Silver Member
Got up to go cannon hunting and got rained we went mudding...... school starts here on the 10th.
My twisted version.
Depends on the duration and quality of sleep.
Recent ( or prior if sleep deprived) events , even those things senses picked up but did not register in conscious mind get poured through a sieve and classified as to importance to varied ego's.
Some go to individual files ( or in my case ,strewn about the floor by the little guy responsible for putting data in their proper drawers) and others with less clarity ,or puzzles are exposed to the subconscious to decipher. If enough downtime allows.
Deprived of downtime ,the subconscious will fire up and over run the conscious for brief intervals to try to catch up. A limbo of thought ,sort of.
What bias the subconscious has is not totally dependent on the conscious. And is run by criteria often removed from waking hours logic.
Work reading like you are getting established.
That sideshift C channel for the forks?
Had one wear through about 12 feet above the ground with a load on it. Tough hydraulic hoses held all the weight of the forks and their supports, after the bedstead racks being stacked crashed into a lower one.
Monday for you tomorrow ! Used to be a quiet start up for me without the heat if not running seven days. Though start ups can cause issues them selves when ramping stuff up that does not want to wake up. A Monday thing maybe ,regardless of day of week.
My hours have been temporarily changed to be available earlier.
I now go in at noon and get off at 8:30pm.
There is such a backlog of repairs needed that management felt that it was better for me to be available earlier in the day.
We'll get the situation under control soon!
As promised earlier, here's a pic of the yellow jackets nest that provided the bombardier that hit me.....
View attachment 1481616
The white seen in the photo is the nest.
Not seen is the nest to the left that remained under the other timbers.
My assault was total, devastating and complete.
Now I have to put everything back in place.
Hope all are well.
Yellow jackets can be a real pain in the neck!!
You only got hit once Scotty?
You have me at a disadvantage....
I vaguely remember our conversation...I'm pretty busy right now.
Perhaps I can indulge you to remind me of the discussion...
If it is something that I have promised, know that I always keep my word.
It sounds like something that I would certainly be interested in!
Sorry. Always being busy and getting old sometimes don't work well.
As if I'm not busy enough, I plan on meeting with my Congressman soon on volunteering and meeting with a Federal Judge to mentor Veterans.
But that's another story.....