Thanks everybody. I’m going to look at it tomorrow and hopefully talk to his mechanic.

What does that mean to you?
(Stuffing yourself?)
Perhaps Football?

For me, Thanksgiving means bowing my head,
Thinking of the men and women who have been there to protect America and make the day possible,
and giving thanks for being Free, Being able to worship my God and to be an American.

Before you take that first bite of your Thanksgiving meal, think of those who now Volunteer to protect you, your Family and America.
Say a prayer to protect them.
And never forget what they sacrifice for you.


Hope all have a safe and Blessed Thanksgiving.


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Since I have nowhere to go this Thanksgiving, to enjoy a meal with Family,
I will go to "Good News At Noon", a local Christian Organization,
and help serve meals to those whom are less fortunate than I. :headbang:

I love the holidays because it is the time that I can help the most!

I think to myself that the first 50 years of my life that I was a "taker."
Now, I'm a "giver."

Perhaps, when I plead my case at the "Pearly Gates,"
it will all even out....:dontknow:



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I'm ready to send the latest Pirate swag, but, before I seal the envelope, give me another day to find more to add...

I'm sure that I'll find another item or two....



Damn, these 10 hour work days are hard on an old man....
Seriously cuts into my drinking time! :laughing7:

Yall be good, hear?


Yeah Scott my wife picked a great time to leave. The boys and I are headed to Cracker Barrel


This goes back to the year I was born so really

Frank "Sugar chile" Robinson.


Just returned from Good News At Noon, where I helped serve Thanksgiving meals.

We served more this year than I remember serving in the past years that I volunteered!

After helping to serve, I then went to another area at the site to help package food donations that are given out during the week to needy folks on other days of the week.

Today wasn't spent in the mountains, on a camping trip, but the feeling of elation was much greater!

Bryan, the guy that I work with, who owns a couple of tattoo shops, and is going to buy a pizza shop, asked me to rekey one of his tattoo shops on Saturday. He asked me what I'd charge to rekey a storefront mortise and provide 8 keys.
I said that I'd do it for about $75 in credit towards the tattoo of the Military Police "Cross Pistols" that we had earlier discussed.

He agreed.

Folks, I have never gotten a tattoo, but if I'm going to get one, this is the one that I want.


Tomorrow, I only have to work for 4 hours, but I told Shannon that I'd work a full day to get things squared away for the big "inspection" coming up. I put in 11 hours yesterday.
Think that I'll like my next paycheck. Can you say, "Overtime?"

Hope all have a Great Thanksgiving!



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During the meeting that I had at the College, I learned that my current Volunteering with "Veterans Court" may be counted towards an Internship.
And, potentially, past volunteering may also be considered.
Of course, much more work will be required....

I have no problem with volunteering or helping:
That is my goal!

Looking back upon my life, I now see that during my times of darkness,
one can find light in helping others.

I hope that all can find "The Light" in their lives!

Be Well, my Friends!


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I am to meet with someone in the morning to possibly purchase some long guns.
I'm not sure exactly what but I'm led to believe that it is a 12 gauge pump shotgun and a .22 bolt action.

My personal security antennae is on high alert, and you can be sure that there will be one other weapon present....
Locked and loaded....

Although I do not anticipate any problems, one can never be too sure....

More later....



Just sent a message thus:

"One other thing...
When and if I purchase your guns, I will talk to my Friend,
At the Federal level, and report the serial numbers to be sure that they are not stolen or
involved in any investigations for any crimes. Because that's how I do business."

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One Thanksgiving, several years ago, when I was married to my last wife,
My Best Friend, who had been kicked out of his happy home with his wife, was staying with me.

Well, the reason that he was kicked out was because of crack cocaine.
And my wife was also deep into the rock.

I wouldn't stand for any of it anymore and I was told to leave. My own home!

Not wanting to cause trouble, I left.

