Movie name for Scotty's silver certificate languishes...
Where we at folks?

Clues review.
Moon bumped earth per legend.
Rope to cross river.
Not sure if I gave more....other than not a Eastwood role in a film....

Next clue.
A doctor going through patients is different than a prior patient going through doctors....

Trivia question winner gets 1000 internet points....... what famous actor served in the Army as a lifeguard, was in a bomber airplane that crashed in the Pacific Ocean and he had to swim miles to safety??????

Trivia question winner gets 1000 internet points....... what famous actor served in the Army as a lifeguard, was in a bomber airplane that crashed in the Pacific Ocean and he had to swim miles to safety??????

Clint Eastwood!
Plane down 1951.California off North coast.


guys, this will wake up the Viking in you! :icon_thumleft:

Make sure you hear the first one VERY loud!! :laughing7: If you think it is to monotone, just skip to 4:50!

This Pagan band is called "Heilung" (cure in english)



  • Heilung-band-logo.webp
    21.2 KB · Views: 45
And 1000 internet points to RC....... a correct Google I mean answer! Hehe

Love the Viking stuff. I recently did ancestry DNA and found out I have Viking blood but also from Spain and Portugal as well as Germany, England and Native American. Cool stuff. I didn’t know all that.....

PS And don’t forget Wales

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Went to see my locksmith Friend this morning about the OLD lock.

Turns out to be an obsolete 6-cut GM lock to operate a rear window for a Blazer or something.
It is a somewhat normal lock with a "sidebar" that engages an electric motor to raise or lower the rear window.
The tail piece though has electrical connections to power the window raise/lower function.

So I first drill a small hole in the lock housing, in EXACTLY the right spot above the sidebar, to access the sidebar to put pressure on it and rake the 6 wafers until the sidebar drops allowing the plug to turn.
Once the plug turns, I pulled a small brass shaft out of the back and the plug drops into my hand.
I said, "What next, Boss?
He said, " I have to install a new ignition and I want your lock to work with the new ignition lock key."

I said, "You got it, Brother!"
I removed the retaining cover of the lock plug to access the 6 wafers, removed the old springs and wafers and rebuilt the plug to use the new key with new wafers and springs.
I then lubed it up with white lithium grease, inserted the plug and tested the new key in the cylinder.
Slick as a whistle!

Then we reinstalled the dust cover, a new face cap, installed the rear electrical "tailpiece" section and we were done!
He said, "Scotty has magic in his fingers!"
I then said, "Test me in demolitions."

Yesterday, as I was collecting "Vest Money" from the guards at work to turn in to Administration,
(There is a policy that all truck drivers MUST have a safety vest. If not, we sell them at $10 each. There are three guard shacks..."Freezer," "Refrigerated" and "Dry" docks.)
The Guard at the Freezer Warehouse shack said that a key was broken off in the lock of the guard shack.

He asked if I could help him...

I smiled and said, "Boss, you are talking to the right person!"

So, I removed the lock cylinder and pushed the broken key out from the backside.
He had only one more key for the shack...
I reinstalled the cylinder and checked to make sure that it was still functional with his remaining key.
I said, "Give me the head of the broken key because it has the cuts stamped on it for me to make a new key."
I cut a new key, by code, and then duplicated it and will deliver them on Monday.


I left my locksmith Friend today, after a hug, and said,
"Still waiting for you to holler at me about that cookout! I got alligator tail meat now!"

Y'all be good!



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Was told yesterday, in confidence, that I soon will be named Maintenance Shop Supervisor.
After only one year on the job....

You didn't hear it from me....


I am glad that someone recognizes what I am about and what America's Veterans can bring to the table!

Do I Know about locks, forklifts and jacks?

Yeah, try me....

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We are currently island hopping. I threw the anchor up on land. My 8 y/o grandson started screaming “ Grampa, Grampa, I found an anchor.” I said “ well Gilligan I got some good news...... that’s our anchor”

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Was told yesterday, in confidence, that I soon will be named Maintenance Shop Supervisor.
After only one year on the job....

You didn't hear it from me....


I am glad that someone recognizes what I am about and what America's Veterans can bring to the table!
Do you love America?

You know of my love for Vets....

Whenever this song plays, I stand, salute and cry....


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I know the answer to RC's query.
Therefore, I disqualify myself.


I know the answer to RC's query.
Therefore, I disqualify myself.


No need to disqualify yourself.
You'd be winning it from me technically.
And relieve me of running a game!

Sometimes life will give you a kick in the nuts.

And sometimes life will give you an easy day.

Today is what you make of life, Dig?
Cover your nuts....

Back, 30 years ago, I woke and played this every day to start my day.

Some had their plan for the day but, I always had my plan and won. Dig?


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I guess I've told the story of when, as a vet, I cheated and....

When The Draft Dodger Bill Clinton was President.


Let me tell the story....
Who wants to hear it?


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And some 40 years ago, I rode a new Yamaha XS1100, stolen from the showroom floor at 130 MPH on a back road in Kansas with my first wife as a passenger.
The law knocked at my door the next morning.

I admitted to nothing and only lost about 10-15 pot plants....
I did not steal the bike, but I know who did....
The Cops knew who it was and I said, "When you find him, tell him he owes me for rent!"



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No need to disqualify yourself.
You'd be winning it from me technically.
And relieve me of running a game!

I have the prize in hand.
Together, we will discern the winner...
Perhaps an old Spanish coin will encourage the guesses...
Yes, I'll throw in a Spanish coin from before you or anyone you know were born!
Ah what the hell! I'll make it 2 old Spanish coins!
RC has final say....


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You want a story...
You want to be entertained...
You want my story..
You got it....

I was living in my car. Parked close to a VA facility in Wichita, Kansas....
I was hired for a temp job. Replacing computer work stations.
I was staged in a non used section of the facility, that of an unused "senior" section.

The section had a nurses station and all needed for a unit....

Any which, I arrived every morning to perform my task of replacing the different stations computers.
My area to assemble the desk units was the unused area of the VA.
I used the Nurses Station refrigerator for my lunch and was known to be in the area for efforts.

Well, when the day was done and I "left,"
I went to my car and waited until dark.
I then re-entered, using my locksmith skill.
I used the refridgerator for my dinner, showered and slept in the beds in the unit.
Secuirity came around and I soon learned their schedule and hid when they were making their rounds....

In the morning, I woke before my scheduled arrival and clocked in on time.
I did this for quite awhile and was never caught.
In fact, I have a letter of reference attesting to my work....


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