Back from my cruise. Not a good one this time. I suffered heat exhaustion in Jamaica. I took 6 IV's...... Wooo. Other than that as we use to say in the Army " NSTR" Nothing significant to report. Scott I'll be pm soon bud

Hey, old man, take life me.
Enjoy and continue to learn from every moment.
You may never pass this way again....

Wisdom that kids don't understand.....

Be well, Brother!


"Ship Liberty at 06:00 today. Ship movement and full formation at 08:00 tomorrow.
Miss ship movement and formation and face serious charges. No excuses. That is all."

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Belfast maine

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


A tribute, not to oppression and racism, but to Americans who fought and died for their ideas of States rights.
Those who fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War, didn't fight for slavery. They fought and died for a cause that they believed in.

To minimize their sacrifice for the history of America is a slap in America's progress.

And, if anyone should hate this flag,


You better study history.

Best Wishes,


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Well, dang.

Let's talk about realism.

The gas gauge of my truck shows that I'm on empty.
My best pair of socks have holes that a whale could escape.

Yet, I'm free and happy.

I sleep until I wake.
I answer to no one.

And my day is planned to my pleasure.

But, I'm FREE!

If I ever get so hungry, there are many dumpsters nearby.

How do you think I've made it so far?

I'm a Vet.
I'm a survivor.


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I just emailed my Department of Labor Vet Representative Friend about a job that I was aware of in my area and provided a contact for help of a job.

Hopefully a Vet will find a fit for a job!
I am not the man for the job, but a fellow Vet is! :thumbsup:

We do what we can to help our brothers and sisters.....


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I'm now a moderator of a "Buy and Sell" Facebook group with over 20,000 members and hundreds wishing to join every day.

I've just approved about 100 and denied about 100.

My first day.....

Uncle Bill knows the numbers.....

I will post here later when time allows.

My! I feel like a one legged man in an ass-kicking competition.
And I will win!
(I've trained in "Blind" combat, Underwater combat and mountain combat.)

Don't even try to play me, dig?

Y'all be good for ole Scotty, OK?


My Best Wishes,


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Yeah, Today was "Laundry Month."

Still waiting for the maid to show up to fold and put away the clothes...
Sheesh! I washed and dried!

Nuts! Guess I'll do it myself again....

Still looking for a maid. Skilled in laundry, dishes and vacuuming. Any help?

Perhaps "Craig's List?"
Sometimes being a single guy is a pain.....DIG?
Don't fall in love. Trust me.....It never ends well....



Now I must return to my obligations as a moderator....
I'm nearly done here....

Do you wish to share my Macabre dreams?

I certainly hope not.
But, I'll share my nightmares if you wish....
You sick puppy.....

Don't make me go there again. Please...
I will quit my persona and life at Treasurenet.
Yeah, that serious....So easy to disappear...

Enough is enough.



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You have no idea what I'm thinking right now....

Many options, what is plausible?

How 'bout waking up tomorrow, a new day?
A new way...

Tuning up my guitar one more time,
and singing some words that might just rhyme,

Playing my guitar I've up tuned well,
Singing, though it sounds like hell.

I'm happy with my life and have no care,
Lord knows I've been everywhere.

Now I am to share my life,
and give that is right.

For my Vet Friends and the Country I love,
And for my God, in Heaven above.


And greeting a brand new day.....

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Last night, a bad dream.

An Ex-Husband with a weapon and ammo. Sent me running.
Bullets cracking around me.
I ran in "Slo-Mo."
Y'all know how dreams are.....
I ran and ducked for cover behind trees and rocks....I found my way back to him....
I had neither a weapon or ammo....A bad dream, yes, but guess who won...
Yeah, I snuck up on him, took his weapon and.....
OH! He had a son on his side. I neutralized him first.

I awoke in a sweat this morning about 06:00, ready to continue combat and to employ my talents of survival....
In the mountains.....

Whew... Just a dream....
Took me awhile to calm down.....And two cups of coffee....
This time.


Just a piddly-ass ex husband. With a weapon.
And a bad dream......
What will tonight's dreams be? As the lightning flashes, the thunder rumbles and the rain falls tonight in Georgia?
I'm at my best in the rain, Dig?
Easier to sneak up on you....Yeah, you know that I'm used to the rain.....

Sleep well, my Friends. Thousands of your Fellow American Servicemen and Women protect you tonight and every night.

Semper Vigilantis!

"Ready For The Rain"

Early in the morning, before the daylight
I hear the sound of thunder, comin' through in the night
I lie awake and I wonder , where my life is goin'
Am I on a road leadin' nowhere, there's no way of knowin'
'Cause I've seen the lightning
And I'm ready for the rain to fall

Now I'm standin' on a mountain, lookin' into the sky
I see the clouds come rollin' in, water fills my eyes
I don't know what's in the future, no one can say
Don't wanna think about the past, I've gotta live for today
'Cause I've seen the lightnin' now
I need to find my own way, while I've still got time

And I'm ready for the rain to fall
'Cause I've heard the thunder
And I'm ready for the rain to fall
I'm ready, ready for the rain
I've got to rise above it all
And get ready for the rain to fall

Did you ever know someone, who had lost their way
Built their own little kingdom, and just blew
(pissed) it all away
I'm not ashamed to admit it, that someone was me
I'm gonna look to the future now, 'cause I've set myself free
And I've seen the lightnin'
I'm gonna set myself free, while I've still got time

Get ready for the rain to fall
'Cause I've heard the thunder
And I'm ready for the rain to fall
I'm ready, ready for the rain
I've got to rise above it all
And get ready for the rain to fall, while I've still got time....
[Repeat chorus]

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Good night, My Friends.

