Johnny that’s funny........ Scott we don’t need shirts, but thank you my friend!!!

Too late, Bucky!

I got 'em in a mailer, addressed and I'll put them in the mail after Veteran's Court tomorrow morning.

When you wear it, remember that being a Veteran is like being in a Family.

You get to have a little piece of where I work and make money to be able to have the "First Annual Veteran's Court Fishing Tournament!"

My Best Wishes Always,



I have talked to another Vet I served with in Germany whom is now the Police Chief in a town not far from me.
He is also involved with Veteran's Court in his jurisdiction.
If this Veteran's Court fishing tournament idea takes off, I can see it becoming a much larger proposition.....

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Thanks Scott!!!! Do you still collect calendars?

Dad said my mother is ok. She had 2 Titanium rods placed in her back.......

Thanks Scott!!!! Do you still collect calendars?


Whenever I happen to find myself at a flea market or roadside antique shop, it's one of the first things that I ask about.


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Ok Scott. I have a 2018 calendar we don’t use. I think you’ll get a kick out of it!

Scott, since we are talking about Lincoln’s death, where did Dr Samuel Mudd do his time and what happened to him? I’ve been there a few times....

Dry Tortagas.
After about 7 years, there was some outbreak at the prison..Yellow fever or cholera, I believe.....
He saved many lives and was eventually pardoned.

And, who was implicated in the assassination plot but never served a day in prison?
(Hint: His Mom was a "Swinger.")



Anybody know about Sextants? It’s my latest kick. I think I’m going to teach myself how to use a sextant. Comments???? Come on RC I bet you wrote the book!!!!!!!

Nah ,I stay away from strange religions...

There was an article I found interesting a while back when poking around research from my limited part of the world(actually North of me ,but Champlain passed through the Straights that are nearer at one time.) that predates sextants a little. Similar though. Posted about it somewhere on this forum back then.

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A joke I heard today....

Ole Cooter wakes up one morning and smells smoke.
Dang if his woodstove ain't done built up creosote and catched the flue on fire!

He calls the fire department and says, "Yall need to come to my place! I gotta flue fire!"

The dispatcher says, "How do we get to your place?"

Cooter says, "Damn! Ain't y'all got them big red trucks with all them lights and sireens? Do I got to do all the thinkin' here?"



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This morning before work, I was perusing the local Craig's List "Wanted" ads, as is my wont....

One ad that caught my attention said, "Gold Hunter."

I clicked on it and saw that it had been posted a mere 19 minutes previously.

Here's the ad:

Well, I immediately called the number and talked with the fellow.
I told him that I have several metal detectors, gold pans and a sluice box.
I said that I'd like to meet up with him this weekend, put a metal detector in his hand and see what we could come up with!

He said that sounded good and he would contact me later in the week.

Let's see where THIS goes, shall we?



Here's a couple of videos....

I'm not afraid of caves, nor do I have claustrophobia. In fact, I am eager to explore such locations.
If this endeavor progresses, I will certainly provide photographic and video documentation!

(Of course, I will be discretely armed. Just in case. Dig?)

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My dear Scott. When it comes to boats, I believe Dram and I might disagree!!!

Dry Tortugas......actually Fort Jefferson!!

Dry Tortagas.
After about 7 years, there was some outbreak at the prison..Yellow fever or cholera, I believe.....
He saved many lives and was eventually pardoned.

And, who was implicated in the assassination plot but never served a day in prison?
(Hint: His Mom was a "Swinger.")



Dry Tortugas......actually Fort Jefferson!!

C'mon, you old fart.

Answer the question....

The hint should give it away.....



Here's a pic...


He was a Zouave sympathetic to the Confederacy.....

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My dear Scott. When it comes to boats, I believe Dram and I might disagree!!!

Boats are the best fun I’ve ever had!
Boats allow for cheap family time...
Boats can be a way of life, especially in a place like I live in Maine...
Boats have made me some BIG money!!


Boats are the best fun I’ve ever had!
Boats allow for cheap family time...
Boats can be a way of life, especially in a place like I live in Maine...
Boats have made me some BIG money!!

OK. I get it, y'all.

But don't boats sink?
Then you gotta swim?
And...your $%^& is on the bottom?


I'm just a land lubber I guess.
My Pap was a Navy man.
I have a great respect for anyone who thinks that they can float forever....


"I'm a mountain man.
I'll live off the land."

"I will walk God's green mile.
And all the while,"

"I'll sing from north to south,
'Cause I ain't got water in my mouth."


Y'all be good, now, hear?



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OK. I get it, y'all.

But don't boats sink?
Then you gotta swim?
And...your $%^& is on the bottom?


I'm just a land lubber I guess.
My Pap was a Navy man.
I have a great respect for anyone who think they can float....

"I'm a mountain man.
I'll live off the land."

"I will walk God's green mile.
And all the while,"

"I'll sing from north to south,
'Cause I ain't got water in my mouth."

Y'all be good, now, here?



I love the mountains as well, come to think of it the Mohave desert as well, heck even the Pacific Northwest!

Heck boats can sink, airplanes can fall out of the sky, and hiking you could break a leg. There’s nothing like watching a sunset from the deck of your sailboat though!!!IMG_2708.webpIMG_0408.webpIMG_2536.webp

First two pics are Southern California last October and the sailboat is last summer in Penobscot bay in maine

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Welcome to late night radio. 100,000 watts bouncin' of the atmosphere...
Blast from the past!! past.. .. ..

"Fox on The Run" by the Sweet, reached number 5 in 1976. Peaking on January 17th.

Thanks for the long ago memory!

Be well, my Friend!


Here's one for you, my Friend.
From our past....

Also, in 1976, reaching #1, was Chicago. In October....
Just before my Military duty....

My love at the time played this frequently.....

What can I say but that Love is fleeting....
Or, more accurately, Love is fickle....

I left my home after High School graduation for active duty and I never heard from her again.
What was her name? Guess it will never matter now....
I doubt that she could handle ole Scotty now....

Don't we all have vague memories of the past?

When one realizes the past, does one not also realize the future?

Perhaps one is wise enough to consider both paths....
Yes. I am wise enough.

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Um, Look y'all, I got to talk to a Federal Judge early tomorrow about some fishing tournament,
And, I still have to make my lunch for work tomorrow....
I got sushi and shrimp chow mien.
What you got?

Y'all be good to one another and show what love is, OK?



Well Scott I’m thinking you might be a thinking about Confederate President ol Jefferson Davis.....

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