2GF: It is a .22 mag. I gave the nickle plated one to one of my sons, just last week.

After the artillery fire and bombs, I could only hear muffled sounds, constant ringing in my ears. Diagnosed as high sensory nerve damage, I thought it may have been a traumatic brain injury, but it was not. Recently I have had problems remembering things, "No short term memory" it turns out it was because of Metformin and I have stopped taking that and started taking Chromium for my diabetes. It seams that some of the VA doctors push medications from certain drug companies even though they are known to harm you just to get the bonuses the drug companies offer. They were so intent on pushing the Metformin they neglected to refill my test kit supplies. That is not the first time the VA doctors have done that, I had been of a high blood pressure medication for years and VA doctor abruptly changed it. I asked the pharmacists about the change and He said that it was probably cheaper and checked. The old Rx was about $ .18 cents each, the new one was $1.39 each. He then told me about the Pharmacy Scam, where they earn vacations and how the purchase stock in the companies. On top of that I later had a great VA doctor in Biloxi, MS who retired and later un-retired, because he could not live on his retirement. He told me if he had been practicing in New Orleans he could have lived like a King off the scams they pull there.

Anyway our day is coming on November 11.
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do you recall that you were going to send me a 1895 winchester 30-30?

The musical instrument is about 36 inches high with a coconut on one end and two holes through the stick end for the tuning keys.
Pictures of my son's shovel guitar follows. Please not the bottle opener in the handle an #3.

Found on one of the local beaches. It's in the "what is it forum" also.
My guess? Killer whale tooth!

whale tooth 006.webp

whale tooth 002.webp

About 6 pm tonight, I'm laying on my back, changing out a drive wheel, after replacing 2 load wheels on the right fork and both caster wheels when I see a pair of feet walking towards me.
Friends, even though I have the pallet jack on a jack, and a pair of jack stands employed, I'm ALWAYS aware of who or what is in the area that could possibly bump the jack that I'm working on. That could result in a bad day!
Anyway, it's late, on a Friday, the "Big-Wigs" have all since left for the weekend,
and I'm trying to get caught up and possibly ahead when I see the feet walking towards where I'm working.
So I move out from under the jack,
and sit up to reach for a rag to wipe grease from my hands and see Greg, the Plant Manager walking up!
I'm wiping my hands and he says, "I finally get to go home."
I smile and say, "Well, I got a couple more hours to go, Boss. And I'm gonna cram 3 hours worth of work into those two hours. Whatever I can get done tonight, I won't have to do on Monday!"
He says, "That's the truth, Scott! That's why I'm still here."
I said, "Have a great weekend, Boss!"

Earlier, I had an opportunity to talk with a "Selector" that was hired the same day as me and we went through orientation together. A "selector" is the term used for the folks who drive the jacks, loading their pallets for customer order shipments.
He told me that "the word around the selector campfire" was to find me for their repair needs.
That tid-bit of info made my day!

I really don't see any burn-out at this job!

Found out that The Military Appreciation Meal at the Golden Corral is on Monday, November 13 from 5pm to 9pm.
I messaged the Vet that I mentor that I will have to work and that I hoped he could still go and enjoy the camaraderie of other Vets.
I'll talk to Shannon about possibly working enough overtime before then to take a couple of hours off early to go.

And Tuesday is Vet Court again. John is doing great and I'll ask if I can mention in court about the Golden Corral meal.
Military :: Golden Corral

Sometime this coming week or next, I'll schedule an appointment at the College to discuss my options....

And, I just got a message from the guy whom I got those old coins from with some ID info....

Scotty be stayin' busy, Dig?

Hope all have a GREAT Weekend!

My Best Wishes,


2GF, you get that "Pirate Treasure" yet?

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I picked this up a long time ago, can anyone tell me what it is called?
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Thai perhaps. " Wu Saw" is one internet example."Musical saw" ' " sing saw" are other names.
If it had oversized fiddle plugs for top of strings....a similar device used a bow to run across strings.

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I always figured the people who hung out on the thread had some smarts now based on the results of the quiz that pretty much confirms it.

Regards + HH


Several years back, I composed about 30, 40 or so questions about a myriad of subjects.
I still have the list. Somewhere.
I saw it recently while searching for that truck title.

When I find it, again, I'll post it and we'll see how y'all do.

But, I made the list BEFORE "Google," so y'all gotta play fair, OK?
Knowledge that YOU know!

I'll probably post it with the ubiquitous "Multiple Choice, True/False" type format.



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And, I have found the file folder.

Aptly titled, "Musings."

Many things in this folder, as I am frequently wont to "muse."

One is the first time that I played chess with a computer and, won in 6 moves!


Another is a pencil drawing I did of an admired American....

And, of course, "The Questions....."

This is but one page.
Consider it your opportunity to study.

I'll post the quiz soon!

Be Well!


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Scott no sir not yet. I’ll pm as soon as it arrives. I can’t wait!!!

