
Tomorrow I will masterkey my Friend's tattoo shop.

He asked what I would charge.
I said that I'm looking to get a new tat.

This on my left pectoral....minus the wording....


I said that we'd work out the cost that we both would agree upon tomorrow....
I also specifically requested his best artist....
Pics may soon follow....



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Oh yeah and my favorite Shark Week will be on soon!!!!!!

I was quite under the weather last Tuesday for Veteran's Court and missed the session.
As one grows older, even minor illnesses are fearfully scrutinized....
I had called the VA for an appointment and was told that I would be seen in a week.
Damn good thing I hadn't fallen into a well and needed Lassie to bring help.....
I am feeling stronger now....
(Amazing what DR. Scott's prescription of a pint of tequila will produce....)

However, I have just contacted a Fellow Vet that I served with in Germany and whom is now a Chief of Police in Smyrna, Georgia, for possible collaboration for the fishing tournament....


Performance Food Group, the company that I work for, is having their annual "Picnic" tomorrow.
At Lake Lanier.
I doubt that I'll attend due to previous obligations....

The lady that I want to go skydiving with is employed in the HR Department at Lake Lanier.
I have contacted her about possible ideas for a Tournament and also help with Prizes.....


I've got so much going on, I need a secretary to help me keep up with everything besides having to work every day....

But, ole Scotty is on top of whatever I can be....

Hope y'all are well and have a great weekend!


Time to check on them goobers I got boiling with some powdered Carolina Reaper peppers.....

Y'all live your life.
I'll live mine.

Jack, if you ain't livin' dangerously, you aint livin'. DIG?

I've been bitten by black widow spiders.
I've been bitten be water moccasins.
I've been bitten by love.

I've survived each.

Feel the "Rush!"
Life is so fleeting.....
If you don't feel the rush before you die, you LOSE!

Think about it.....

I'm not really talking about dying, I'm talking about living!
Y'all climb aboard!

Late some night, like tonight, step outside, look up into the heavens, and tell yourself, "I'm a shining Star!"

And, you will be correct!


My Friends know of my love for soul.

I offer this...

I remember the nights when I was the DJ at block parties and everyone jammed and had a good time!

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My Philosophy and psychology education requires me to state this now....

I will die.
So will you.

Sad fact,
but true.

However, you may continue to live.

What? How? You might ask....

In thought and memory....

I don't want to go into "metaphysical examples" just yet, so, let''s keep it simple, shall we?

Think about life.
Think of Family...
Think of you NOT being there....
The warm dinners of thanksgiving...the closeness of Christmas....

How will you be mentioned?
How will you be remembered?

Are you happy with that?

You have time now to correct that which you find troubling, don't you?

Well, fix it! Before it's too late!

Your thanks is appreciated....but not necessary....Dig?

Just do it.....

Love my Friends....

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Them goobers be hot, Dig?

Make you wanna piss your pants...


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My mother is in good spirits. I hate this. It hurts me to see her like this. About a 12 inch cut down her lower back. My wife and son are pushing her. Asking all the right questions. I’m proud of them

Hello Darkness my Old Friend...

God Bless you All. I wish you will. Long may I have written...however; never will you be forgotten...

[Well, everybody's got a secret, Sonny
Something that they just can't face
Some folks spend their whole lives trying to keep it
They carry it with them every step that they take

Till some day they just cut it loose
Cut it loose or let it drag 'em down
Where no one asks any questions
Or looks too long in your face
In the darkness on the edge of town
In the darkness on the edge of town]


Tournament baseball umpires

I know I joined a lot later after you guys had established Critters. I wish Crispin the best. Don’t let the darkness take over....... there was a time I did.......

Crispin, 2GF, etal,

Well this thread sort of turned into a safe haven for pretty much anyone who chose to join.

So this song is dedicated to all the crew.

Patti Smith-Everybody Hurts.

I know I joined a lot later after you guys had established Critters. I wish Crispin the best. Don’t let the darkness take over....... there was a time I did.......

I love that song!!!!! Thank you


So do I and considering Crispin is a psychiatrist by profession well that song just kind of fits. Pretty much everyone on the thread at one time or another reached out for a helping hand when going through a tough patch.

Peace buddy.

Hello Darkness my Old Friend...

I have been awaiting your return.
I can only hope that you are well and have been drinking from the fountain of life.

I am always in your corner, my Friend.

Don't be such a stranger.

At least, any stranger than me!

Best Wishes,


Another example of "Scotty on the Scene."

A selector came to me today and said, (in Spanish) that a jack was broken way over in aisle "A".

So I immediately went to the aisle and saw this...


Yeah. A Raymond double pallet jack with the handle busted completely off!

Immediately I took pics with my fabulous new "Smart?" phone and sent them to my Boss, Shannon and said, "Meet me here now."
(This photo is one that I took on my "Smart" phone)

Shannon met me at aisle "A" and Kipp also came.

Well, turns out that the operator was going too fast, missed a turn and plowed into the product racks. Snapped the handle completely in two but wasn't hurt.

The plant safety manager soon showed up, a brief informal discussion was had,
and I later made an impromptu speech to all of the second shift about safety.

And just yesterday, Shannon told me that he had completed my evaluation. I should get about a 3% raise....
AND he will recommend that I attend specialized classes on Crown Equipment to supplement my knowledge!


And tonight,
I was walking the aisles and found a 2 pound plastic jar of mustard laying in B aisle and took it to Johnny, the 2nd shift Supervisor.
It had a routing sticker on it and must have fallen from a selectors pallet.
I told Johnny, "I found this in the aisle. I hope that it makes it to it's destination."
He said, "Scotty, you're a good man. I'm gonna put in for you to be 'Employee of the Month'"

I said, "Can one win the award more than once a year?"

We both smiled.

I then returned to the shop and began to repair the busted handle on the Raymond.

Hope all are well.


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