I walked the night, in the rain.
I remembered a building that I was working at doing electrical work that was empty and headed that way.
After a couple of miles walking, I reached the building.
I then pulled out a pocket "pick set" from my wallet and gained entry.
Shivering from the cold and being wet, I found some boxes to make a bed for the night.
I fell asleep promising myself that I'd never be in this position again.

I have found myself in a better position since then and know things that others have no clue.

I have found, shivering that night, that life is what you can or will endure.
I thought of ending my life that night....

But, I found strength within myself, and determined that my life meant more.
Not just to me but for others.
And, Here I am today.

That is the greatest Thanksgiving story of my life.



My stories may seem brutally honest, but it is for a reason.

To show others that light can come from darkness, good from bad, but,
mostly to remind myself what the Future holds.

Yeah, I'm an example.
Use me for your benefit and success.
Make me proud that I have shown you an alternative....
Be the one to help others.
And then, my experiences related will not have been in vain.



"When one seeks for them self, they lose what is meant for all." ©

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Perhaps it is my past Honors Philosophy class studies, or just my known thoughts of this and that,
Is the feeling that one perceives from volunteering an altruistic sensation or is it something else?

Perhaps a memory of the past, trying to right that which once was wrong?

Either way, the feeling is there and real!

Try it, you'll like it!


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Sometimes, others have questioned my statements and positions.
I no longer shrink from controversy:
I questioned their sanity and references and invited discourse.
I frequently propose the opposite side.
Sometimes it is not the side that I advocate, yet, I offer the idea. Devil's Advocate?
After a short exchange, they realize that they are not well enough intellectually armed to continue.

I always let them down easy, offering to discuss the idea later...
And you can bet that I am intellectually arming myself for a future "Battle."

I Love to debate!

I was asked in High School to join the Chess Club and the Debate Club.

But, I asked, "Why?"
After a short "discourse," they could not convince me to join either.

Perhaps I might now find competent discourse in College Debate....
I know the Professor who leads the group of "Politically Incorrect"
and have met with him on numerous occasions....
Yeah, he wants me to join.
But, I'm not one to join so easily to just any group....
(I have a T-Shirt!)


Back when the College was, "Gainesville State College."

What have I to offer?
What have I to learn?
Can I make a difference?

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An additional thought about work...
Did I mention that several Managers have my personal phone number,
to call me directly to report their needs concerning maintenance issues?


I know that I'm appreciated at my job! :headbang:


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Just talked to my Landlord, whom owns many acres of land, and asked,
"Would it be OK to invite my Boss, Shannon, to go shooting? He has an AR 15."


Landlord said, "Yes."

Oh Boy!

Have you ever seen Scotty drool?

What do you think ole Scotty will be doing this weekend, huh?
Raking leaves?

I'm going SHOOTING! :headbang:



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I have some targets ready.

We won't say that they include images of an ex-wife, but....
I'm the "forgiving" type. Dig?


Several years ago, when I was married to my second wife, one Holiday, my step son-in-law brought his drum kit to the house and I tuned up my Gibson and this was just one tune that we played that night.
The Peavey amp was more than enough! Shook the windows!
He provided the vocals. I don't sing, I play guitar.
He loved Bon Jovi, so, we played this tune also....

He had the drums down pat and it took me a few starts to catch up...
He was patient while I learned the riffs....

But, soon we were in "the zone." :notworthy:

I was saddened to learn that Keith died a couple of years ago.....
When one plays music with another, there is something that can not be described.
A bond that will always be remembered....
And my Favorite song that we played.
I had no trouble with the riffs....
A triple-neck Ovation?
I played my best on my electric Gibson with dual Humbuckers.....

Still looking for an Ovation electric 12 string...
I see many Ovations for sale.
But none that speaks to Scott.

Soon, one will be captured, like a breath of fresh air.
Which one?
Many 6 strings to choose from, but I am patient....
A Guitar will soon cry out to Scott....
And I will show love and music that I have been waiting to share....
What will it take to share my music again?
How many hours must I work to pay for my "voice?"
I will continue my search....
Because I know what I want....

Ain't music great!

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