Remember the other night when I was up late (again) playing online poker and making chicken wings for me and Tristan's lunch?
Well, the next morning I got a text from the boss wanting to know if I could come in early.
I made my pot of coffee and texted back: "I'm on my way, Boss!"
I got a total of about 3 hours sleep that night....
So out the door I went, with the chicken wings in my igloo lunchbox and a pot of coffee in a thermos.
Another forklift needed to have the entire front assembly replaced and Kip needed my help.
Here's the old assembly removed.
Here's the new assembly being worked on, being built.
And here is the old hydraulic manifold and hoses that need to be evaluated for either clean-up and install or replace.
We didn't get it finished today because of other equipment repairs that had to be performed.
Boss wants me to come in early tomorrow again.
In fact, he wants me to come in early every day. Wants me to get at least 5 hours overtime each week.
I said, "I already am, Boss!"
He then said, "OK. How about 10 hours overtime each week?"
I said, "If you need me, I'll be here."
So, looks like late night during the week are out for now....
So, what am I doing right now? Cooking more chicken wings for me and Tristan's lunch tomorrow and getting ready to hit a Poker Tourney table!
I got the second round of the old coins today that I mentioned earlier....
I'll work on getting them cleaned up this weekend.
Also, tomorrow, I'm going to look at a 9mm for sale.
I know. It's not a wheel, but the price is TOO good!
I'm pretty sure that I'll buy it. Comes with 2 holsters and 100 rounds.
Perhaps a trip with my Landlord to his property this weekend for some shooting time!
Hope all have a GREAT weekend!