I need a haircut.
Perhaps tomorrow?
Yes, Perhaps.....


Gotta keep on rollin' with the changes....
A new picture of me at your Post Office will soon arrive.

Sadly, the reward is just an "Atta Boy."

I'm working on that.....
Soon, it will be a dollar, two, ninety-eight!

I'm planning on tearing a tag from a mattress! And no one can stop me!


Be Well my Friends.


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I need a haircut.
Perhaps tomorrow?
Yes, Perhaps.....



"Yeah, a haircut? Which hair, you freak?"


"Oh, Behave, Scotty!"


Confused yet? No? Challenge accepted.

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Can't wait to eat... I mean I can't wait to meet you wankers. Let's have a bite to eat!! Where's Scotty?"


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"Oh, Damn! This is getting interesting! You keeping up?"

"And then....POOF! He is gone. Never to be seen again"


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"Well, Folks, Scott has left."
"Where did he go?"
"Let's ask our Friend, Giorgio..."


"Ummmm. Never mind."

"Yeah. Scott is definitely out there...."

Y'all be good!


Hey Scott! Do folks hog hunt up your way?

Hey Scott! Do folks hog hunt up your way?

Up around Water's creek, a "Trophy Trout stream," that you need a special license to fish, I hear tell of some fine hog hunting.
I've never seen any in the area when I've been camping, but have heard stories...


New Employee orientation today was exhausting!


And I've another day's worth!

Tomorrow morning, my Landlord is going to give me a ride to Duluth to pick up some Redwing© steel-toe boots that I got a voucher for and then I'll return to finish the orientation.

Then I'll meet with my Dept. Supervisor and learn when my first day is.

I have signed more forms and papers today than when I joined the Army.

I can't wait to start fixing things and keep it all running smooth!

Y'all be well!


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Yeah I'm thinking of buying some land here which will give me access to 10,000 acres to hunt! Good luck on that job buddy!!!

Over the weekend, while grocery shopping, I saw a hunk of "Breakfast" pork roast on sale.

Y'all know Scotty...

I snagged it!

A hunk twice as big as my fist for $4 and change.

I put it in the crockpot for about 6 hours and then let it cool overnight in the fridge.

Tonight, I sliced it thin, put it in a saucepan with BBQ sauce and special seasonings, (Habenero dust)
and now have the best BBQ sandwiches on fresh buns you could ever want!

A whole dill pickle, a side of home-made tater salad and a tall glass of sweet tea is my dinner.

For desert, fresh strawberries, grapes and apple slices.

Ain't life grand!

Got enough for my friends.

I always share with my Friends.....

Come get cha a plate full! :headbang:

Don't wanna see no left-overs...Dig?

Reminds me of the times that I cooked kebobs. More than once.....
(Story of one time? Maybe....Remind me and I might tell the story....Y'all know I like telling my stories....Cost me my job. Otherwise, it is MY memory only. Makes no difference to me....)

After meticulous preparation of 40-50 kebobs, cooked on the grill, I would be pissed if any were left....

When I cooked and invited Friends, I was pleased that no kebobs were left!

My results were fully enjoyed!

Perhaps kebobs are in the future again soon....

Who wants a couple three?



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Have you ever tasted something and thought, "Oh, Damn! That's hot!"

Then couldn't wait for another bite?

Yeah, that's how I cook.

Seconds, my Friends?

Plenty for all.



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Sometimes, life is defies all logic and physics...

It blows and sucks at the same time.

Explain that if you can.

Yet, as long as I enjoy life, I shall ponder this query. :thumbsup:
(I have my suspicions.....:coffee2:)

Now we venture into the realm of Philosophy.

Are you ready for the journey?

I suggest knowledge of Kant, Bacon, Aristotle, Pythagoras and Socrates.

Perhaps in discourse, we both shall learn.....



Talk of Philosophy at 3 am?

Doesn't Scott EVER sleep?



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"What is sleep but a brief respite of reality?
A journey into ones subconsciousness, to explore that which pervades ones waking moments."

"The dreams of ones sleep reflect the thoughts and bondage one has during their waking moments.
If their dreams are disturbing, their waking life is in disarray." Scott "The Basis of Dreams"2017©

Says a lot, don't it?

I suggest reading Freud.
I have.


"The Basis of Dreams" is a book that I'm working on. It is also a Bachelor's Thesis.
A thesis that I'm working on prior to my Advanced Degree.

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"What is sleep but a brief respite of reality?
A journey into ones subconsciousness, to explore that which pervades ones waking moments."

"The dreams of ones sleep reflect the thoughts and bondage one has during their waking moments.
If their dreams are disturbing, their waking life is in disarray." Scott "The Basis of Dreams"2017©

Says a lot, don't it?

I suggest reading Freud.
I have.


"The Basis of Dreams" is a book that I'm working on. It is also a Bachelor's Thesis.
A thesis that I'm working on prior to my Advanced Degree.

My twisted version.

Depends on the duration and quality of sleep.
Recent ( or prior if sleep deprived) events , even those things senses picked up but did not register in conscious mind get poured through a sieve and classified as to importance to varied ego's.
Some go to individual files ( or in my case ,strewn about the floor by the little guy responsible for putting data in their proper drawers) and others with less clarity ,or puzzles are exposed to the subconscious to decipher. If enough downtime allows.
Deprived of downtime ,the subconscious will fire up and over run the conscious for brief intervals to try to catch up. A limbo of thought ,sort of.

What bias the subconscious has is not totally dependent on the conscious. And is run by criteria often removed from waking hours logic.

Well gang wish us luck. I have been studying anything I can get my hands on about the Treasure Fleet of 1715. I have coordinates of 7 cannons! Tomorrow the 11 y/o and I are going "coil swinging" for the cannons YO HO YO HO a pirates life for me!!!!!

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