Did someone mention "Pink Floyd?"

Well, no more excuses.....

Be what your folks always thought you would be.

A person who cares, one to help.
A Patriot. An American.

And they always knew that you were there....
For you, My Brother....

Wish you were here now...

Our love of Freedom and America would show.

Many Vets wish you are still here....
Rest in Peace, my Fellow Vet and know that you service is appreciated by America.

I weep at your grave knowing that the Freedom and Liberty of America is protected by your sacrifice.

God Bless you and God Bless America!


I'm always here!

PM me anytime.

Let's talk....


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Bill, mon ami, I suppose que vous parlez français.

Peut-être I heures erreur ....

Mon français est rouillé, pardonnez-moi


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And, Practicing some music tonight....
Thinking of lyrics and such....

Monumental thoughts cross my mind....H



Will post later.....

Ramen for all!!

Careful of the habenero, Dig?


I'm still studying....

I learn that Bill's Habeneros are HOT! DAMN!

Ah, Crap!


Much yet to learn.....

While I burn.....


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Here is the post I thought of worthy of the Ancient Muses...

To Learn:

What is there left to learn?
What is there yet for one to discern?

Can one be a better soul?
Only that known when the bell shall toll.

A friend for any and all in need?
Certainly. I'll be a Friend to all indeed.

Always your Friend,


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I post items for sale...
on a Facebook group.

antiques, coins, currency and such....

Anywho, Some idiots post about Credit rehabilitation sh!t.
And others post "Work at home and make a million dollars!"

Well, I contacted the main and only Admin of the site and we are on the same page.

I am close to being an asst. admin.

Screw the idiots who advertise "Work at home" or "Credit Repair" jackasses.

This is a site to sell merchandise.

I'll enjoy banning idiots and scammers!

Of course, I'll have to warn them first.....How shall I word my warning?



Here are some of the rules...

How to get BANNED:

-Selling illegal items
-Selling fake items
-Selling raffle tickets
-Selling services
-Selling weight loss products
-Promoting other groups.
-Pyramid schemes
-No work from home opportunities

***This is your 1st and Final ⚠️ Warning***

Safety Guidelines

a.) NO telephone numbers in public view
b.) Make sure their fb profile is ACTIVE and NOT a brand new profile

Have I have too much time on my hands?


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A memory...
Forgive me and enjoy.


Your French is more than acceptable....I'm fluently bilingual but then again I believe everyone should be able to communicate in at least 2 languages and more is even better.

Regards + HH


Bill, mon ami, I suppose que vous parlez français.

Peut-être I heures erreur ....

Mon français est rouillé, pardonnez-moi



Here's a very talented gal who competed on the voice.


Went to the VA early this morning....

A physical to make sure that my health is OK.

After many of the usual health related questions, minor questions that I raised, peeing in a little cup, chest x rays and 4-5 tubes of blood,
I was pronounced healthy as an ox. And possibly as smart! :hello2:

Results of blood-work and such will be mailed to me when completed.

A follow up exam was scheduled for late October.

Also applied for a VA card and will receive that in a week or two.

A service disability card.
I'm really not disabled, but my service is recognized.

Kinda special....


Was told that it would allow me to sign in to the kiosk and my level of security service duty would be taken into consideration.
All together was about 4 hours....
I was seen within 15 minutes of my appointment time.
I must say that service at this VA has greatly improved!

So, tonight, I'm gonna feast on a home-made pizza! High in calories, cholesterol, fat and multiple items including Anchovies!

Life is Good!

Enjoy every day, my Friends!

Best Wishes,


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Glad your medical tests went well....looks like you'll be kicking around for quite awhile yet.

Regards + HH


Just communicated again with President Trump.....

Honorable President Trump,

I went today for a physical at my local VA.

I was seen within 15 minutes of my appointment time.

I am sure that your dedication to America's Vets provided the care and expediency of my visit today.

Thank you.

I served at a NATO nuclear facility in the 70's and many discount our generations service.

We are the "Cold War Vets."

We didn't fight actual combats but we kept America out of war.

Still, Congress refuses to acknowledge our service.

Three things that I wish to convey:
#1-Push Congress to Honor the service of "Cold War Vets." I am not authorized a Veterans drivers license in the state of Georgia, even though I am a Vet.
#2-I was seen within 15 minutes of my appointment at the VA. On Tanner's Mill Rd, in Oakwood, Georgia. The quickest time that I've ever been seen at a VA facility. I am sure that your dedication to America's heroes is making a difference.
#3-I have a Degree in psychology. Your tweets defending yourself to the constant attacks from the "fake" media are not helping your work to make America Great. Do NOT engage the left in "tit for tat." Instead, tweet your accomplishments! The fake and delirious left will eventually crumble. It is a goal of patience to prove whom has been the greatest for Americans! The left is rabidly grasping at straws. DO NOT give them ammo! I would consider it an honor to be an advisor. I have turned down Mensa membership. Twice.

If I can be of any assistance to your administration, please do not hesitate to contact me.

And, my Friend, Representative Doug Collins, of Georgia's 9th District, is a man whom you can rely upon for Veterans issues.

God Bless you, God Bless our Vets and God Bless America!

Scott Xxxxxx

Too much politics? Too bad.

I'm an American. I'm a Vet and I'm a Patriot.
Whatever I can do to preserve, protect and defend my country....

I will do!
When you pledge your life, politics ain't much of an an issue.....

You know your duty. Dig?

Any questions?


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A movie also?

I got Jet Li, Chuck Norris or Rambo.


I also got Jason, Freddie and Leatherface.
Perhaps a "Double Feature!"



Tis twilight!

Daylight wanes, darkness is outside my door, Leatherface is waiting for me and the pizza is ready!


I can handle it all!

Wanna slice?

Y'all be good, hear?


Oh my.

So many calories, cholesterol and deliciousness.
How can I survive?

I'll certainly try.....

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I'm sure y'all have seen this clip....

With my favorite gunny, R. Lee Ermy....



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My men and Friends will eat first. Before me.

I have given my rats to another.....
More than once....
And went hungry myself.

In a bunker. In Germany. Temp below zero.
For Days.

You had to have been there, I guess....

I was.

What it means to be a Veteran.
What it means to care for your Brothers...
You will never know unless you have been there.

Yeah, it was just "Cold War."

But the threat was real.
Knowing how to speak various languages in Europe helped me.

Baader Meinhof gang, Red Army Faction, et al

Terrorists of the cold war.

Players of the European terrorist factions and....
Well, my security clearance dictates that I shut the hell up.

But, It was a constant threat, Dig?


A "Cold War" Vet.

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I must far away for the test is the pee cup?:skullflag:

I was told to start my urination then, catch the stream mid point.

I guess that is has to do with Diabetes.
Or Drug use.

Well, I ain't got the diabetes AND I AIN'T GOT DRUGS!

I'm naturally ignorant!

But I learn.....

And my bursitis was declared manageable with anti-inflaminants such as ibuprofen....

Any other questions?


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