Tomorrow is payday!

I will certainly either buy an Ovation guitar or a new wheel!

What shall it be?

I'm leaning towards a hand cannon!


"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."



However, A sweet 12 string electric/acoustic could sway my decision....


Which would you rather have while sitting around a campfire at night in the mountains?
Already having both a guitar and a weapon? I like the wheel.....The Ovation might be considered the next payday....

Speaking of "payday,"

Here's a tune that you may not have heard before....



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If you liked the last tune by Dan Hicks, you will like this....

I have a couple of Dan Hicks albums and love every song!

Be sure to tip your Waitresses to keep the piano drinking!


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I've another busy day ahead tomorrow, my Friends, so I'll leave y'all with one or two Dan Hick's tunes before I unwrap a "Milky Way" candy bar and read another chapter of the tome that I am re-reading before lights out....

Volume 4, Chapter 1, page 32.


Plan an enjoyable weekend!

Be Well, my Friends!
Life is short.
Reach for the pleasures of Life today and enjoy the times spent with Friends and Family!
"Life" is a daily proposition of which you nor anyone has control.
Do your best to enjoy today!


I'll drink to that! :occasion14:

Now then, Where's my candy bar?

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Look at the time again.

My circadian rhythm is so screwed up....
And now the season changes.....

Less of it.
Tolerance to bullsh$t?
Again, less of it.

After over 50 years, I think I'll be alright......


Just don't screw with my meal planning.....Dig?
I'm gonna eat like a King from now on.

Love the meals y'all post!

I need the ideas.....
I lost my glasses.
I set them down somewhere but, WHERE?

I'm getting old.....
I give up.
I'm turning out the lights.
Perhaps I'll find them tomorrow....:dontknow:

And, that just made me think of weapon proficiency based upon lack of glasses and light.

Can you still shoot accurately without glasses? Or light?


Absolutely. I only need glasses for close up.

And when I don't want to drink from the bottle....


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Living with wolves an interesting therapy for veterans.


Taking wife to airport this evening. Yeup going on a 14 day cruise. Starting in San Diego going thru the Panama Canal....... last time I was there people were trying to kill me!!!!!

Scott, "Speaking of "payday,"" A women won't leave until after PAYDAY! As for the glasses, been there done that. As for popguns I have a .45LC, but the bullets are insanely expensive.

Other then the tunes are great.

P.S. TGF, "Been There Done That."

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Maybe try one of those glasses attachment things you hang around your neck when not in's worth a shot.

As for inspiration for supper tomorrow night since both Johanne and myself will the out all day we'll be having the leftover black bean and mango salsa, I roasted up some sweet peppers and steamed a big fat leek. Sliced them all and tossed in a bowl added some lemon juice, olive oil, lots of chopped up garlic and some salt, pepper and herbs.

Some pita chips and cheese should round the meal off nicely.

Regards + HH


Look at the time again.

My circadian rhythm is so screwed up....
And now the season changes.....

Less of it.
Tolerance to bullsh$t?
Again, less of it.

After over 50 years, I think I'll be alright......


Just don't screw with my meal planning.....Dig?
I'm gonna eat like a King from now on.

Love the meals y'all post!

I need the ideas.....
I lost my glasses.
I set them down somewhere but, WHERE?

I'm getting old.....
I give up.
I'm turning out the lights.
Perhaps I'll find them tomorrow....:dontknow:

And, that just made me think of weapon proficiency based upon lack of glasses and light.

Can you still shoot accurately without glasses? Or light?


Absolutely. I only need glasses for close up.

And when I don't want to drink from the bottle....


I posted this somewhere else on the site and thought I should share it with you all.

Terry & Truth: I was tired of them saying I had PTSD and I kept saying I did not, but I finely excepted the 10% increase to 100%. My VA check jumped a bunch. It is weird, you would think 10% would give 10% more money, but it was a hell-of-a-lot more. The way it works is they give you 100% of your worst injure, 50% of your next, 25% etc... When I could not work, because of surgeries I would beg for 100% based on Un-Employability. Social security kept telling me I did not have a claim. When I was able to work I stopped asking. My psychiatrics said I should apply for the PTSD. It took a lot of the stress off of me. Over thirty-six surgeries, I was shot in both hands, both legs, both arms and my chest.

I ran into a friend who retired after 30 years, never wounded, PTSD, can't adjust to peacetime, I guess. Up all night catches naps in the daytime. Having PTSD does not mean you are going out and kill somebody, you just react to stress differently. When I was a cop I was in my element. I would run in when others ran away. Had the chance to kill quite a few, but did not. There were a few who put a pistol in my face and I would take it away and shove it down there throat. Only one ever complained.


I'm glad you managed to get the extra benefits you so rightfully deserve. Unfortunately probably many don't apply or don't know what they are entitled to.

I'm not a medical doctor so don't know all the ins and outs of PTSD but would imagine your nervous systems gets somewhat overloaded from the stress endured during combat situations some people get over it and others less so.

Regards + HH


My two younger brothers did not believe they had PTSD, but both died of cancer, probably from agent orange. The youngest one did finally give in and got help for the PTSD. He was married more times then I was.

Enjoy the cruise it's well deserved.
Regards + HH

Taking wife to airport this evening. Yeup going on a 14 day cruise. Starting in San Diego going thru the Panama Canal....... last time I was there people were trying to kill me!!!!!

Yesterday was interesting....

Being a payday Friday, all of the "bigwigs" had left early, around 4 pm, eager to enjoy their weekend a bit early.

