I’m going to see a man about a boat [emoji571]*♀️ in the next couple days. I’m learning towards the cheaper (in cost).
What do you guys think? Scott, RC Uncle Bill, Johnny, anybody please put in your 2 cents
Salt water/ ocean is not my area...
Looking online shows Sea Era as a line of Legacy boats manufacturing.
A low price line, and yours is the early ,less desired version.
Floor needs checked for softness anywhere . Fit and finish and wiring fit the original price point. Not saying crap...but not the best high dollar either ( of course).
On the boat you posted I would expect to have to service trailer bearings ( regardless of it having newer hubs) and have a few hundred bucks put aside for surprises as with any craft.
I prefer two means of propulsion ( belt and suspenders type mentality) and that can be costly .
The engine matters ...you can check the hull,transom, decking ect . but you are relying on the seller to insure condition of motor.
A marine mechanic can test it...(and replace waterpump at another time if you buy it) but in my area ,an outboard is easier to replace than an inboard ( non Diesel Ram type owner here).
How many hours the motor has on it matters. Though the owners claim it has been cared for helps ,if you believe so......
No idea what the price should be without knowing what they ( a like year and model )have recently sold for.
At gunpoint and having to go zoom on the water real soon.....I would straight faced tell the owner ( if the boat checked out healthy and I liked it) she ( the craft) was worth 4000 to me. Or ,what ever your research shows a good deal for you would be . Could be 3000 .Could be less.
Looking at a couple dozen other boats in the asking price range and studying actual owners reviews , reputation and features would help me decide ,maybe better.
My biggest concern would be an engine facing two decades of use. Piston rings wear regardless of care. The cost to repower with either some one else's used engine, or a new one that you break in and care for will be serious money. And a large part of what you have into the overall cost of ownership. Boats I have looked at ,the motor usually is the most expensive part to replace/ repair. And often half the package value or more.