Of course it's fine by me.
You need to solve the movie title I was hinting at first is all....:dontknow:


Friend, when I do, others may think that we are in "COLLUSION!"

Did I say the "C" word?

Perhaps you should just say it and know that you were once again "The Winner."

Took everyone's order today for lunch and even included Raymond, a Crown Company Technician who had come to lay down and band up a New forklift on a skid that had to go back to the factory for repairs. Under warranty....
I spent nearly $40 for everyone's lunch!
But it's all good....
Since Bryan is out for his shoulder surgery, and everyone is on 12 hour days,
A little bird told me that Raymond will be hired at Performance to work in the maintenance shop with our crew.....


"Not so fast, Pilgrim...."

I've worked with Raymond and I think Shannon could have done better, knowing details that I can't go into.....
Let's just say that Raymond would not be much better than a Bryan.....
Therefore, again, I will double my work load so as to not be affected by any of the crap called "office politics."

"What? I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to any of that. I was too busy doing my job."

Jason saw me yesterday in the administration building as I was hanging a dry-erase board and putting together an office chair for a "Sales Associate."
He made a point of thanking me for the painting in his old office and his new office that I completed earlier this week.

I said, "You are always welcome to call upon me whenever you need a task completed. I will see to it that the job is done and done right."

Hope all have a great weekend planned!

I've got laundry, dishes and maybe some metal detecting if the weather holds out...

Best Wishes,


Let's get an early jump on this weekend and start it up in here!

Laundry going on now!


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Northern Ontario.
Drs. hiking through a section of wilderness that is bowl shaped. Natives said it was caused by the moon bumping the earth. (Mentioned in intro of actual movie).

Boots were stolen...Other things "happened" that were not good. Boots turned up under a bed in the cabin found with a blind character at the end. Brother of .....

Rope strung across the river looked like where to cross to get upstream easier to get to the dam to get help. (Stranded hikers ,no boots ,something or some one out to do them harm). So, we cross here. Who ever ran the rope there also set a bear trap in the river. A Dr. finds it...ouch.

Anyways ....[Doctors on a weekend retreat in the bush begin to bicker among themselves after drinking around a campfire. Suddenly, they all have their boots stolen. The medics soon realize they're being hunted by an unknown entity.]

That entity will be known near/at films end ,and it's/his motive.
I'll hold off spoilin it. For now!

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And, It appears that the severed deer's head was real....
Doctors are only good when they are in their element.

In the woods, I'm your best bet....


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Got laundry well under way, dishes are half done, just won a poker tourney, moderating a Facebook group, and got Two Fingers working.

Yeah, I'm a multi-tasker.....

August 10 poker tourney.webp



And banjo music would never be the same......

So, RC has given me the green light to award the Silver Certificate to whomever can reply correctly,
by posting the song, to the query of early Foghat....
Album Title, Song Title and Band name....

I have already given 2 of the 3 answers somewhere previously here....

Here's a little "Thinkin' Music" for y'all....

Good luck and WIN the Silver Certificate!



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And banjo music would never be the same......

It'll be alright. Long as it ain't hot an dry out.....(Right gold boy? l.o.l..)
That's a whiteish piglet in the beginning , after the signs close up. Not a doggie...

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Wednesday when I went into work, I was feeling bad for Johnny and the second shift selectors needing me,
so I talked to Shannon about it and said that I'd rather work 8am to 8pm to be there for the second shift guys.
He agreed. :thumbsup:

If RC approves of the Silver Certificate prize awarding,
I'll give another clue of that query concerning the "early" Foghat name, album name and song title.
The winner must post the song.

Just a small hint:
It was recorded on the "Parrot" record label, Distributed by "London Records" in 1970.

Y'all be well.


Guess #1.
Founded 1965? L.o.l...

And banjo music would never be the same......

Back a few years ago, when I was delivering pizzas for Dominos, when I returned to College,
seeking my Psychology Degree, I once had a delivery to an address that wasn't shown on the map.

It was late in the evening and it was my last delivery.
I followed the directions and soon found myself facing a dirt road as it was becoming dark...

Now Friends, if you have ever seen "Deliverance," you will understand what I thought as I went forward,
looking to deliver that damned pizza.
Being in a truck, I traversed the "road" that a car would not have been able to access....
After many turns and false "roads,"
I finally found the shack that had ordered the pizza.
They paid and tipped well, but, as I was pulling away to head back, I swore that I heard banjo music.....

I didn't know whether I should throw gravel getting the hell away or stop and ask for a guitar to play along....




I later learned that another Dominos that I delivered from at the same time had a "History."
A Dominos that is merely yards away from where I now work in Oakwood, Georgia....

Although management stated that weapons were forbidden, ole Scotty always "carries,' Dig?
I am an American Veteran. I WILL carry.
If you have a problem with that, you have a problem with being an American.
I have something for the bad guys.....

Come get your copper-jacketed lead deficiency.....


Any questions?

I'm not afraid of a shoot-out.
I'm not afraid of protecting myself and innocent people.
I'm not afraid of dying for what is right.

It is what I was trained for.

I will not die to protect myself or others. I will kill.
I will not die for what is right. I will kill.
I Will live to protect and defend my fellow citizens.
I WILL live to fight again....
Doubt me and lose....

But, I will give my life for another American Soldier.....
Thus is the love of Patriots....
One who cherishes the Constitution and what it stands for.....


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Ah! The dryer buzzed. When I fold up my clothes, one chore is completed.

And dishes are merely a thought from completion....
Perhaps another poker tourney as the two fingers work it's magic?


Friends, I'm the best Friend you could ever have, but when the sh** gets deep,
you know that there's only 3-4 here that would be on your side....

I hope that you would consider an American Vet, one who has chosen to dedicate their life to protecting yours....

Think of whom you call a brother and what that means.....
Do you really want to mess with an armed Vet?
One whom has Medals for pistol proficiency?

Just kidding. I'm nobody....Heh, heh....
Come see me, I'll show you things you never dreamed of.....


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A silver certificate for naming a song?
It was that one they played at that place...Before, during or after that other song from that date when it happened...and the place it went down... Not the previous....

Ummm... I haven't a clue!!.
What was the question?

Comedy... AND a show!

A real version not lip synced like above... shame.


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I love this!! The guitars.... the dirty rhythm... the cheap video... too much make up....Babes.
I will take this over the Beatles
Notice the video title says it's a Whitesnake song...


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Rock and roll crazy nights.......

And after Rock and roll crazy nights.... Heavy chains..


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OV KISS was the first concert I went to and man did they rock!!!

Hey Scott have you ever heard of Gary Hilton up your way?

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