I’m sitting here at the school waiting to pickup 2 grandkids....... I’m under an oak tree and 3 caterpillars just fell on me.......haha

I’m sitting here at the school waiting to pickup 2 grandkids....... I’m under an oak tree and 3 caterpillars just fell on me.......haha

Don't let teachers see you eatin them bugs. They might become even more suspicious.

Had that boat out lately?

My nephew came down from Virginia about a week ago. He use to live here. His Dad use to be a wrestler, but is now a producer at WWE. I took him and his girlfriend “island hopping “ we had a blast. I’m waiting for the winds to settle down. Weatherman called for 21 foot seas couple days ago

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wtg he'll have a chance to practice his French after the

Actually Longueuil was where me and my wife shared an apartment before buying our house.

Good luck with the upcoming game and may the better team win.

Regards + HH


The good news- last night my 15 y/o won our first baseball game 7-4. Tomorrow night ( Hey uncle Bill) we are playing a team from Quebec Canadaégep_Édouard-Montpetit


Glad your daughter is ok as gold boy said the car can always be replaced.

Regards + HH


The bad news— Last night my daughter was in a bad car wreck...... she’s ok, car is gone........

Remember last season all those pretty soccer moms? Well something happened. Today they are all ugly and old........... haha. No pretty soccer moms at today’s practice! Yeah I bounce from baseball to soccer with my boys

This morning at Veteran's Court, the first 10-12 Vets were in the "Top Team," including my Vet.
Then, a couple of "zebras" were led in....
Zebras are folks who wear black and white striped jail attire.
They were handcuffed and wore leg "hobble chains."
My heart broke seeing Vets like this.....
I know that I'm doing right by helping my Vet.....
But, can I do more?

They were offered the opportunity to participate in Veteran's Court and both accepted the challenge.

After Court, I had the opportunity to personally meet with Judge Roberts.
I introduced myself and said that I'd like to lead the Court in the Pledge of Allegiance one day.
He said that he had noticed me in court so many times and knew that I was a Mentor.
He said that certainly I could lead the Court in the Pledge of Allegiance soon.
And yes, I could speak of the importance of Mentorship.

I then talked to the Vet Rep from the Department of Labor and told him that the company that I work for is keen on hiring Vets and that whenever I receive an email from the company about job openings, I'd forward it to him. He knows of my passion to help Vets....

Yes, today I left Veteran's Court a proud Vet.
A Vet who continues to serve.
A Vet who cares.
A Vet who is always there for his Brothers.

Hope all are Well.


Got those coins from Spain from the 1500's.
I ordered 100 and since I'm a "good customer," I got 112!

112 spanish coins 001.webp


I saved back 5 uncleaned for you, if you want. The rest are being cleaned as I type.
Let me know, Brother, if you can use them in "The Great Treasure Hunt!"

Y'all be good, Hear?




I've also received the second 5 pound shipment of foreign coins and am processing them.
When finished, I'll provide a list of the countries that were received.

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Looking forward to seeing the cleaned up coins.

Regards + HH


"Landlord just tapped, rapped upon my chamber door.
Said he's off racing, racing once more."

"With his Porsche, for the first time,
Hoping to win, I venture to opine."

"I smiled and said, Don't wreck for that would suck.
And, as he left, I said, 'Good Luck!'"

He also mentioned some bushes that he wants pruned...


Is Spring not far ahead?




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Looking forward to seeing the cleaned up coins.

Regards + HH


Absolutely, Uncle Bill!
The guy that I get them from has said that he is amazed that I can clean them so well.

How do I clean them?
Ah! A secret!

You don't expect a chef to give up a secret recipe so easily, now, do you?
Here's some examples of similar coins that I've cleaned....

4a.webp 4b.webp 10a.webp 5b.webp 10b.webp 12a.webp 15b.webp

Most are from the Reign of Carlos II and Philipe II.
Think of this song as I do when I handle 500 year old coins from Spain....

I was told that these coins were dug up in a simple Farmer's Europe.
Many times, back then, those whom were sent into battle, knew that they might not return and thus buried their fortunes all together, in hopes that they might reclaim them later.

Some never reclaimed their buried fortunes.....



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Heck yeah Scott!!! AND now that I have a boat.....AHOY me hearties!!!!!!

Heck yeah Scott!!! AND now that I have a boat.....AHOY me hearties!!!!!!

Please send me your address again in a PM as I do not keep some addresses on hand.
You know what I mean....

I will send to you the 5 uncleaned that I have saved for you and a couple that are cleaned.
And I'll give you my secret for cleaning.
Remember...A secret shared between three is best when only 1 is alive. LOL!

"Dead Men tell no tales! Arrgghh, Matey!"

Keep us up to date on the "Treasure Hunt!"



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Happy Birthday to Mr David Gilmour!!


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Aren't we all or wish to be?


Comfortably numb has one hell of a solo!!!!!!

Wish you were here the beginning and a lot of the song uses a 12 string... But the live version I found Mr Gilmour is playing a six string? Hmmm... What the???
I'm selling my 12 string Epiphone so I guess I will be too!!!!:BangHead::laughing7:

Let ole Scotty done told you sumthin'...

Once in my life, I was "comfortably numb" on a daily basis.
I grew the best smoke in the surrounding 10 counties....
I smoked from "wake and bake" to nighty-night.
I had 5-6 five gallon buckets of different trimmed bud in the garage that I could choose a handful of at a time.
I was never "burned out" of my daily choice.
Did I mention that I "self" studied Botony?
I'd bet that you didn't know that "Hops" and marijuana are in the same plant species....
Can you say, "Sticky purple hair?"

And, yes, I knew of grafting and hybrids before it was vogue....

I didn't get a damn thing accomplished except how to roll a "mega killer joint" and play some awesome guitar riffs.
Yeah, I'm baring my soul once again.
I can do it because I'm stronger now....

Looking back, it don't mean squat.

I am now finally mature and realize what life is and what my contributions truly mean.
After all, I got a College Degree!
(Guess I didn't burn ALL of my brain cells....I am now looking into HIV serology and teaching myself as I go...
Perhaps I'll be as successful.)

Sometimes we don't grow up fast enough to realize how our life is wasted until it's too late.

And, sometimes, we realize, just in time, what an influence that we can make in other's lives.

Be the one to make an influence in someone's life while you still can!



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