Brings tears to my eyes......


It has the same effect on's something a bit more upbeat.

Laura Cox - Sweet Home Alabama.



Don't ask me how I find this

Direct from Norway Anita Skorgan & Jahn Teigen.



Another one from across the pond.

Carola - Invincible.


Remember the other night when I was up late (again) playing online poker and making chicken wings for me and Tristan's lunch?
Well, the next morning I got a text from the boss wanting to know if I could come in early.

I made my pot of coffee and texted back: "I'm on my way, Boss!"
I got a total of about 3 hours sleep that night....

So out the door I went, with the chicken wings in my igloo lunchbox and a pot of coffee in a thermos.

Another forklift needed to have the entire front assembly replaced and Kip needed my help.

Here's the old assembly removed.

Here's the new assembly being worked on, being built.

And here is the old hydraulic manifold and hoses that need to be evaluated for either clean-up and install or replace.

We didn't get it finished today because of other equipment repairs that had to be performed.

Boss wants me to come in early tomorrow again.

In fact, he wants me to come in early every day. Wants me to get at least 5 hours overtime each week.

I said, "I already am, Boss!"
He then said, "OK. How about 10 hours overtime each week?"
I said, "If you need me, I'll be here."

So, looks like late night during the week are out for now....

So, what am I doing right now? Cooking more chicken wings for me and Tristan's lunch tomorrow and getting ready to hit a Poker Tourney table!

I got the second round of the old coins today that I mentioned earlier....

I'll work on getting them cleaned up this weekend.

Also, tomorrow, I'm going to look at a 9mm for sale.

I know. It's not a wheel, but the price is TOO good!

I'm pretty sure that I'll buy it. Comes with 2 holsters and 100 rounds.
Perhaps a trip with my Landlord to his property this weekend for some shooting time!

Hope all have a GREAT weekend!



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Glad you're getting some extra hours and money for your efforts.

Just try to pace yourself on the job....during my stressful career I came close a couple of times to burning out so speaking from experience.

Regards + HH


Bill, Thanks for your concern.

I've had jobs before that "burnout" was a daily prospect.
But those jobs were not ones that I particularly enjoyed.

This job is different: I LOVE working with my hands, fixing things and the interaction with everyone is special to me.
There are some jack drivers who know me by name or as, "Grandpa" who I do not know their names.

I either call them, "Friend" or "Boss" depending on how and what they need.

Usually "Burnout" occurs when one no longer wants to go to the job or thinks about looking for another job because of either too low of pay, disrespect or, well, I could list many reasons. I've known that feeling....

It is easy for me to tell my Boss that I will always be there because I love my job!
I'm competent, have attention to detail, and my desire to learn more keeps me eager to return the next day.

Every night, I eventually meet up with the Supervisor of the jack drivers and we discuss how they can be more productive.
Everything from making sure the jacks are plugged into the chargers for a full night of runs, to dock lights that need attention and more.

Yeah, I don't see burn-out unless I am disrespected or taken for granted.
My evaluation is fast approaching and I will relate my positive attitude and opinion when I'm asked if I have any comments...

I just texted Shannon and told him that I'd be in 2 hours early tomorrow morning
to help finish with the forklift assembly rebuild.



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It has just become apparent to me that my bad dreams have been recently diminished.
Yeah, I still have bad dreams, but...

Perhaps it is because that I have found enjoyable employment that permeates my waking conscientiousness, or it is because that I have found the peace that comes with my willingness and attempts to volunteer to help my fellow Vets.....
Then again, maybe I have come to realize that, even though "I am my Brother's keeper,"
I cannot save everyone.....

Perhaps it is the reason that I feel of "being able to help."
Not yesterday, but today and tomorrow....

Whatever the reason, I'm thankful for the ability to sleep soundly, even if it is only for a few hours.

I soon will meet with a College Professor and an Academic Adviser to investigate my potential towards a Bachelors Degree in Social work and possible Scholarships.....

I hope that I will be accepted for enrollment....
50+ hours a week on the job AND seeking a Bachelors Degree?
Yeah, Scotty can do it! Don't doubt it!

Do you have the drive? The ambition?


I'm winning because I'm still alive....
How are you "Winning?"



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Just sent a message to John, the Vet that I mentor in Veterans Court, inviting him to join me for a special meal at Golden Corral for Veteran's Day.

I hope that we can share a special meal together....

Beats C rats in a bunker! Dig?



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It's late again!
I promised to be 2 hours early to work tomorrow!

I'm used to being awake late at night.

La La...Time to have my nightly candy bar, read a bit and close my eyes for a minute before I jump out of bed and get busy tomorrow turning wrenches!
Coffee is my Friend!

And, I'll be there.
You know why?

Because I gave my word. BOOM! My word is Gold.

So, my Friends, I'll post again when I find the time.

Until then,

Y'all be good to one 'nother, do what is right, and enjoy life, one day at a time.

Always your Friend,


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Among other interests I collect postage stamps. These days mostly Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Well just won quite a few lots of Romanian stamps.
A couple of the sets were items from their museum one being military medals and the other antique pistols which I thought you might find interesting.

Regards + HH



  • romanian pistols.webp
    romanian pistols.webp
    342.8 KB · Views: 51
too bad she has nothing new ( at least that I have seen)

Jeff+Gold Boy,
Here she is with her band about 1 year ago live.


Welcome to our newest member, Mortamus! Glad to have you as a valuable resource. It has been a while since I updated the list. So, if you are on the list and do not want to be then let me know and I will take you off. Likewise, If you should be on the list and I accidentally took your name off then let me know and we will fix that right up.

Updated list:

Crispin (President)
Rebel -KGC (Co-mystic)
Bill from Lachine (Vice President, Zen Master of Music)
JerseyBen (Secretary of State)
1/2 of RelevantChair (NRA member, Ambassador to the NRA)
Barb alias Squiggy (Minister of Equality)
0121StockPicker (Minister of Skepticism)
BBcamay (Admiral of Models, Minister of Sass)
Davest (Secretary of the Interior)
G.I.B. (Secretary of War, Ambassador to Zombies)
Pat-tekker-cat (Co-mystic)
BackBacon (Chief Chef and culinary advisor)
KevinInColorado (Provisioner of Libations)
Dejapooh (Minister of Commerce)
Hvacker (Chief of Civil Service)
Au24K (Ambassador to the Wolf Pack, Asst. Minister of Music)
Dano Sverige (Black-Ops Coordinator)
Ammonhotep (Captain of the Homeguard)
ReconDigger (Antiquities Recovery Specialist)
# 24: Jeff-Gordon's anonymous friend (Ambassador to NASCAR, Ambassador to NFL)
LordDean13 (Ambassador to Robot Citizens)
IvanSalis (Head of ex-military C&R Firearms Dept.)
Bum Luck (Ambassador to AARP)
MoonRover (Director of Space Exploration)
1/3 of Kayden
Mav (Minister of Manipulation)
DieselRam94 (Director of Fossil Fuels)
Spartacus53 (Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler, Minister of Mischief and Magic)

Mascot List: Eva, Squiggy, Wasaya, Abby, Clop-eye, Norman the SpongeMonkey, My Sweet Honey Badger, Bella, Otis (in memory,) Tig, and Pookie.

Who is next? We paid the Iron Price!


remember when this thread was hopping?

Lots of water under the bridge since then both good and bad. But time keeps marching on don't be a stranger and drop in more often.

Regards + HH



A nice cover of wildflowers by the Street corner symphony.


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