My life has not been a joyride.
My pain has been deep and frequent.
I've often found dinners in a dumpster and lived in my car for weeks.
With no gas.....
Times of desperation in Kansas, and contemplating....
When Veterans were pissed upon....
But, I'm now strong and I've fought the battles.
And today, I am a winner!
I have achieved a College Degree, owing no one.
Achieved through my hard work and by winning Academic Scholarships....
I now mentor fellow Vets who need assistance.
I have a job that I love that provides necessary skills to others.
I'm now living the dream!
From a small town in Kansas....
NEVER give up the fight!
Because when you give up, you are a loser.
"I heard that you are a loser. Drop and give me 100 right now!"
Kiss my ass, Gunny. How about 200?
You drop and try to keep up with me.
Yeah, I'm that kind of guy....Not really popular with the Drill Sergeants....
But always ready for "Special" Duties that the Captain requested... Dig?
Ja, ich spreche sehr gut deutsch.
And, since I have no family to call upon, I am now America's Hero. A Child of Liberty and Freedom!
I like my name....
And your name?