Laundry is done, folded and put up.

Sushi and sashimi is made and ready for tomorrow.
Home-made wasabi is prepared. (And HOT as hell!)

I'm ready for whatever the coming week has in store for me.

Hope all are ready for a Great Week Ahead!





Good healthy option for supper with the sushi....were having spinach lasagna with a green salad on the side. Home made just about anything beats the heck out of the premade junk they sell these days.

Regards + HH


I think that sometime this coming week, I'll make some stuffed giant pasta shells ala lasagna.
It's been awhile since I made them.
Don't need a recipe; I got it locked in my memory.
Got the garlic clove and the Italian sausage and everything else.

All I need to pick up at the grocer is some fresh oregeno.
And some Parmesan from my Wine and Cheese Friend.

Perhaps a nice bottle of wine?

I've come a long way from eating ramen, but I'll NEVER forget where I've been,
nor my Friends whom have always been by my side....



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Is it just me or do all Combat Vets have problems with Down Time. I would really like to know.

Please let me know.

As I may have mentioned earlier the past week,
I had contacted the College and messaged a Professor who might be able to assist me in my goal of a Bachelor's Degree in Social work.

She replied, eager to meet with me to discuss my options for enrollment.
As a Graduate, with Honors status, I'm certain that I'll be accepted for a Bachelor's Degree Program.
Perhaps even a Scholarship or two....

I mentioned this to my Supervisor at work and said that by the first of the year, I'd like to be able to set my work schedule to allow me to attend classes.
He said that the hours that I chose to work were fine with him.

I messaged the Professor that I'd like to meet with her before the Thanksgiving Break to discuss my options.
She replied that she would be available for a meeting at my convenience.

Could Scotty be headed back to School?

I'd like to enroll for classes for the coming Spring Semester.

So much on my plate.
But, Y'all know that Scotty can do it! :thumbsup:

"Time organization" is paramount!

"Success is always within your grasp; All you have to do is reach for it!"©Scott 2017



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Earlier today, working on the "Heel and Toe Assembly."
About the time I was asking myself about scrapping the whole damned jack.....

RC, can you see 2 irregularities in this pic?

View attachment 1504215



If a new one was on it's side to compare it would help , but...
The two " forks" are no where near a match. Stock either missing or piece was spliced in/on the top one ,or they are no supposed to resemble each other.(?).
The two rectangular holes next to each other ( side by side reliefs for casters) are either showing daylight through the stock below them from wear ,or welds. Can't tell for sure, but no place for welds unless a hole was worn through.
The "C" channel near your right hand is a different length than the other forks'. Again ,not sure what a stock lift of that model should look like.

Im not a doctor or medically trained but could it be related somehow to PTSD symptoms.

Regards + HH


Is it just me or do all Combat Vets have problems with Down Time. I would really like to know.

Please let me know.

Is it just me or do all Combat Vets have problems with Down Time. I would really like to know.

Please let me know.

It has been awhile since I served.
I am not a combat Vet, but I have served with others who were.

Initially, my "down time" was filled with drinking and drugs.
I am one of the lucky ones; I was smart enough to not be busted.
Many close calls, though.

Today, I am fortunate enough to have received a College Degree to help other Veterans who have not been so fortunate.
My "Down time" now consists of Volunteering, helping others and meeting with Congressmen and Senators to advocate Veterans issues.

"Many are called, Few are chosen."

I am fortunate enough to have been called AND chosen.

PM me if you ever feel the need.

Be Well, my Brother!


If a new one was on it's side to compare it would help , but...
The two " forks" are no where near a match. Stock either missing or piece was spliced in/on the top one ,or they are no supposed to resemble each other.(?).
The two rectangular holes next to each other ( side by side reliefs for casters) are either showing daylight through the stock below them from wear ,or welds. Can't tell for sure, but no place for welds unless a hole was worn through.
The "C" channel near your right hand is a different length than the other forks'. Again ,not sure what a stock lift of that model should look like.


Here's the answer.

#1 There are only 2 load wheels shown in the pic, not 3 as required.
#2 The toe and heel assembly is shown backwards. The front should be the back.

I looked at the pic and thought you might enjoy the view. Dare I to assume that you know of such things?



PS. The "Caster" wheels are behind me on the jack. Behind the drive wheel.

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Here's the answer.

#1 There are only 2 load wheels shown in the pic, not 3 as required.
#2 The toe and heel assembly is shown backwards. The front should be the back.oked at the pic and thought you might enjoy the view. Dare I to assume that you know of such things?



PS. The "Caster" wheels are behind me on the jack. Behind the drive wheel.

Not familiar at all with those lifts.
Worked doing repairs and fabrication at one shop.
Worked in a couple shops maintenance departments , and my last stretch was doing preventive maintenance and most overtime was repairs.
Periodic inspection of a company's assets and equipment utilising common hand tools and making recommendations for repair or replacement. L.o.l..

Bumping up lubrication intervals beyond manufacturers recommendations to avoid premature wear on problem children was one thing I did to gain some longevity.
Catching things before they failed reduced down time , and some new equipment was simply defective when it's importance meant getting to a service hour was fun...
When a bearing failed ,was it due to me? Or other reason. Gear boxes and a big variety of equipment had service records.
Control panel back up batteries changed out in time or an oil filter....I could tell you when and why.

