One night in Germany, I found need to draw a weapon. My M16.
And three magazines.....
My life expectancy?
About 30 seconds....
The Red Army Faction!
Yeah, Scotty was locked and loaded....
You want fire?
Come get ya some!
The terrorist were on the move,
I cannot discus the issue any further.
Nor do I want to. Sorry....
Let's just say that all turned out well...
Be healthy, my Friends.
From a long time ago, I have often found myself living on the edge.
Sometimes, living my life to the point of dying...
Have you been there?
What can one's life mean?
I am beyond suicide.
I am one to prevent suicide.
I have faced death's ugly face and spit at him and laughed.
Will you have the strength as I have shown?
Life is light. Show light in every dark corner,
Show light in your life.
Show light in my life.
Show light and live!
Yes, I have taken another's life.
It is something I never wish to do again.
When you take somene's life...
You take all that they have.
I have SAVED A LIFE...
Surely, it all equals out, right?
If I had to do the same again, to protect myself and America, Yeah. I'm about full auto....
I'm a Vet, an American Soldier.
I will kill again if needed.
That is my curse to consider....for the rest of my life....
Perhaps you now understand my sleep problems...
When one lives on the edge, sleep is a sometimes a Friend....
Most times not....
I can never sleep soundly....
Here it is, 0500 and I'm on point....Dig?
I hear you snoring. A Sunday morning...
I watch you go to Church and protect you.
I am the Veteran that you depend upon....`
You will worship, as I do, your God this day. And know that I and other Vets are there to protect you.
Because you are an American!
God Bless you and God Bless America!