
I've done kicked a hornets nest!

The new site that I moderate is used to getting away with spam.
I've deleted almost 100 posts now.....

I've had so many message me about "what the hell" that I had to compose a reply....

"If you feel that your post is acceptable, regardless of the rules, you may contact the Administrator, However, a warning has been issued and argument with an Admin or Mod will result in immediate banning from the group."

The Administrator stands by my side! :notworthy:

Between us, we have banned about 30..... so far....
"Winnowing the chafe....." Dig?
We gonna set this ship right!



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Certainly, I have a new found appreciation of the Moderators here at Treasurenet. :notworthy:

The job of Moderator is never easy....

I'll certainly try not to make their job any more difficult.
(You hear me, Treasurehunter?) LOL!

My Best Wishes to All!


Think I'll go back to my original avatar....



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Perhaps I have time to win another poker Tourney?

Let's give it a go, shall we!

All I need is a miracle.....

Your bet, Mate.




Anyone ever hear of or play "3 card Poker?"

Yeah, it's a real game and I won hundreds of dollars in the Army in Germany.

I was taught the game by Rejulio Blackmon, a Pan American medal winner in weightlifting.
A tree stump with legs.....Could have squashed me with one hand.
If he ever had a reason and could have caught me....

I was never afraid to call his bluff.
The cards held never lie.....Certainly, we all have our diversions....

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Anyone watching Shark Week? This one has been quite educational. I missed my calling......... Dram, OV where you two hiding????

I have finally deleted all posts reported as spam on the new site.
A couple of folks have issued threats, wanting to know where I'm located. And a couple of others have cussed me out so salty that a sailor would blush....

I replied to them:
"Congratulations! You have said the magic words to get yourself BANNED from the Group. Be Well!"

I have also made suggestions to the Administrator to help manage the group more easily that he has now employed.

New employee orientation scheduled for Monday at 9:30 AM.

Gonna hit the ground a-runnin'! :thumbsup:

Got yard work ahead for the weekend and looks like it's laundry month again....

Y'all have a GREAT Weekend!

Best Wishes Always!


I find time for another tourney.

High stakes, final table.
Largest stack.

new game.webp

Seems too easy....



Update on the tourney....

new game2.webp

new game3.webp

new game win.webp

Too easy!




"I'm ready for another tourney. Any takers?"



Let's play!


20,000 makes 300,000.

Real money?


Here we go.

A "Friendly" Game, Dig?

All weapons on the table, please....

Poker is simple...
If you know how to calculate the odds....


Ever play "Yahtzee?"

Hmmmm..Final table again....Not the biggest stack, so my work is cut out for me.....

"Don't worry, Dad, I know what a full house is!"
"Is this a full house?"


Didn't win this one but still finished in the money. Doubled my entry cost.

Now, time to take care of moderator duties.

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Cindy just messaged me about her pending divorce and wondering about her future.

For those who haven't been keeping score, Cindy was my first wife....


After numerous messages exchanged, talking about past experiences, I told her to be strong.

I replied thus:

I will always love you.
You were my first love and will always be my real true love.
Though we had our problems as kids, the memories and feelings will never change.
I'm always here for you no matter what.
Always feel free to message me for any reason.
Whether for advice or just to have a friendly shoulder, I am here.

What else could be said?


Seems like tonight is ripe again for a bad dream....I hope not.
"I'll volunteer for all night watch again, Captain! I have no need for sleep."

Now, forgive me but I must attend to my Moderator duties.
And a new Group that I created.

If you are on Facebook, I'll add you to the new group.

It concerns Treasure and metal detecting.

Let me know....

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Uncle Bill, have you heard of this Lindsey Stirling?? dang she is good

And now, what shall we hear?

I know!
(Turn it up, Kids!)

OH, Look!

Kevin is playing an Ovation!

And that Gibson! (Drooling)


Sometimes my priories are apparent.....

Damn right I turned it up!
Full blast!

The Landlord is away, gone racing....

Good thing I don't have an amp....
The police would surely be called by neighbors for my "guitar music!"

I'd be breaking windows!

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Joke of the day --An 18-year-old field-goal kicker could be the first woman to play in the NFL. Scouts say she has the talent and desire. All she needs now is the criminal record.

Uncle Bill, have you heard of this Lindsey Stirling?? dang she is good

Ah, Jeff, my Friend.

You have been missed.

Perhaps I should saw off a few more inches of my shotgun. LOL!

But, really, we miss your presence here.

Don't be a stranger and never fear calling a bluff.

Or the reaper....

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Scotty, I keep up
and in 61 years I have found nothing I fear yet

Played guitar here a couple of times my youth....

Live Music in Lawrence Kansas | The Bottleneck | The Bottleneck

Ah! Good times!

Music and beer!

There was pool tables and I played before my set...
I shoot a mean game of pool, dig?
I know geometry and angles.....
Used to hustle pool with my Pop in podunk towns years ago.....
Sometimes we barely escaped...

Yeah, I got some.
My favorite is, "Lights out."


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Well played, my Friend, well played.

I guess you didn't get that old by being stupid.

Neither have I.
Certainly we have both done stupid things.....Yet, Ta Da! Here we are!

Be well, my Friend!


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The "Light's out" Story?


When I was on leave, after basic, before being shipped to Germany, I went drinking and shooting pool with my Pop.

I was 18 and we worked a scheme.
I washed my mouth with whiskey and spit it out. All over myself.

I don't drink whiskey, but the smell of liquor on me was a ploy.

I found myself on a pool table and purposly shot like crap.

My Pop, on the side, talked me up.

"Yeah, My Boy can whip you!"

Once he had secured enough money on my loss, I killed the competition.

When it became apparent that we were hustling, I'd look at Pop and say, "This shot is lights out!"
(over $500 on that game....)

That was code for make sure you got the money and I'll knock out anyone who tries to stop us. Meet you in the parking lot and be ready to ride!
I faced angry bettors....

It's my shot. I looked over to Pop and said, "Lights out, old man!"
It was only used once and, well, we were never allowed at that bar again.
After my explanation to the sheriff of what happened....
Two people lost consciousness that night....And also lost money.....

Betting on Billiards is not allowed by State Statutes I guess :dontknow:
Suddenly, no one could say what happened.

Such memories.....

Yeah, I sunk the 8 ball...2 rails. Side pocket. Just as I called.
Perry Pub. Perry, Kansas. December, 1977.
Ask the Law. Jefferson County.
No Charges filed.

Who's a winner?

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