Scott damn we are so much alike!!!! My senior year of high school I was homeless...... I lived in my Chevy Blazer. I would go to school early enough to shower at the gym. Eventually I would help the janitor and he gave me a key. I hunted and fished and dumpster dove for my food. I worked part time at an auto body shop. I did everything for my enlistment at 16, graduated at 17 then 4 days later off to basic training. My recruiter had to find my parents to sign the papers, I wasn’t old enough at 16/17!!! I caught a bus with all I owned in a paper bag!!!! The rest is history!!!!

I have the prize in hand.
Together, we will discern the winner...
Perhaps an old Spanish coin will encourage the guesses...
Yes, I'll throw in a Spanish coin from before you or anyone you know were born!
Ah what the hell! I'll make it 2 old Spanish coins!
RC has final say....


I dunno....Them Spanish coins motorbike "hot"?:laughing7:


Some Buddy Guy with the Playing for Change crew.


Today I took my son’s family out fishing minus his 2 y/o daughter. We saw a Manatee, couple of Cobia, dolphins, a Lemon shark and several stingrays. I don’t have a gaff, getting one soon though. My 12y/o caught about a 3 foot lemon shark. We couldn’t land her ( no gaff) and she broke off. So we go to another area down near the Sebastian Inlet. I’m letting my son learn the ways of the boat. We turned the engine off and started fishing. Someone came by and had their stereo on really loud on their boat. The 4 y/o says “ Grampa, is that the ice cream boat?” I said “ the what?” He says “ listen that boat is playing ice cream truck music!” AND it was!!!!!! The music sounded like an ice cream truck! Through the eyes of babes........ I think we are still laughing!!


Thanks for the say the darndest things....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Yes sir they sure do. I told his brother I’m going to call him “Alien” he says “ well Grampa that makes me Predator, you know Alien versus Predator?” He says. These kids are hilarious

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Hehe thanks Uncle Bill!!!

I have 6 grandkids ranging from 2- 16. When I was younger my mother would say “ that’s funny. I need to write that down” looking back maybe I should’ve too. These kids have said some funny stuff over the years. I am a published author but what if I wrote a kids book on funny sayings? Haha

I have 6 grandkids ranging from 2- 16. When I was younger my mother would say “ that’s funny. I need to write that down” looking back maybe I should’ve too. These kids have said some funny stuff over the years. I am a published author but what if I wrote a kids book on funny sayings? Haha

You might find more understandable logic than many adults present....

I just bought a shirt reads — sticks and stones may break your bones...... but laser guided munitions leave no DNA evidence. Hehehe

I just bought a shirt reads — sticks and stones may break your bones...... but laser guided munitions leave no DNA evidence. Hehehe

I still like your waterboarding instructor one..
I seldom wear a "loud" shirt. Attract too much attention as it is. The monkey with the bubble coming out of his butt asking who farted.
Or the one the kid gave me that says when they come for your guns ,give them the ammunition first.. (I changed it before crossing the Canadian border last time.)
Or the squirrel holding a club that says protect your nuts..
Do miss my "I do my own stunts" one with a guy hurting himself on it. It went good with the missing leg.

Hey RC I bought the do my own stunts for the 12 y/o......... when he was 7 ! When I was in junior high I wore a shirt that read “ if you can’t baffle them with brilliance......... dazzle them with bullsh*t! Hehe. I’m like my grandfather. He always wore T-shirt’s. I think he was buried in a T-shirt and his favorite Levi’s blue jeans. I hate pants and shoes. I’m usually barefooted and in shorts. Yeah RC I think I’ve worn me waterboarding shirt out. I still get comments. Thanks for remembering. I love your stunts one. I think you need another one. If I find one, what size shirt do you wear? Asking you too Uncle Bill, Johnny, Scott, Gold boy, OV. Anybody I forgot?PM me with shirt size. I’m working on something.......

Many years ago while assigned to USSOCOM I was outside cutting my grass. One of my buddies drove by and stopped me. He said “ man you are the craziest human being I know.” I said “why?” He said “ you’re the only idiot I know that cuts his lawn, barefooted.” I said “ yeah well I don’t plan on cutting my feet off”

Many years ago while assigned to USSOCOM I was outside cutting my grass. One of my buddies drove by and stopped me. He said “ man you are the craziest human being I know.” I said “why?” He said “ you’re the only idiot I know that cuts his lawn, barefooted.” I said “ yeah well I don’t plan on cutting my feet off”

Old Parental warning: If you cut your feet off with that thing ,don't come runnin to me!

Noticed an old machete scar (I think ?) on my ankle the other night. Still have a wellington boot with a cut in the sole from the same device. Glad the boot was on that time vs the moccasin that was on when I hit my ankle. (Whichever ankle it was..should have been my left..I'm right handed.)
Stepped on my double bitted axe when doing a stump extraction in the city. Me and bandaids and super glue have a history... That was about the last time I used cutting tools barefoot. Except butter knives.

I wear a med. tall. A medium regular gets too short to hide the butt of my revolver ,depending on manufacturer and material/fabric.
If I flex hard ,a 2X is about right. L.o.l..

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