I'm sorry for my latest posts...
Sometimes I blame myself for not being able to have helped my Friend.
It really messes with me sometimes.
Hope everyone understands.
I have come to the conclusion that this incident and some other experiences in my life,
lead to my sleep disorders.
Obviously a motivation for my advanced dedication of Psychology to receive a College Degree, meeting with my Congressman, communicating with President Trump concerning Veterans issues and my frequent posts relating to Veterans. Not to mention my Volunteering efforts....
There was a time when I could have been the one who committed suicide.
More than once....And nearly succeeded. More than once.....A loaded .38, walking in the rain, crying....
The conversation with a Friend led me to ask, "Why not?" He saved my life. Thanks, Ken!
Thankfully, I have Friends who understand what I have been through and were there for me.
And, Thankfully, I have Friends, here at T-Net, who are there for me. ALSO....
In casual conversation and support....
Thank you, my Friends, for understanding that sometimes I feel so helpless to help my fellow Vets,
and I let flow my emotions.
I'll try to not post of the pain anymore that I always carry with me every waking and sleeping moment.
My Best Wishes,
And, I got my VA Medical Card in the mail today!
Perhaps now my dedicated service will be recognized and honored from 40 years ago.....
At least for medical help...
I was told that I had priority.
Certain "Service Connected" disabilities were discussed.
Just under purple cards....
Those who know, will know.....
And, though, sometimes I may get knocked down.....
You know that I'll rise stronger!
Life beats death any day of the week!
Trust me.
Let's talk!
I been there!
Surely you and I have the same feelings.
Why do you want to give your life?
For what purpose?
Let's talk, OK?
Be Well, my Friends!