Peyton Manning
Gold Member
2GF: It is a .22 mag. I gave the nickle plated one to one of my sons, just last week.
After the artillery fire and bombs, I could only hear muffled sounds, constant ringing in my ears. Diagnosed as high sensory nerve damage, I thought it may have been a traumatic brain injury, but it was not. Recently I have had problems remembering things, "No short term memory" it turns out it was because of Metformin and I have stopped taking that and started taking Chromium for my diabetes. It seams that some of the VA doctors push medications from certain drug companies even though they are known to harm you just to get the bonuses the drug companies offer. They were so intent on pushing the Metformin they neglected to refill my test kit supplies. That is not the first time the VA doctors have done that, I had been of a high blood pressure medication for years and VA doctor abruptly changed it. I asked the pharmacists about the change and He said that it was probably cheaper and checked. The old Rx was about $ .18 cents each, the new one was $1.39 each. He then told me about the Pharmacy Scam, where they earn vacations and how the purchase stock in the companies. On top of that I later had a great VA doctor in Biloxi, MS who retired and later un-retired, because he could not live on his retirement. He told me if he had been practicing in New Orleans he could have lived like a King off the scams they pull there.
Anyway our day is coming on November 11.
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do you recall that you were going to send me a 1895 winchester 30-30?