
Quite the accomplishment in this day and age...congratulations.

Either by stubbornness or dumb luck only married once since 1984....and once is

Regards + HH



Quite the accomplishment in this day and age...congratulations.

Either by stubbornness or dumb luck only married once since 1984....and once is

Regards + HH


Congrats! I have been with my significant other since she was 17, 1989.


wtg....let's just say I learned the hard way before getting married that there could have been a lot worse choices than the one I finally

Regards + HH


Yeah my wife puts up with me. High school sweethearts. Married 36 years this year!


We went to our favorite fruit and veggie store the owners are from the Middle East and the prices are about 1/2 of what you'd pay at a regular supermarket.

They also have specials on prepackaged items that are just a tad overipe. So we picked up 2 packages of sweet bell peppers for $2.00 each pretty good deal considering there's 8 peppers per package.

In any event roasted up 6 of the ripper ones last night and whipped up a home made dressing just now, lime juice, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper, a fat clove of garlic chopped up and some dried parsley and oregano from our garden.

And here's the results, probably do a batch of stuffed peppers also.

Regards + HH



  • DSC02459.webp
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A picture from Highlander with Sean Connery.


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As far as I know, wife #4 is the only one who could remember who she was married to. She even had one of her friends hit on me, but I could smell a rat and turned her down.

One day an employee came in to work with both of his ears bandaged.

When his boss asked him what happened, he explained:

"Yesterday I was ironing a shirt when the phone rang and I accidentally answered the iron instead of the phone!"

"Well," the boss said, "that explains one ear, but what about the other?"

"They called back!"

Johnny. I love the Florida Keys. My wife doesn’t because there are no “ beaches” as she knows them. I told her I wanted to go to the Keys during this years Spring Break. She said no, but I could take her hairdresser....... she’s a gorgeous blonde....... I said nope. I too smelled a rat! Haha

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Hey Scotty I remember having to paint rocks and grass!!!!!

Joke of the day —The police just pulled me over, he came up to my window and said, “papers?”

I said, “ Scissors, I win” and drove off.

I think he wants a re-match he’s been chasing me for 45 minutes.

Got about 30 of the 1500-1600 era Spanish coins cleaned up from the last batch received from my source and like the variety so well that I requested another 100.

If anyone would like some, I will send you a couple for free!
Let me know.

I like to share the Treasure with my Friends!

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Joke of the day —The police just pulled me over, he came up to my window and said, “papers?”

I said, “ Scissors, I win” and drove off.

I think he wants a re-match he’s been chasing me for 45 minutes.

Once, I was runnin' down the interstate a bit too fast and noticed a State Trooper in my rear-view mirror.
Yep, he had his blue lights on and was gaining on me.
So, I put the pedal to the metal and made my truck engine whine as I reached over 100 MPH!
I looked again in my rear-view and he was on my tail.

What could I do?
I pulled over.

He approached me, I rolled down my window and he said, "Didn't you see me trying to pull you over?"
I said, "Yes Sir."
He then asked me, "Why didn't you stop?"
I said, "Well, Sir, my last wife ran off with a State Trooper and I thought that it might have been you."
He looked at me with a puzzled look and said, "I don't understand."
I said, "I was afraid that you were the one and was wanting me to take her back."

When he finished laughing, I was free to go. No ticket....



At the risk of being too political, which I will take that risk, I will state,

Once, many years ago, America lived by music.

Music was the pulse of America's conscience.
There were anti-war songs, songs of peace and songs of hope....

There were also songs for the "Tuned in" crowd....

I don't remember songs that called for violence, killing of innocent school children or mass murder....

Perhaps the mellow times have passed and we must now prepare ourselves for those who wish to commit mass murder.
Bring it. I'm armed and ready. 24/7.

Talk about prayer.
Talk about gun legislation.
Talk, talk , talk.
Fark your talk!
Try me and see where you get.

If that is what today's society advocates, I am ready.
I'm ready to roll with the changes.

And you should also be ready.
You will either be a helpless victim target or you will be armed and take control.
Now, which are you? Hmmm?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I believe in and once pledged my life to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
I believe that protecting the Constitution also means protecting and defending myself and others.
Let no man question my passion.
Consider me an American Patriot, Willing to lay down my life for the Principles of Freedom and Liberty for others.....

Some 40 years ago, when I took my oath, I never realized what my promise would mean today.
Today, the realization is much clearer.....
Today, my promise is that much stronger!
God Bless our Vets, Active Service members, First Responders and,


When one ceases to care of their surroundings, others and circumstances, doesn't one cease to care of life?
NEVER Cease to care for yourself and others, My Friends!
Think of my simple helping of my gift of lunches for Tristan. Or my Volunteering for Veterans Court.
No matter the effort that you give, the reward will surely be appreciated!
Never expect a reward.
And the reward will be known only to you.

What can you give?

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And now, Let's listen to some Toto, shall we?

Why? I cannot say, other than I want to play it...

That works for me! :coffee2:

Makes me think of the "A" that I got in my Anthropology College Course....

Don't make me post photos of artifacts to know for a final exam.....

Yes, I have kept photographic records.....
I did say that I got an "A," Didn't I?

My Anthropology Professor and I were tight, Dig?

He would ID some of my ancient coins and even gave me a coin!

I offered a couple of metal detectors to him for his next expedition to who knows where..... Dig?


Another Song?

Sure. Why not? I see sleep soon forcing it's way upon me....

Believe me, I'll hold the line....


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Think I'll look into buying a .38 wheel this weekend....

I like the "feel."

A man certainly knows what he likes.....


Do you Believe me?

Do you believe me when I say that I care?
Do you believe me when I say that I'll be there?
Do you believe?

Once, a long time ago,
I told America that I cared so.
And still today,
I feel the same way....
Do you believe me?

My Love for my home,
no matter where I roam,

Is my love.
America is my Love.
Do you believe?

When others fall by the side,
and the waves crash the tide,

I love America,
America, my Home.

When Nations threaten,
and life is mentioned,

I'll be there.
America is my home....

Do you believe me?

I have nothing to give,
except to those who want to live.


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Scotty, I know That you're cleaning your .9mm,'
But,, how many mags do you need?
Friend, never enough.....

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