Just sent a message to my College contact, to Wit:


I hope that you can find a few moments to meet with me at your convenience sometime this coming week or next before 12 pm to discuss my opportunities to continue my educational potential. I am available from 8 am until about 10 am as I have to report for work at Noon. Please let me know when you can be available to assist me in my passion to achieve the background needed to receive a Bachelor's Degree to be able to assist my Fellow Veteran Brothers and Sisters.

Hope you have been Well.

My Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx

I'm as nervous as a cat with a long tail in a rocking chair factory....



Scott no sir not yet. I’ll pm as soon as it arrives. I can’t wait!!!

Ah! Tomorrow, my Friend!

Make sure that you are ready with a "Map!"



Do you remember saving bubble gum comics to send in for a prize? Perhaps the premiums offered on the back of a cereal box? Or the back pages of your favorite comic book?

You dutifully collected the points needed, placed them in the envelope, made sure to address it correctly AND made sure the stamp wouldn't fall off!

Then you waited. And waited....

Every day, you would run home from school to see if the mailman had brought your "treasure."

Then, one day...


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My Landlord has been away this week in Las Vegas, to attend a Car or racing type thing and I was responsible for looking after "the girls," and the property.

I was under the impression that he would not return until later this weekend.

Just now,
I heard creaks in the floor above me and I grabbed my 9 and started up the stairs...

I called out, "Michael?"
He said, "Yes, Scott?"

I breathed a sigh of relief and lowered my weapon.

He thanked me for looking after Alice and Olive and had brought me a couple of
$5 gaming tokens from where he was staying for my collection.

I promised him lunch and we will go shooting again soon!




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Here we go!

Questions 1-10.
(Written in the 80's. Some 30 years ago....)

#1 Name the 5 components of the Human eye.
#2 Name the two "fluids" of the human eye.
#3 Name the component responsible in the human eye for:
a)Night vision.
b)Day vision.
#4 Name the strongest human external muscle.
#5 Name the area of skin separating the nostrils.
#6 Name General Robert E. Lee's horse.
#7 What is a charged atomic particle called?
#8 What characteristic makes some hair curly? (Besides the result of DNA?)
#9 What is the fear of the number 13 called?
#10 What is the name of a stamp collector? A coin collector?

Questions #11-#20 later....

Remember, NO GOOGLE!


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And you may ask yourself, "Why do I know such information. And you may ask yourself 'Why do I care?'"

But, it's just the same as it ever was.....

Just know this, my Friends, that there is water at the bottom of the ocean!




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"There is no Genius without a touch of insanity." Scott ©

I am "touched...."
In many ways. Dig?



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Calling my Mentor and the one who began this thread, way back when.....
"Dr. Crispin, calling Dr. Crispin. Please report...."

This thread lives because of your original thought.
What is your thought now?

Another Guinness?

What have you accomplished recently?

How have you made life better for another?

What advice have you for one to achieve success?

Perhaps we should rename this thread....

I await a reply....



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Did I forget to mention that boiled peanuts are simmering again this Friday night?

Well, I've upped the ante of "HOT!"

Want some?

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Don't it just make you want to grab a cold one?




Yesterday will be remembered,
Today will be a memory cherished, and
Tomorrow is mine to make new memories.

What memories will you make?

Some time soon, I'll provide my treatise, "Philosophy of Life."
Because we all live.
And we all will die.
What is the meaning of life?

But, as I talked to Tristan tonight, I cautioned to not be proud, not be arrogant and not be haughty.
I mentioned what I was told in my youth in a way that he might understand...

Best, Always,


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A cool wind has just blown past, just now, reminding me that the season is changing...

Time to "fall back" this weekend concerning daylight savings business...

I see that it is time to bring in my house plants,
and time to attend to my responsibilities of roof, gutter and lawn maintenance.

Scotty knows these things because Nature whispers in his ear....

Me and Nature are tight, Dig?

Nature also whispers of camping....

We'll see....


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And, here it is, tomorrow!

What shall Today be for me?
For you?

Let's make it the best day that we can, shall we?


Sleep? Nah. Sometimes I don't need it.... Go figure....
Must be the times spent on all night CQ....

Perhaps I'll do OK studying for a Bachelor's Degree!

C- rats are OK.
MRE's are OK...
But, I'll dig in a dumpster again before I ever cook ramen again....

I have a box full of the ramen packets that I ate when I studied for my Associates degree.
A "Starving College Student."

Doubt me and I'll post a photo.

You should instead be working on the first 10 questions because the next
10 are coming soon and there is no time to "Wait, my pencil needs to be sharpened"....


Now, it's time to make my pot of coffee and go about my day doing good deeds.

Y'all be good, hear?


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I've a box of dynasty brand kung foo ramen squirreled under a dresser.
A couple bags of rice and sundries should mobility or travel get too restricted/ undesired. We shan't perish from not eating.

Scotty won't fight over the ramen though.....understandable.

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