Went to see my locksmith Friend this morning about the OLD lock.
Turns out to be an obsolete 6-cut GM lock to operate a rear window for a Blazer or something.
It is a somewhat normal lock with a "sidebar" that engages an electric motor to raise or lower the rear window.
The tail piece though has electrical connections to power the window raise/lower function.
So I first drill a small hole in the lock housing, in EXACTLY the right spot above the sidebar, to access the sidebar to put pressure on it and rake the 6 wafers until the sidebar drops allowing the plug to turn.
Once the plug turns, I pulled a small brass shaft out of the back and the plug drops into my hand.
I said, "What next, Boss?
He said, " I have to install a new ignition and I want your lock to work with the new ignition lock key."
I said, "You got it, Brother!"
I removed the retaining cover of the lock plug to access the 6 wafers, removed the old springs and wafers and rebuilt the plug to use the new key with new wafers and springs.
I then lubed it up with white lithium grease, inserted the plug and tested the new key in the cylinder.
Slick as a whistle!
Then we reinstalled the dust cover, a new face cap, installed the rear electrical "tailpiece" section and we were done!
He said, "Scotty has magic in his fingers!"
I then said, "Test me in demolitions."
Yesterday, as I was collecting "Vest Money" from the guards at work to turn in to Administration,
(There is a policy that all truck drivers MUST have a safety vest. If not, we sell them at $10 each. There are three guard shacks..."Freezer," "Refrigerated" and "Dry" docks.)
The Guard at the Freezer Warehouse shack said that a key was broken off in the lock of the guard shack.
He asked if I could help him...
I smiled and said, "Boss, you are talking to the right person!"
So, I removed the lock cylinder and pushed the broken key out from the backside.
He had only one more key for the shack...
I reinstalled the cylinder and checked to make sure that it was still functional with his remaining key.
I said, "Give me the head of the broken key because it has the cuts stamped on it for me to make a new key."
I cut a new key, by code, and then duplicated it and will deliver them on Monday.
I left my locksmith Friend today, after a hug, and said,
"Still waiting for you to holler at me about that cookout! I got alligator tail meat now!"
Y'all be good!