Sent my old computer out for repair and bought a cheep replacement, for the time being. It is slow as can be.


Kind of reminds me a few computers ago when we were still on dial up it took forever to get anything done.

Regards + HH


Awoke this morning before the sunrise.
Veteran's Court at 8 AM.
I arrived at the courthouse at 7:30 just as a Deputy was unlocking the door.
I was the first to enter....

Soon, John showed up and we went into the courtroom. I talked with him as we sat together before the Judge came in.
Again, everyone rose and said the pledge of allegiance.

I'm very proud of John's progress.
He said that he'd check with his Family about joining me at the Golden Corral for a Veteran's meal together.

After court, I came home and got ready for work.

Today, the Boss asked if I wanted a couple of hours overtime tomorrow.
One of the guys who has been there for about 15 years is going to rebuild the lift assembly of a reach forklift and will need some help.
He thought it would be good for me to learn more.

Of course I immediately said, "Absolutely!"

I've made myself available to the maintenance shop whenever I am requested and have reached the point that supervisors of other departments know me by name and often request my assistance.

It is a good feeling to be wanted and needed but not used.
So, in 12 hours, I will be elbow deep in rebuilding that forklift.

My day is planned!

Hope all are well!



Boss said that he'd bring me a sausage biscuit from a local restaurant! Yummy!

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Finally got those old Spanish coins cleaned up enough to send pics to the guy that I bought them from to help me ID them....

quinn 2 obv.webp quinn 2 rev.webp quinn 3 obv.webp quinn 3 rev.webp quinn1obv.webp quinn1rev.webp

Most are from 1566-1701.
From the reigns of Philipe II and Carlos II.

I've sent payment for more!
I should get them in the mail soon!



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Just sent a message to the Vet Rep of the Georgia Dept. of Labor to wit:

It was a pleasure to see you today at Veterans Court.
I think that the Vet that I have been assigned has a great potential of successfully completing the program.

Thank you for including me in this opportunity to help.

If you ever have a meeting with Congressman Doug Collins concerning Veterans Court, Please keep me in mind to attend. It was Representative Collins who first mentioned the program when I initially met with him concerning Veterans issues.

I'd like to meet again with him and thank him for enlightening me in a way that I can continue to serve by being there for my fellow Vet.

Hope all is well for you.

Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx



An idea is formulating.....

Think I'll meet with the Director of Human Resources at work tomorrow and try to coordinate a meeting with Congressman Collins to come to my place of work.

Perhaps a photo op of all Veteran Employees.

And perhaps a greater potential of Veteran Hirings.....
I like the idea...

I will always be there for my Veteran Brothers and Sisters! :icon_salut:



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Much is planned for tomorrow.

But, tonight, A candy bar and a chapter or two of a 1937 volume of a 4 part book awaits my enjoyment.
Yeah, I guess that deep down, I'm just a simple man....

Hope all have great plans for your tomorrow!

"Yesterday is but a memory. Today was a gift. Tomorrow is yours to succeed!" ©Scott



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Those Spanish coins cleaned up fairly good....pretty decent return for your investment.

Regards + HH



1 year ago we adopted an abandoned cat this makes cat number 7 over 30 years or so and all but one were abandoned.

He was skin and bones when I started feeding him last September odds are someone moved July 1st and just dumped him in our neighborhood....I could never figure out how anyone could be so cruel towards a pet.

My wife named him Raza which stands for hope in African.....he certainly is no longer skin and bones and pretty much has the run of the

Regards + HH



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Bill, cats are Special creatures. You can never own one, only care for them and they really don't need your care, just your Love. My mother was dying and we would feed and water her two cats. The day she died the cats left and were never seen again. That is a beautiful cat. My sister-in-law has one that is about the size of a medium dog, biggest house cat I have ever seen. It showed up around the time my brother died.

My wife Johanne calls me St Francis of Assisi.....the stray cats seem to be attracted to

Regards + HH


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Tomorrow night on the menu is black bean and mango salsa. Light and easy to prepare probably cut up some soft tortillas in triangles instead of the deep fried chips.


Black beans and mango, sounds like something St Francis of Assisi would eat. Bon apatite!


I don't know about the rest of you but I'm always inspired by people or animals who against all odds in spite of adversity not only survive but manage to thrive on life regardless of the odds.

Meet pretzel the cat.


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Bill, that was a real tear jerker, and I needed to clear my eyes.

Thank you,


Today, when I went to work, the guy that owns the tattoo shop told me that he had a meeting later with some folks from "Toys For Tots."

I told him that I would be interested in volunteering to help and to keep me in mind.

Today I also learned how to replace the all self contained computer monitor and keyboard on the reach forklifts.
I was shown how to do one and then was told, "Do the next one. And you will probably do them all from now on."

Folks, we're talking about units that are specially constructed to be in "freezer" conditions.
Each unit set up costs over $10,000. So I was told....
One wrong step in the process or wrong connection and, well, you know, the whole unit is fried.

No problem.
Scotty got this!

Changed out the unit alone and fired it up and all was good! :headbang:

I'll try to take my camera in tomorrow for some pics.

Learning new things every day.



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Here's the breakdown of the motley crew of the forklift shop that I'm a part of:

Shannon. The Manager of Building, Grounds and the Forklift Shop. The man who interviewed me for the job and said,
"I don't see any reason why I shouldn't hire you."

Kip. The guy who has been there for over 15 years and showed me how to change out the computer units today and I helped with the rebuild of the reach forklift assembly yesterday. When we first met, he asked my age. He then asked how long I planned on working. I replied, "Until the day they are throwing dirt on my grave. But I'll call in first."

Bryan. Kip's brother who owns the tattoo shop and I helped today replace a riser on one lift and helped replace the potential switch on another Crown unit.

Tristan. My Friend who has been there for just over a year. I shared lunch again tonight with cheeseburgers and chips that I brought.....

Scotty. The jack and forklift drivers have started to call me, "Grandpa." As in, "Grandpa, I need some load wheels replaced. Your 10 minute special, right?" "Absolutely! I'm gonna make sure that you ride smooth and safely tonight and make some money!" "Mucho dinero, Si? ¡Sé seguro esta noche, mi amigo!"
Many drivers are Hispanic and I know just enough Spanish to communicate with them.
Sadly, no one speaks German.....

Like I said, I'll try to get some pics tomorrow.

Certainly, one of the best jobs I've ever been fortunate enough to have!



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