Oooooohhh do I have a funny story. I asked the 11 y/o where would he like to go to dinner. He said “ Grampa I want to see some Hooters!” They recently opened a Hooters about 1/4 mile East of my house. So we go. The waitress is very young flirting good with him. I said we are celebrating my wife coming home tomorrow. I asked to buy her a T-shirt. The lady says “ what size?” I said “well truthfully she’s a 44 EEE. The girls eyes got real big” oh sir she’d be popping out of our shirts.” Then she leaves, smiling “ Grampa that’s just gross” what is? I don’t want to see my grandma popping out of anything!!!!!!! His birthday is in April....... said he wants to go back!!!!!!

Oooooohhh do I have a funny story. I asked the 11 y/o where would he like to go to dinner. He said “ Grampa I want to see some Hooters!” They recently opened a Hooters about 1/4 mile East of my house. So we go. The waitress is very young flirting good with him. I said we are celebrating my wife coming home tomorrow. I asked to buy her a T-shirt. The lady says “ what size?” I said “well truthfully she’s a 44 EEE. The girls eyes got real big” oh sir she’d be popping out of our shirts.” Then she leaves, smiling “ Grampa that’s just gross” what is? I don’t want to see my grandma popping out of anything!!!!!!! His birthday is in April....... said he wants to go back!!!!!!

I heard they have good wings.....

One old timer said the girls at a place he worked kept nagging him about never bringing his wife to functions.
" Oh ,she don't get out much ...She's kinda big and when I take her some where I hafta put a plank across the back of the truck bed for her to ride on."

That cooled their interest awhile.
He got a good laugh out of it when he did bring his " normal" sized wife to an event eventually.

Miss that crazy funny old timer...Had some good tales.

Wings? Wings? I didn’t see any wings! Haha

Y'all remember the Locker Keys that I promised to make for work?

Well, I had dropped off one lock to my Locksmith Friend's Shop. He wasn't there, but I left it with his wife.
That was, what, a month ago?

Anyway, I texted him yesterday, "Any luck with the keys for that lock?"

He texted, "No. I'll be in the shop about 9 am. You come do your magic."

So, I went to the shop this morning and he came in. I hadn't seen him for almost a year.
We last parted on tense terms, but when he and I met, we shook hands and hugged.
Once my Friend, ALWAYS my Friend!

He said that the code Card for the code machine wasn't working right and that he could do nothing.
I said, "You know that ole Scotty can make it right!"

So, I disassembled the lock, picked the cylinder, made a follower, and used a blank to find the spaces.
I put a blank in the core, after removing the pins and carefully keeping them in order.
I had marked the blank with a Sharpie© and scribed through the holes where the pins sit to mark the spaces.
I then used a micrometer card in the code machine to record the position of each of the 5 pin location spaces.
I then carefully cut each depth for each of the 5 pins and recorded the numbers used from the micrometer card.

When I was finished, I reassembled the lock and inserted the freshly cut key, and....
I then duplicated about 5 more keys.

I then took a blank code card and "Built" a good code card for that particular key blank that he can use from now on.

Here's a pic of the key that I had used a Sharpie© on to mark the spaces...
Locker keys 001.webp

Here's a pic of the extra keys that I duplicated....

Locker keys 003.webp

I then used the card that I "built" to check for accuracy and, of course, it worked slick!

Locker keys 002.webp

Then, my locksmith Friend pointed towards the back of the shop and said, "Can you do anything with that?"

It was an old Coca-Cola vending machine, a "Vendorlator" model 27.
I said, "Let's give it a go!"

It turned out to be a VERY EARLY type of high security lock.
Within 20 minutes, I had it opened.
I told him that there was no way to make a key for this lock as it was so old and you'd never even find a blank.
Also it was damaged.
He said that the customer didn't care, he just wanted a functioning lock to be able to restore it.
So, I looked into the cam locks that I had left at the shop with him when we had parted and found one that fit.
I had to modify the "tail-piece" to provide a secure closure, and 20 minutes later, he was able to call the customer that it was ready.


(Helpful image of a Vendorlator Model 27 circa 1948-1951)

The unit that I worked on was in rough shape but the customer had received it for free.
That particular unit would sell for $850-$1000 restored.

My locksmith Friend was very happy with my skill.

Before I left, I asked, "What do I owe you?"

He said, "Your continued Friendship."
I said, "Of course, Brother!"

We hugged again and both went on our way.....

Sometimes I miss working with him.....

Hope all are well.

Best Wishes Always,


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The plan for shooting tomorrow has just changed....

Haven't heard from Marsha, so...

I borrowed from my Landlord the older Colt .38,


a Sig .40 229 Semi-Auto,

a Sig .357 239 Semi-Auto


and a Sig 1911 .45 Semi-Auto.


I also borrowed 2 pair of hearing muffs and the Landlord said that he might be on the property to shoot with us!
If so, he will bring his favorites....
Gotta love the Second Amendment!

Time to call Shannon for him to come along with his AR.




Just called Shannon and he's ready to go!

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Feeling somewhat nostalgic right now, this tune soothes me to a place that I want to be...
'cause it's alright.

No matter what difficulties you may face, time and knowledge can heal what hurts.
And Friends, I've lived a life of pain, occasionally punctuated with victories.
It's not the pain that you should dwell upon, it is the Victories.
Savor them.
Cherish them.
Remember them and strive to make more of those memories.

And, be there to share those memories with Friends.

"'Cause it's alright....."

