12 acres.
A drain snakes through one corner ( like a slow creek) and is tied to a big swamp and farmlands.
The big swamp and drain( s) are a corridor for game critters.
About 3 acres is good and dry ,high-ish.( should perk test alright) Much of the low ground is tag alders. But a mix of trees beyond.
Most of my activity has been on the high ground with the tractor.
Planted what will be a screen of miscanthus grass last year.
Have fifty Norway spruce seedlings coming when weather allows better handling.
Soil ,stone,rocks I piled up in places plowing snow need dealt with first.
Really enjoy froggin around there. Good for my soul.
Lots of work at home though too.
I use the " property" for hunting visits as an incentive to get yardwork done here. Only a couple weeks behind.....
Some times I just sneak over to visit.
These poor little white pines were deer browsed the previous winter. This winter a buck rubbed bark of them with it's antlers getting frisky. He won't again ,but other bucks are around at times . I could fence the trees ,but ....will more likely add some rubbing posts and licking branches instead and see what happens.
The open area the trees are in I brush hog now and then and deer browse in it. Otherwise it would be three foot or more of eye pokers .
Lots of goldenrod ,so I leave some areas of the dryer site un-mowed.
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