Hope that your dreams are pleasant.


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A poignant change of avatar.

Saluting my fallen Friends and Fellow vets.

I hope that you understand.....

Be well, my Friends.


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A funny story of my Moderator position, at a Facebook "Buy and Sell" group from the other day.... Someone had posted a "Credit Repair" service.
(I have frequently warned posters and am also one to approve or deny membership. I have deleted posts and have banned a few....)

I messaged them with this:
"Your post has been flagged as spam and has been removed. The rules are for the sale of Tangible items. No "Work from Home," raffle tickets, promoting other groups/sites, services, Credit Repair, guns, animals, cable services or weight loss products. This is your only warning. Another post that violates the rules will result in being banned from the Group@ Atlanta Georgia Buy/Sell/Trade"..

They hit me back, arguing. I replied that,
"A warning has been issued. Argument with the Admins or Mods will result in being banned from the group."

They then offered a "kickback" of $5 for each person that signed up for their service....
BIG MISTAKE! I replied,
"You have just crossed the line."

Let me tell you,
I banned them so fast that they didn't know what had hit them! LOL!



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I did some work today for my locksmith Friend.

I went to a local Bank and cut a couple of Safety Deposit Box keys.

I used my equipment and didn't see my Friend, but completed the job.

He had called me and requested my help earlier this week and I quickly agreed.
Once my Friend, always my Friend. :thumbsup:

Perhaps We may reach an agreement for me to work as a subcontractor.

I will go to the shop tomorrow to meet with him after over a half year of not seeing him.

We are still cool.....Dig?

I can't wait to see my Friend again. :headbang:

Y'all be good, OK?


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Thursday, right?

Guess it's taco night!

Had the Wednesday Hot Wings yesterday.....

Yeah, Dinners are becoming too predictable here at Scott's kitchen....

The weekend near approaches....Perhaps something unexpected?

Gimme a minute. I'll think of something new.
Perhaps a Japanese meal with my home-made sushi?

Or an Italian delight with pasta primavera?

However, I'm craving southern Bar-B-Que....

Being a single man means that Dinner is whatever I want it to be!

Yeah, I can cook anything that I can imagine and want.

I'm always looking to learn.
I'm looking into Eastern Indian cooking.
Such as tandoori, Biryani, Dal, etc.

Anyone have experiences or recipes?

Many times I have attempted new recipes and failed...
My dinner was thrown into the trash and I went hungry. Other times, I was successful!

How else can one find success other than to boldly attempt.....

Once, as the kitchen Manager of a Sorority at Kansas University,
in the 80's, I decided to offer omelets for breakfast to the girls.
Immediately, my decision was a hit! I had memorized the girls who came for breakfast,
what they wanted in their omelette and, the nightgowns that they wore.....ahem....

But, Being professional.....Yeah....
Scott is Professional.

Parents day neared and I had to plan the meal.
No time for the "hanky-panky."
I planned the meal with filet mignon, roast beef and all the trimmings.

My girl's and their parents loved the spread I gave!

It took me 3 days to recover from the stress of the meal preparation.....

And, I was barely within my budget!

Imagine a young Scott, running around my kitchen, cussing the one cooking the filets, firing him on the spot and taking over. Running to the one in charge of the roast...... Is it ready?
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DRINKS? Yeah. 3 Days of stress recovery.

See why I don't want a restaurant job to this day?



"The spice of life is the new taste of a meal!"

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A funny story of my Moderator position, at a Facebook "Buy and Sell" group from the other day.... Someone had posted a "Credit Repair" service.
(I have frequently warned posters and am also one to approve or deny membership. I have deleted posts and have banned a few....)

I messaged them with this:
"Your post has been flagged as spam and has been removed. The rules are for the sale of Tangible items. No "Work from Home," raffle tickets, promoting other groups/sites, services, Credit Repair, guns, animals, cable services or weight loss products. This is your only warning. Another post that violates the rules will result in being banned from the Group@ Atlanta Georgia Buy/Sell/Trade"..

They hit me back, arguing. I replied that,
"A warning has been issued. Argument with the Admins or Mods will result in being banned from the group."

They then offered a "kickback" of $5 for each person that signed up for their service....
BIG MISTAKE! I replied,
"You have just crossed the line."

Let me tell you,
I banned them so fast that they didn't know what had hit them! LOL!



No guns? Pffft.


My wife and me have been cooking Indian food for a long a search for Madhur Jaffrey we have a couple of her cookbooks. Odds are some of her recipes should be posted online.

Regards + HH


No guns? Pffft.

Yes, I have banned those who have posted guns for sale.
Some nice glocks, certainly, but, I will always abide by the rules....And others must also pay heed....
Because, I represent the rules as a Moderator.
I am strong in that regard.

Be Well, My Friend!


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When one has posted something that catches my eye, that might be in violation,

This is what I send to them.

Your post has been flagged as spam and has been removed. The rules are for the sale of Tangible items. No "Work from Home," raffle tickets, Credit repair, promoting other groups/sites, services, Sales of guns, animals, cable services or weight loss products. This is your only warning. Another post that violates the rules will result in being banned from the Group@ Atlanta Georgia Buy/Sell/Trade

Have I forgotten anything?


No I haven't....


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A girl just requested membership to the group. Rosanna.

I declined her membership.
Rules are rules, dig?

Don't ask why....


She didn't answer the questions properly for inclusion. And I don't know her....Now you know why......
Therefore, you don't have to ask.....but,
Let's enjoy this Vid that I'm thinking of....

Mmmm...."Google Tandoori Recipes"


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