Be Well, my Friends,


Once, many years ago, before I realized that I could help another, a Friend was despondent, worries had overtaken him.
He called me.
I quickly came to him and he confided to me his problems.
My reply was,
"Donnie, Brother, You worry too much about the things that you have no control of and not enough about the things that you can change.
Think about what you want and the things that are important to you. If you can achieve a positive result from efforts, by all means, go for it. If not, forget about it and hope that it works out. Remember that only you can change your situation."

To this day, years later, I know that he remembers my advice that night. Because he mentioned it recently.....

Picture 817.webp
Me, Donnie and Jim.
It was a memorable night....
Scotty loves his Friends....


Because of this post, I just messaged Donnie to say, "I am thinking of you and hope that you are well."

If not for my Friendship and being there that night....
Well, what are Friends for?
But that joker never let me ride his Harley! LOL!

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I cannot say.

Show me the way!

(Bet y'all didn't notice the 12 string Ovation, did you?)

I ask for Guidance from God and the experiences of others to help me when I am asked to help others.

Tuesday is once again Veterans Court and my Vet is again in the "Top Team!"
It is not so much my struggle as it is my Vet's struggle.
Yet, He knows that I "Have his back."
I have been there for him and he knows that he can count on me....
Together, we will succeed!

Perhaps I may stand to address the court and state the importance of Mentorship.
Perhaps I may stand to Offer the Pledge of Allegiance before Court.
Perhaps I can offer opportunities to other Veterans in the manner of job offers where I work.
Perhaps I can do more for my Fellow Vets....



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I cannot help but think of the shooting in Florida on February 14th this year.

I will not get "political,"
Yet, I ask...

Does anyone remember the shooting Brenda Ann Spencer committed in San Diego?
January 29, 1979?
Her reply, when asked why, was, "I don't like Mondays."

Bob Geldoff and the Boomtown Rats had a song about it.....

What I'm trying to say is that such occurances have happened many times before and,
it is NOT the weapon that chose to kill, it is the individual who picked up the weapon who chose to kill.

Limit those whom are "On the edge" that choose to pick up a weapon and kill, not the weapon. DUH!

Let's look at it this way, shall we?

Think of a hammer. A tool. A tool to build.
This tool, in the right hand can build. This tool can create homes, repair things around the house.
But, this tool can be used to bash someone's head in. In the wrong hand.

Here is a Glock .45.
It is a tool. It can be used to prevent a crime against the one who owns it. It can be used to target shoot for pleasure.
This tool, in the right hand, can prevent crime, save lives.
But, this tool in the wrong hand can hurt and kill.

Which shall we ban?

The hammer or the Glock?

Your answer determines whether you are an American or a pansy liberal....

Ahem. I'm sorry. What I meant to say....
Your answer shows me who you are.

'Nuff said.

The following image is from history of those whom allowed weapons to be banned of the people.
You see how History worked out for them, right?
"When we fail to see the results of History, only the past is to be relived." ©Scott


"When the Government bans weapons of the people, the people have no recourse of the government." ©Scott

And those who censor and "re-write" History only propagate the past. Dig?

If any man comes to me and said that I had to surrender my weapons, I'd shoot him. Twice. It's called a "Double tap."

Any questions?


One consideration that is paramount for my return to Academics this Fall Semester is..."Will I be allowed to Carry?"

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And now, for a lighter fare, I offer this for your enjoyment.

Sit back, and enjoy this production....
Leave your cares at the door.
Enter and be amazed at the orchestration!

Hope All are Well and my Best Wishes,


My Favorite song starts at 23:10.....
"I Know You're Out There Somewhere"

I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere, somewhere
I know I'll find you somehow
Somehow, somehow
And somehow I'll return again to you

The mist is lifting slowly
I can see the way ahead
And I've left behind the empty streets
That once inspired my life
And the strength of the emotion
Is like thunder in the air
'Cos the promise that we made each other
Haunts me to the end

I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere, somewhere
I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere you can hear my voice
I know I'll find you somehow
Somehow, somehow
I know I'll find you somehow
And somehow I'll return again to you

The secret of your beauty
And the mystery of your soul
I've been searching for in everyone I meet
And the times I've been mistaken
It's impossible to say
And the grass is growing
Underneath our feet

I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere, somewhere
I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere you can hear my voice
I know I'll find you somehow
Somehow, somehow
I know I'll find you somehow
And somehow I'll return again to you

You see I know you're out there somewhere
O yes I know you're out there somewhere
You see I know I'll find you somehow
O yes I know I'll find you somehow

the words that I remember
From my childhood still are true
That there's none so blind
As those who will not see
And to those who lack the courage
And say it's dangerous to try
Well they just don't know
That love eternal will not be denied

I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere, somewhere
I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere you can hear my voice
I know I'll find you somehow
Somehow, somehow
I know I'll find you somehow
And somehow I'll return again to you

Yes I know it's going to happen
I can feel you getting near
And soon we'll be returning
To the fountain of our youth
And if you wake up wondering
In the darkness I'll be there
My arms will close around you
And protect you with the truth

I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere, somewhere
I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere you can hear my voice
I know I'll find you somehow
Somehow, somehow
I know I'll find you somehow
And somehow I'll return again to you

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Joke of the day — Well," snarled the tough old sergeant to the bewildered private. "I suppose after you get discharged from the Army, you'll just be waiting for me to die so you can come and spit on my grave."

"Not me, Sarge!" the private replied. "Once I get out of the Army, I'm never going to stand in line again!"

If anyone has not seen any Texas Mosquitos yet, they are coming!
Texas Mosquitos.webp

The bad news— Last night my daughter was in a bad car wreck...... she’s ok, car is gone........

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