followed the directions and soon found myself facing a dirt road as it was becoming dark...
Now Friends, if you have ever seen "Deliverance," you will understand what I thought as I went forward,
looking to deliver that damned pizza.
Being in a truck, I traversed the "road" that a car would not have been able to access....
After many turns and false "roads,"
I finally found the shack that had ordered the pizza.
They paid and tipped well, but, as I was pulling away to head back, I swore that I heard banjo music.....
I didn't know whether I should throw gravel getting the hell away or stop and ask for a guitar to play along....
I later learned that another Dominos that I delivered from at the same time had a "History."
A Dominos that is merely yards away from where I now work in Oakwood, Georgia....
Although management stated that weapons were forbidden, ole Scotty always "carries,' Dig?
I am an American Veteran. I WILL carry.
If you have a problem with that, you have a problem with being an American.
I have something for the bad guys.....
Come get your copper-jacketed lead deficiency.....
Any questions?
I'm not afraid of a shoot-out.
I'm not afraid of protecting myself and innocent people.
I'm not afraid of dying for what is right.
It is what I was trained for.
I will not die to protect myself or others. I will kill.
I will not die for what is right. I will kill.
Will live to protect and defend my fellow citizens.
I WILL live to fight again....
Doubt me and lose....
But, I will give my life for another American Soldier.....
Thus is the love of Patriots....
One who cherishes the Constitution and what it stands for.....