Just saw a post from my first wife, whom I recently connected with and she posted a photo of her newest husband and she said,
"The face of a cheater."
A picture of her current husband.

Her last post was something about that she could only trust herself.

Then she deleted her Facebook account.

Yes, we had problems but I told her that I always loved her....

I'm sad for her.

I wish that I could contact her to provide support....

That's just the way it is.....

Sometime life sucks. Times that you remember, will bite you in your ass.
Just the way it is....


Why is life so complicated?

Seems like the more that you love, the more that you will cry.....

I have stories and photos of our experiences together.....
But, Not now...Dig?

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Just Pm'ed her crazy sister, Leslie, for Cindy to call me.

(Crazy sister always had a crush on me....sheesh)

I gave my phone number.

Let's see where this goes, shall we?

Yeah. I'm in too deep, aren't I?

I can bail quicker than a free fall. me!
(Hand on rip cord....)

I can easily hide in the mountains if anyone looks for me. Dig?


And, here I am.
Free Falling!

No one will compromise my life.
One can only expand my life!

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Just Pm'ed her crazy sister, Leslie, for Cindy to call me.

(Crazy sister always had a crush on me....sheesh)

I gave my phone number.

Let's see where this goes, shall we?

Yeah. I'm in too deep, aren't I?

I can bail quicker than a free fall. me!
(Hand on rip cord....)

I can easily hide in the mountains if anyone looks for me. Dig?


And, here I am.
Free Falling!

No one will compromise my life.
One can only expand my life!

Hmm. Not going to answer much ...just peer at you over the top of my reading glasses.8-)



Here we go...

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I inlaid the ebony keys with strips of abalone.
I also made a tuning wrench that I still have.....

This was probably in the 80's, I guess....

As a kid, maybe early teens, I used to sneak away from home at night and "Find" my way into Murphy Hall on the Kansas University Campus to the music rooms.
The Music rooms had pianos, in soundproof rooms for students to practice.
Only a few hundred yards from home....15-20 minutes walking distance....

I wasn't a student, but I spent many hours practicing, teaching myself...
I went room to room, looking for the piano that was tuned right.

AH! A Piano!

When I was caught by my Mom after sneaking out and returning back late,
I was punished for sneaking out.
I never told her why or where I had snuck out...
I performed chores such as pulling weeds as punishment...
This was about the same time that I was involved with "Annie, Get Your Gun."

A KU Production.

Several years later, I attended Kansas University and one Semester I was enrolled in a course called, "Beginning Keyboard."

I practiced in the same rooms for my final and played a short piece of a Bartok selection.

Funny sometimes how life works out, ain't it?

Tomorrow, I'll sneak out again!

Best, Y'all!


I also went to Marvin Hall to work on silversmithing projects.
I was taught many techniques by Byron Sneegas.

Yeah, I had opportunity of College as a kid.
Living so close....

From what was mentioned to shooting weapons in the basement of Mallott Hall with the ROTC,
performing gymnastics at Robinson's gym, Studying entomology and donating to Snow Hall,

Ole Scotty was known as just a kid but one to learn!

I "Charmed" my way to everything I wanted to be involved in.

I even had a KU girlfriend... A Friend, OK?
Sara Fritts....

And, I even rode along with the KU Police a few times...
(Mom knew of this. She had to sign a waiver)

All this as a kid, before I actually enrolled as a student.

Y'all ever been to College?

Oh, Lord.
How 'bout some stories when I was enrolled?

Ummm...Probably not.


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Playin' high stakes poker and now I'm on the final table....

I need a cigar about now....


Just finished second.
Out of 2 tables.
A total of 18 players.


Without a cigar...

Cost me 20,000 but I made 91,800.

I might have won it all if I only had a cigar!

Shall I play again?

Without a cigar?

I think I have a cigar in my truck....Lemme look....
Yep.. A cigar in hand....

Let's play!

Your ante, if you're a daisy.....
I'm your huckleberry.....
Let's up the ante, shall we?

Can you stand the stress?

I can.

Say, a 50,000 table?

Your bet....

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Life becomes faster as you grow older; The days pass ever so quickly.....

Today I journeyed to a company to submit a resume.

A small company. Maybe 12-15 employees....

Welcome to Pinnacle Elastomeric Technology - Pinnacle Elastomers

The job is for mixing rubber components for finished product.
A hot, hard and dirty job.
Part of the benefits are on site showers and uniforms.

I met with the owner, (I think...),Bob,
and handed him my resume along with a copy of my DD214.
We talked briefly and I said that I could run the machines AND could repair them. A double benefit!

He said that they will be taking applications for a few more days and will call in finalists.

As I was leaving, I shook his hand and told him that I'm always thinking of safety,
productivity and am ready to be a part of the team.
On the way home, I stopped at a small antique mall to have a look around.

I noticed a cluster of old post office boxes for sale.


(Helpful image of similar unit, although this picture shows dial locks...)

I asked the fellow in charge if the boxes had any keys.

He said no. "I could have sold it 10 times by now if there were keys."

Well, Y'all know that ole Scotty is a locksmith, right?

I said, "You want keys? I'm a locksmith!"
His eyes lit up and I thought he was gonna hug me.

It wasn't his item but was a vendors. He asked me how much.


6 across. 5 high with 2 on the bottom. 32 locks.

I said, "I can make a key and have all locks fit that key for $200.
That's $6.25 per lock.
NOWHERE else will you find such a deal!
Oh, by the way, anything else in this antique mall,
from cabinets needing barrel keys to your front door, I'm your guy."