I stayed for my full shift, not wanting to lose the some 4 or more hours of overtime that I've already worked for the week, by checking jacks for load wheels, drive wheels, etc, that needed to be changed.

Of course, I found a few that needed attention.
After changing some wheels, I found one that desperately needed the drive wheel AND both left and right casters to be replaced.

When I finished with the replacements, I took it for a "test drive" down one of the many aisles.
I did say that I'd take my camera, didn't I?

Forgive the shakiness of the video, it's kinda hard to drive a jack and take a video....

I also got some pics of the computer units...


Just as I was walking towards the time clock to end my shift, at 8:30 pm, a delivery truck driver saw me in the warehouse and said,
"There's a strong smell of ammonia outside."

So I quickly turned around and went outside to where he said that the odor was.

The stinging sensation to my eyes and nose verified that an ammonia leak was confirmed.

I IMMEDIATELY called Shannon to report the situation.
He lives about 30 minutes away from the company and I told him that I'd remain to monitor the situation and provide safety for the remaining employees until he arrived.

When he arrived, we went to his office to call the emergency numbers related to the situation.
We then walked around the outside of the warehouse to determine where the strongest concentration was at.
We then walked through the cooler dock and warehouse to make sure that the leak hadn't permeated the inside.

There is a convenience/gas station approximately 200 yards to the west of the warehouse and I went there to determine whether the leak had reached that far. The wind was light, from the southwest, and when I went to the convenience store, I could detect a slight trace of the odor.

After about an hour and a half, we were still waiting on refrigeration personnel to arrive and he said that if he had to wait any longer, he'd hit the "king pin" to shut down the entire cooling system.
That is a decision that I'd never want to have to make; Jeopardizing an entire warehouse of refrigerated products.
However, I think that the safety of the surrounding area and community would be paramount in the decision.

He told me that there was no need for me to stay after I asked if there was anything that I could assist him with.
So, I went home.

Ironic, because just Thursday, there was a meeting in his office with maintenance employees about ammonia leaks.
I have some knowledge of ammonia and was able to contribute to the meeting.

I'll have to ask about what happened after I left, when I go to work on Monday.....



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If you liked the last tune by Dan Hicks, you will like this....

I have a couple of Dan Hicks albums and love every song!

Be sure to tip your Waitresses to keep the piano drinking!


A story of my past from back in the 80's.....

One night my band and I showed up at the venue to play and I was a bit inebriated from a couple of hours practice earlier.

I was wearing a "military" type of ball cap and the doorman said, "You got to lose the hat to enter."

I told him that, "I'm coming in AND I'm gonna play."

He turned and nodded to a couple of his "associates" and quickly two "gorillas" were on either side of me.

I repeated that I was going to enter and play.
I set down my guitar and waited....Sure enough..

Well, the other two bouncers grabbed me from both sides and it was on!

I jacked the two goons and said to the doorman, "You got anyone else you can call? Perhaps the manager?"
(whom was my Friend...)

I then picked up my guitar and walked in with my band mates behind me.

My band and I walked in and we played the best set I've ever played on stage!
When I had my Gibson....
And I kept my hat on!
Can't stop the music, Dig?
Do I still have that hat?
No. I threw it into the crowd.
The Gibson? No I don't have that anymore either.
An ugly divorce claimed it and an amp....




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Hear you go Scott.


"We're on a mission from God!"

The music from this movie is phenomenal!

Let's attend a Pentecostal Service tomorrow, shall we?
How many tongues do you speaK?
I'm only good for about 5 or 6 including German, Greek and ancient Armenic....

A Taurus "Judge" is sought after, my Friend.


If not a judge, then a 44 mag.
Then a .357 or a .38.

After that, well, I like vintage weapons.

Be well!


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Y'all feel me?

Music will never die!

Play the tune and sing your song!
Be the one to write your own your lyrics.

I do. You can be that one also!
Be the one who is there when no one else is.
Be the one who cares.
Be the one to save another....
No one is left behind...
Be the one who can make that difference...
Be the one who is strong enough to lead.....
To sing your own song....

Will you, "Be the one?"

When "the $hit hits the fan," will you lead or will you follow?

Will you be there for America's Heroes? What will you do?
Are you one of America's Heroes?
I pledged to give my life for America. To protect and defend. I will honor that pledge until I die.
I'll be there and well armed.


Many references are mentioned here...Think of Kennedy's assassination and other things from the era....
Perhaps you recognize the semblances?

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One other story....

One day in Germany, a fellow service member was at his wits end.

He drew a weapon for the day's duty.

He then placed the M16 to his chin, locked and loaded.

A Nam Vet and I was next to him when he drew his weapon.

I said, "Bill, what's up with you?"

We spent the next 3 hours talking.
I told Battalion brass to back off...
We talked of his Family. We talked of music. We talked of many things....

I can't and won't provide details but, I saved "Bill".

Veterans have many issues.
I've always worked to help my Friends....

I have served with many Vets.
Some who have thought of no reason to live.....

I have shown them a reason to live.

The thought of suicide is strong with Veterans,.....
How does one talk to an individual content of suicide?

Fortunately, I know....'cause I have been one to consider and attempted suicide.

When one asks, "Why Not?" What is your answer?

I hope that I will be able to help other Vets and to sleep soundly tonight.


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Here I go again on my own, helping Vets and giving of my time.
As a Vet I'll be there, 'cause I care....

And here I go again!
If anyone needs inspiration or advice, I'm always here. :usflag:


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