"Throughout my life, times have been hard,
Yet, I must play my only card."
"When I have no Friend,
I will play my hand to the end."
"When the hands are shown,
My Friends will then be known."
"Friends, always present, are those who are there,
Win or lose, no matter the dare."
"I choose you as my Friend,
And, I'll back you to the end."
"No matter the loss, no matter the pain,
From the sun, from the rain,"
"What we learn, what we gain,
we will surely retain!"
"If you ever feel lost,
and life is just another cost,"
"Remember this, my Friend,
An answer is what I send."
"Do you think that it is easy to not grieve?
For a man to not show his emotions upon his sleeve?"
"As a man I still can cry.
For many things, just ask me why."
"When I cease to care of tender thought,
Life has meaning not."
"For, when I cease to care for thee,
Life has no more meaning left for me."
If you ever feel down about anything, PM me and I'll answer.
Together, we'll figure it out!