I went in to work early today because there was a couple of aisle lights that were out.
Yeah. WAY up high close to the rooftop....

So Tristan and I harnessed up and rode the scissor lift to the location.

We replaced one light with no problem.

Then, at the second light to replace, I plugged in the new light...and nothing!

Well, I knew that it was then a situation of power.
Or lack of power.

277 Volts. Live.
I turned to Tristan and said, "You want to do this?"
His eyes got big and he said, "No. I'm good. You got this, right?"
I couldn't help but smile as I said, "Yeah. I got this."

So I removed the cover of the junction box and tested the first leg of the power supply with my volt meter.
I got the proper volt reading.

Now, remember, we are about 50 feet in the air, on a scissor lift, in the dark....
I have a single AAA battery flashlight in my mouth....

I then look at the other wire providing the additional voltage for 277 and see that the wires are disconnected.
AH! So, let's reconnect the wires with the wire nut.

I connect the wires, plug in the light and, VIOLA!
Let there be light!

When we lowered the scissorlift back down, there were 3 forklift drivers who had came to the site to watch
and they cheered and said that the light had been out for some time.

Ole Scotty was a hero to my Friends again!

"Gracias, abuelo!"
"No hay problemo mi amigo!" :thumbsup:


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Looking ahead to Sunday.
Perhaps I may go fishing....


When night is your friend,
And darkness closes in,
Remember the hole that you lay in
And know who are your Friends.

The fire fight draws close to you and you duck
Death missed you this time, you have all the luck.

Sleep with one eye open tonight
And pray to see the morning light.

For to be a soldier and protect the lamb,
I'll give my life and all that I am.


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Anybody familiar with Excalibur or Garrett detectors? Looking to upgrade

Johnny Pros Cons?


I've had a couple of Garrett detectors never used the AT Pro but it has good reviews as long as you don't use it in salt water.

Anybody familiar with Excalibur or Garrett detectors? Looking to upgrade

Thanks Uncle Bill. I’ll be in salt water

I love this movie!!!!!!

I have 2 older Garretts and they are my "Go To" beep sticks.
Probably because I know how to use them and know what each sound of readings mean....

Tomorrow is Veteran's Court and I will bring up "The Fishing Tournement."

I also saw this and thought it might be something that the guys might be interested in....

A way for the guys to be able to help others in the community and continue to serve.
I'll likely mention this idea also, just to see if there is any interest.

Hope all are well.


Don't laugh at me but I really don't know anything about lake fishing.

Are any of these any good?




Perhaps I'll just get some night crawlers....



A joke I just remembered...

A blind guy walks into a department store with his seeing eye dog.
He walks to the center of the store, picks up the dog and starts swinging him around over his head on the leash.

A salesman comes running over and says,
"Sir! Is there anything that I can help you with!?"

The blind guy says, "Nope. Just looking around."



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Scott, my 12 y/o says the 2 middle bombers, the dark worms and can’t go wrong with night crawlers!!

Scott, my 12 y/o says the 2 middle bombers, the dark worms and can’t go wrong with night crawlers!!

I trust the words of youth....

My VCR still blinks, "12:00."
'Cause I can't find a kid in the neighborhood to program it!

Just between you and me, if I want fish, I'll either drop the leads of a crank field phone in the water and twist or,

I know of explosives....
My guess is that neither are legal.....(But effective)

An excellent point to bring up when I mention the "Fishing Tournament" in Court tomorrow morning....



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I have spoken with my Friends at work in high places, and, sadly, my endeavor is on my own.

The burden of the purchase of hamburgers, hot dogs, prizes and such will be bourne by me.

As I suspected.

However, I anticipated such a response and easily have the funds ready for the project.

The "Fishing Tournament" WILL happen!

I have 4 safes of collectible currency and coins, the value of which I really don't know...Certainly many thousands of dollars.....
I still feel poor.

But, when I die, my estate will be directed towards an "Annual Veteran's Court Fishing Tournament."
I have talked with those who can see it through....

In that way, I may continue to live and serve my fellow Vets....


For the last 50 some years, I've collected, traded and gained in my collections.

Yet, I still occasionally eat ramen.....
Just to remind myself where it was that I came from and what it meant to be hungry....
And eat from a dumpster....
How 'bout You?
Does it not strike you as unusual that one would pay for other's Charter Memberships?
Does it not seem odd that one would spend his time as a Volunteer for so many projects?
All the while working his ass off?

Yeah. That be ole Scotty!

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I get a dozen or so shirts provided for work.
I told the guy who picks up uniforms that I want my name on my shirts.

He said, "OK. What name do you want?"

I said, "Scotty!"

Pictures soon....


The night,
Bold in it's way.
Death has it's say.

Does one have a choice,
Perhaps even a voice?

A life to save,
Only the brave.

When the fire was there
Know that I still care.

Can you hear the screams?
Do you still live the dreams?

We will soon be home safe
You on my shoulder through death,
I will carry you until my last breath,
And you will live as well as me....


Forgive me now as I weep...
The Vets that I served with had issues....
I spent many hours talking with them....

I learned what hell is really about....

If you don't understand, I guess that's OK....
But, do you believe in America?
And the men and women who pledged to give their life so that you can sleep in peace tonight?

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Don't laugh at me but I really don't know anything about lake fishing.

Are any of these any good?

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Perhaps I'll just get some night crawlers....



Some deep running crank baits there. A jigging spoon (I think ,the fish looking one fancy paint job.)
A small ACME Castmaster. The one that looks like an angled cut piece of stock. Them things you can cast a danged long ways even in the wind and their weight combined with a slow retrieve ,ll run them/it deep.

Lots of rubber worm hooks for bass there. Assorted jigs ,but short on the universal white bodies. Contrasting jig head colors make things interesting ,but a plastic bodies action and shape can matter more... A crawdad imitation shape and color never hurts to have on hand.

Rigging outfits with floats/bobbers and snelled hooks (or pre-tied leaders) with a swivel inline ,or a snap swivel at hook if fish are not picky , with enough shot/weight to make float ride at desired height is good for a crowd of folks fishing that are not familiar with doing so.

Panfish can be entertaining. Carp or cats too for the patient ones and can be baited on bottom and tethered by a slip sinker with a single splitshot on the line for a stop above the hook.

A soft bread slice ( discard crust) can make multiple doughballs for cats and carp , and tiny ones for panfish. Conditioned worms and crawlers will produce more fish more often with ambitious beginners though.

If you have small jigheads and bodies in those tackle containers they can be twitched /pause twich twich ,paused.. back to shore under a float . Tipped with bait if fish are pout inclined. Without a float means a familiarity with retrieving without getting fouled on bottom or weeds ect. is better when you have a group you are helping.

Be updated with the fishline method of hook removal from humans in non vital anatomy parts. Where a hook barb rode in ,is where it should ride out ...With proper pressure/help. Followed by your choice of antibiotic ect. Beware of flying hooks and weights ...Often with a missed hookset at short distance boppin the person holding the rod ,or a bystander.
Always be on guard for some one walking,running,stepping on ,or bumping a rod or line when you are baiting or tying on a hook..
Tradition as a kid was ,you hook me ,I get a free punch to equal things up. Not a good idea for vets to get started on though....

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