My first night I broke a four way joystick on a mixer and replaced it pretty much backwards ,not knowing how the operator ran it.
My following shifts end when the boss came in he asked what I broke the second night. :laughing7:

Maintenance worked off my p.m.'s though and things were good for quite a while.

Not familiar at all with those lifts.
Worked doing repairs and fabrication at one shop.
Worked in a couple shops maintenance departments , and my last stretch was doing preventive maintenance and most overtime was repairs.
Periodic inspection of a company's assets and equipment utilising common hand tools and making recommendations for repair or replacement. L.o.l..

Bumping up lubrication intervals beyond manufacturers recommendations to avoid premature wear on problem children was one thing I did to gain some longevity.
Catching things before they failed reduced down time , and some new equipment was simply defective when it's importance meant getting to a service hour was fun...
When a bearing failed ,was it due to me? Or other reason. Gear boxes and a big variety of equipment had service records.
Control panel back up batteries changed out in time or an oil filter....I could tell you when and why.

My first night I broke a four way joystick on a mixer and replaced it pretty much backwards ,not knowing how the operator ran it.
My following shifts end when the boss came in he asked what I broke the second night. :laughing7:

Maintenance worked off my p.m.'s though and things were good for quite a while.

I was hired at this job having never even seen any of these types of lifts or jacks.
I thought I was hired as building maintenance.

In the short time that I've worked here, I am now proficient in PM's and all repairs including electrical and major repairs.
I learn quickly and the Supervisor is greatly proud that he was wise enough to hire me. :laughing7:
My mechanical prowess has proven to be beneficial to the company and my full potential has yet to be discovered.

"Give the People what they want today and you will be called upon Tomorrow!"©Scott 2017



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I was hired at this job having never even seen any of these types of lifts or jacks.
I thought I was hired as building maintenance.

In the short time that I've worked here, I am now proficient in PM's and all repairs including electrical and major repairs.
I learn quickly and the Supervisor is greatly proud that he was wise enough to hire me. :laughing7:
My mechanical prowess has proven to be beneficial to the company and my full potential has yet to be discovered.

"Give the People what they want today and you will be called upon Tomorrow!"©Scott 2017



The boss knows you are a good guy to have around , he ought to keep you around. Good help is much different than help ,or brown noser's.
Yours reads like his head is on straight. Not all understand what a two way street is. Can't frag em all though. Arouses suspicion...:icon_scratch:

The boss knows you are a good guy to have around , he ought to keep you around. Good help is much different than help ,or brown noser's.
Yours reads like his head is on straight. Not all understand what a two way street is. Can't frag em all though. Arouses suspicion...:icon_scratch:

My Boss and I have had moments to discuss many subjects in private.
Needless to say, I am the "Old Man" in the shop.

Being that "old man," others listen when I speak....

I don't say too much...but when I do....



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My Boss and I have had moments to discuss many subjects.
Needless to say, I am the "Old Man" in the shop.

Being that "old man," others listen when I speak....

I don't say too much...but when I do....



Oh great!
One boss referred to having to say something to a senior employee as being like yelling at his dad....l.o.l..

Oh great!
One boss referred to having to say something to a senior employee as being like yelling at his dad....l.o.l..

Not really like this at all.

The shop is a great bunch of guys and we all get along.

Jokes are thrown at each other every day.
In fact, one of the guys said the other day that, "Today, we are all gonna rag on Scott."

I smiled and said, "Really? It's about time. I lay awake at night thinking about comebacks for you a$$holes.
Now I get to use them! Bring it!"

Yeah, the shop is a great group of Friends.
We help each other and always work towards the goal of keeping the equipment running!



John just replied....

Thanks Scott. Got it marked on my calendar. So far everything is going great. I appreciate your help, just knowing someone has my back is a great feeling. See you Tuesday.

And, I asked of his plans for Veterans Day this year....
Perhaps we can share a Veteran's meal together at Golden Corral.....

"When one cares, Volunteers and gives of their time,
One gives a bit of their soul."


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Again, the night is late...
Ghosts of the past surround me.

Yet, The night will prove to me fortunistic because I am on guard. As always....
My obligations are fulfilled for today, and tomorrow is a journey yet to experience.

The past is not a part of my future, save knowledge gained.

When we all journey into "tomorrow,"
Hopefully "Yesterday" will show you the path to Tomorrow.
And when does today become tomorrow?

I know that is deep, but think about it....


Honors Philosophy 101....

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For me, when one can reconcile the deeds of helping another,
Tomorrow is a continuation of yesterday and today.

That answer is the best that I have to offer....
OK! Lights out, Ladies in 3, 2, 1


More Heart?


"You cupcakes must like wearing women's clothes!"

(Scotty thinks, I can see you wearing women's clothes. And I smile to myself....)


The Ovation!

A guitar or a gun?
I'm equally adept at both....

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Some more tunes that were popular when I was a newbie....
A fresh recruit, in Uncle Sam's Army.....
I waved goodbye to my Family and Friends, not knowing what lay ahead for me....
I spoke foreign languages, excelled in school and was highly sought after....
At the time, I didn't know why.
Now I do.

Funny that nobody asked if I could play a guitar.....

Y'all know my era, right?

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Sorry guys, my computer crashed and burned. I will take it to a shop, if I can find one in the middle of nowhere.

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