At the risk of being too political, which I will take that risk, I will state,
Once, many years ago, America lived by music.
Music was the pulse of America's conscience.
There were anti-war songs, songs of peace and songs of hope....
There were also songs for the "Tuned in" crowd....
I don't remember songs that called for violence, killing of innocent school children or mass murder....
Perhaps the mellow times have passed and we must now prepare ourselves for those who wish to commit mass murder.
Bring it. I'm armed and ready. 24/7.
Talk about prayer.
Talk about gun legislation.
Talk, talk , talk.
Fark your talk!
Try me and see where you get.
If that is what today's society advocates, I am ready.
I'm ready to roll with the changes.
And you should also be ready.
You will either be a helpless victim target or you will be armed and take control.
Now, which are you? Hmmm?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I believe in and once pledged my life to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
I believe that protecting the Constitution also means protecting and defending myself and others.
Let no man question my passion.
Consider me an American Patriot, Willing to lay down my life for the Principles of Freedom and Liberty for others.....
Some 40 years ago, when I took my oath, I never realized what my promise would mean today.
Today, the realization is much clearer.....
Today, my promise is that much stronger!
God Bless our Vets, Active Service members, First Responders and,
When one ceases to care of their surroundings, others and circumstances, doesn't one cease to care of life?
NEVER Cease to care for yourself and others, My Friends!
Think of my simple helping of my gift of lunches for Tristan. Or my Volunteering for Veterans Court.
No matter the effort that you give, the reward will surely be appreciated!
Never expect a reward.
And the reward will be known only to you.
What can you give?