I gave him my phone number for all the vendors to contact me for their needs.


Landlord told me today that he and his Brother will close the deal on their Father's house tomorrow.

He will recommend me to rekey locks for the new owners.

I have rekeyed locks for his Father and his Brother in the past....

In fact, rekeying locks is how I met my Landlord and have the relationship that we have today!
Best. Landlord. EVER!

One day closer for Scotty to have to move.....

Got a lot on my plate, y'all.

And I ain't talking about dinner....

Y'all be good.




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Just finished another round of high stakes poker....

This time I didn't finish second....




Cost 20,000 to play, won 122,400.
I'm ALWAYS ready to play for real money!




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Just communicated intensely with Cindy, my first wife...

Yeah, she's getting a divorce.

I'm saddened....

I communicated my desire for her to be strong.

We exchanged phone numbers, but, who will be the first to call?
(I can hold my breath longer than you!)

It's been almost 30 years.....

Forgive me, I've much now to process....


Her last reply:

"It was nice chatting with you. I just had company show up keep in touch. I got your number you got my number take care. love"

After I posted this:

And said that I know not where I might land tomorrow.....

Sheesh! Women! Dig?


Have some of this on your plate!

Nah, not really.

I still care but,

Will not, can not influence my progress forward.

There will be no further discussion or consideration. Period.

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And, the communication continues....

My last post to her:

I'm no hero, but I served with many who were.I'm a vet who still believes in America and will fight for that principle. You were once a literary individual, working for a newspaper, Surely you appreciate grammar, spelling and truth. After all, I secured you that job.

Until I grow weary.....
Or hungry.


I'm hungry!

Cooking a coupla thick sliced pork chops, baked beans, potatoes and home-made gravy,
peas, pickled cucumbers, bread and butter,
And a tall glass of sweet tea...

More later....


Tune in later.

Will Scott and his first wife find common ground?
Will there be discord?

You will only know if you tune in to:

"The Days of Our Past."



Screw all that and how 'bout some of that dinner? :headbang:

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Shall I call?


I really want to, but.....

Just like when my Sister contacted me and I called.

It was good....


Am I a man in the wilderness yet?

Help me, my Friends!

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I'll call.

Details later. Maybe.


Called and she said that she was busy. A job or something. :dontknow:


I said to call me later.

Perhaps I'll be available....

Perhaps not.....

But, I heard her voice, after 30 years....

"What that means to me.....
What does love mean to you?

Notice the Ovations?
Yeah, I'm sure you do!"

Now, I'll have my dinner, Thank You!


Something like this?


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"Warning Will Robinson! Whoot , whoot ,whoot.."

" And she said " how are ya Harry?" I said , " how are ya Sue?"....


So many memories...

Thinking back, I cry.

My Friend, Doug Ginsler was shot and killed, and I rushed to his side.
I comforted him when He died.
I looked into his face and told him that he was loved.....
And he drew his last breath....and died.

Forgive me, I cry in my memories....
Too many of my Friends have died....

I feel alone....Yet strong
I have weapons and knowledge.
I will survive.

Don't mess with me.

Your one and only warning.

Let's explore all that life has to give!

AH! Here comes a bear!
Shall we run or embrace him?

The mountains will either be your Friend or a problem.

I embrace the mountains, my Friends!

And bears?

I look forward to a HUG!
See Y'all in my mountains,



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And life leads to death. Eventually.

How will others speak of your life?

As a Patriot? A Warrior? Perhaps a humanitarian?

Me? All of the above yet, only as a participant....I wasn't killed, Dig?


Let's do it again!

Ready, Set, GO!

My dinner tonight is better than any dinner I had sitting in a bunker in Germany.

KP drove by, tossing C rats towards you.

Temp was around freezing or below, and when food was thrown your way, you grinned, having a P-38.

The B-2 C-rat thrown was the best. It included the "John Wayne" bar.

Of Course, some would trade.....

Been there.
Done that.

A trade of cigarettes?

I cannot say....

I guess you had to have been there....


I had plenty of cigarettes for trade.....

I was every one's Friend....
For the right price.....

As I lit and smoked a cigarette...And, I hate smoking....except cigars....

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Can my life ever save yours?

I certainly hope so.
Even Today,
Men and women protect you.

As An American.

Soldiers. They pledged their allegiance...
And they will give their life.
To protect you.

And I'll hide, protecting your life.
Defending America....

Maybe never to be known, but as a Vet, who was always there....
Only Known as Scott,

How many Vets would give their life for America?
Every one.
And, if you should die for Freedom, and America, would you?

I would.


And I'd take as many enemies with me as I can!

Gimme a Barret 50. And a sh*t load of ammo.
Let's see how this works out, Shall we?
A coupla "LAWS" wouldn't hurt.....
And a dozen or so grenades.

Throw in a few claymores for my perimeter defense and we are good to go! :headbang:

Let's Rock!

Who we gonna kill?

2GF, any weapons that you want that I haven't mentioned?

Ummmm, I meant, where shall we practice our games...


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Tonight I sleep, Where will I sleep tomorrow?


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Tomorrow we will sail away!

To another shore..

Together, my Friends, we will find a new horizon!

And we will find a new purpose...

Come sail AWAY!


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I have psychologically managed the bursitis in my right elbow to the point of a non issue.

The swelling is no more , and no more pain!

Once I had a baseball size swelling, there is now no discernible swelling.

I am in charge of my body.

I will be healthy until the day that I die!

And, I guess I'll die healthy! :icon_scratch:

Yeah, I'm confused....But now healthy!


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Haha You funny man GI !!!!!

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