After finishing my lawn chores today, I decided to play some more online "Play Money" poker again.

High stakes?

Of course!

Another 20,000 tourney, 2 tables, 18 players.

My first win was a boat. Doubled my stack.
Next win was a 4-banger!
Both coming off of a "Big Blind."

I made it to the final table!
Prize money for this tourney pays the top 4 finishers.


It is now me and one other player, from everyone who registered worldwide.

Guess what?

I won it all again.


I'm seriously considering a visit to Cherokee Casino in North Carolina with enough money to sit at a tourney table.

It sure helps to be able to calculate odds quickly in your head....

However, when playing "face to face,"
There is a lot of psychology involved.

NEVER wag your tail when you've got pocket aces! LOL!

Y'all have a great week ahead!

Best Wishes Always,


By the way,

About my bursitis...

Allow me to explain.....

Yeah, I was able to alleviate the condition by frequently rubbing my right elbow and deeply thinking that it would decrease.
I never took any anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen, due to the renal consequences that have been reported in the JAMA. (I HATE taking drugs....)

I also made sure that I didn't bump my elbow and consciously, always in my mind, determined that the condition would pass soon.

This "self-healing" holistic medication approach has always worked before; From simple colds to the time that I was shot.

I can't say that it works for others or will work for everything that I encounter,
But, It worked for me again! :thumbsup:

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Just called Cindy again,
to be sure that she was OK.....

She's OK.

A Friendly exchange....

Emotions are hard to control sometimes...

I did alright.

Talked for about 3 minutes.

The next call will be from her, Dig?

And, I just might let it ring. Forever more....

We'll see....


What's for dinner, Scotty?


And habeneros?

Yes. Of course.....

Ah, hell, here we go!



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Landlord just tossed me a key that he wants some copies made.

For his Porsche race car.

No chip. Looks like an H-75 Blank.

Or a Tr-47.

Perhaps an HF 55-P?

I'll have to look it up.....

I'll fix him up! :coffee2:

Knowledge is comfort.


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Strange how many discount me. :dontknow:

They have no idea what they lose.

My Friends will continue to learn from my experiences.

Learn or be a loser!

Ta Da!

Any Questions?

I got answers.....Just ask....


In my lifetime, I have been excoriated.

Yet, I have been justified.

Even though I suffered the pain of wrongful persecution, I survived, and my story of that persecution
is not available...Yes, I survived.

And that makes me even stronger!


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Yes, the bursitis was getting ugly....
Wasn't it?

View attachment 1470300

But, My thoughts were soon applied.

I am now free of the bursitis!

The swelling and inflammation has subsided and is no longer an issue.



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Now, there is no problems.....

View attachment 1470316

The power of one's psychology....

No more swelling.
No more problems.

A solution due to psychology....

Medical science advances may want to contact me.....
I have some questions and many answers....

I have spent a lifetime studying science.....

What shall we discover?


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OH, Hey!

Got some tacos for dinner tonight.

How 'bout some habeneros for a kick?

Got some jalapenos, but it ain't quite enough....

I like to burn.
How 'bout you?

I got some of Uncle Bill's goods.....

Let's go!
Ah, Ah, Ah!

No water!

Enjoy the burn!

Feel your hair sweat?



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And, Veterans who face misdemeanor charges.

I am looking into helping my Brothers who face charges.

Judge Roberts, whom I've yet been introduced to,

Will show me a path that I might volunteer towards helping my fellow Vets.

Given some time, I will meet Judge Roberts and provide a path for a way to help my Brothers and Sisters.

As a Vet, we do what we can to help our Brothers and Sisters.....


So Damn much on my plate.....
Just the way I like it!

So damn much to achieve!

Let's get busy!

YOU can make a difference!

Even to this day, I cannot speak of my service to America.

Let's just say that you were able to sleep because I was there.


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A vet Friend,

Called me one day.

Had a pistol, and...

How many Vets need to die?

He blew his brains out on me.

i will always remember his blood on me as I begged him not to.....

I still Cry for you. Doug....

America is responsible for those who were there.

I will be there for my fellow Vet!s!


Am I responsible, as a fellow Vet?

Well, AM I?

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Ya know, F*** y'all. I'm still alive no matter what.
I've have brains splattered on me, And I've killed.
So, I got dinner ready and I'm gonna eat.

Wanna plate?

Better than C rats.....


Sorry. I had a "moment'

The moment was a
A Special Friend....

How can I help my Friends when I cannot help myself?

I'm a lost vet....

But a Poker winner! Try me...I'm at over a million and I want more!

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I'm playing a table that will pay a million if I win!



Got me some hot wings! And Blue cheese. Let's see where this goes, shall we?

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Hey everyone!! We are leaving tomorrow on a cruise. We are headed for Grand Cayman and Jamaica Hooty Hoo. I have 3 boys in my Balcony room!! ABD THE BEST NEWS EVER!!!!! My wife is cancer free!!!!!!!!!


Good news about your wife and enjoy the cruise it's well deserved.

Regards + HH


I'm sorry for my latest posts...

Sometimes I blame myself for not being able to have helped my Friend.

It really messes with me sometimes.

Hope everyone understands.


I have come to the conclusion that this incident and some other experiences in my life,
lead to my sleep disorders.
Obviously a motivation for my advanced dedication of Psychology to receive a College Degree, meeting with my Congressman, communicating with President Trump concerning Veterans issues and my frequent posts relating to Veterans. Not to mention my Volunteering efforts....

There was a time when I could have been the one who committed suicide.
More than once....And nearly succeeded. More than once.....A loaded .38, walking in the rain, crying....
The conversation with a Friend led me to ask, "Why not?" He saved my life. Thanks, Ken!

Thankfully, I have Friends who understand what I have been through and were there for me.

And, Thankfully, I have Friends, here at T-Net, who are there for me. ALSO....
In casual conversation and support....

Thank you, my Friends, for understanding that sometimes I feel so helpless to help my fellow Vets,
and I let flow my emotions.

I'll try to not post of the pain anymore that I always carry with me every waking and sleeping moment.

My Best Wishes,


And, I got my VA Medical Card in the mail today! :thumbsup:


Perhaps now my dedicated service will be recognized and honored from 40 years ago.....

At least for medical help...

I was told that I had priority.
Certain "Service Connected" disabilities were discussed.
Just under purple cards....

Those who know, will know.....

And, though, sometimes I may get knocked down.....
You know that I'll rise stronger!

Life beats death any day of the week!

Trust me.


Let's talk!

I been there!

Surely you and I have the same feelings.

Why do you want to give your life?

For what purpose?

Let's talk, OK?

Be Well, my Friends!

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Goodnight, all.

Sleep calls. Finally.


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