Thought I'd landed on a bizarre dating site for a moment.


This is usually what I start with. Mostly 'cause I think faster than I can type...

Then, I correct the obvious and post.

Then, If I later find something obscure that needs attention, such as an added adverb, punctuation or spacing,etc,
I can click on the "edit" tab.

Well, in rereading some of my older posts, I see that the edit tab is missing.

Actually, I noticed that anomaly shortly after that particular post.

So, I have endeavored to be right since the first time 'cause, well, I guess you don't get another chance....

Is it just me or how 'bout you also?

Possibly Treasurenet has been tweaking the site and forgot to add that little bit of HTML code? :dontknow:

Perhaps someone needs to PM TreasureHunter.....

Y'all be good to one another, hear?



Stuff for sale you say? Link?
Or is shipping something you don't want to do?

Let's see if I can do this link right he first time....:laughing7:

(I'm supposed to meet a guy tomorrow afternoon about my US and Canadian coins and currency.)

These are two of the Craig's List postings.

I've also posted items on a local "Virtual Garage Sale" site on Face book.

Those posts include over 300 rolls of 1960-1982 95% copper Lincoln cents.
Sorted by date and mint-mark.
Cast Iron skillets.
Heavier stuff. Local.

Folding money is easier to move with than the goods sold!
Weight vs Value.

If you are interested in these postings, I'll PM you a link. Let me know.

And I will ship.
We could work out that added cost. :thumbsup:

Be Well, my Friend!




KU lost to Oregon.
And I wore my KU sweat-shirt!

They really deserved to lose.
They couldn't hit Free Throws from the line, couldn't hit baseline 3's,
Hell! They couldn't have hit the broadside of a barn at 10 yards with a sawed-off 12 gauge!
Bell, #1 for Oregon rang loud!
Catch him and his performance tonight on ESPN.

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An interesting observation....

Once I post anew,
If I scroll back, the "edit" tabs are once again present.....
But only for that day's post.

Yesterday and beyond?

They say that troubleshooting is usually 90% of a solution, right?



Just realized another observation....
Y'all know what a stickler I is....:tongue3:

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Joke for today- I saw this on a tshirt and I want it. " What I do when I'm blacked out drunk is none of my business " hehe

I like it.

Seems like it's missing 3 words, though:

"So Shut Up!"



Nope---- I would but I'd have to sell the wife, the kids and the dog...... I really like the dog........ hehe


Just don't sell the boat, either!

My Best,


Haha don't have the boat I want......yet! I'm looking for a 44 foot Morgan center cockpit sailboat. I love the peace and quiet of sailing...... it's Zen like.....

Haha don't have the boat I want......yet! I'm looking for a 44 foot Morgan center cockpit sailboat. I love the peace and quiet of sailing...... it's Zen like.....

One of these boats (I snapped the pics yesterday) I would venture in to the Pacific on.... The other? Maintenance bro!!

As the norm triple click pic for enlargement.

fishing boats 001.webp

fishing boats 012.webp

Sweeeeeeet OV......thanks. Hey I'm pulling for the Ducks in basketball!!!

I've been sick with a Spring flu since Monday.
Haven't even went outside for the last 3 days.

First it was congestion then overnight it moved to my throat.
I can barely talk....
Bullion laced with rubbed sage and my appetite has not suffered.
No sense of smell or taste, though....

My Landlord checked on me today, knowing that I was sick, and I had him get me a whole chicken and a gallon of milk from the store. (I think I may have caught what he had last week...)

I cut up the chicken and boiled it.
Then I put the wings, drumsticks and thighs on a baking sheet and slathered them with HOT sauce.
That will surely awaken my sense of taste!
They are just about ready.

The breasts will be saved for later to make chicken and dumplings with mashed taters! :thumbsup:

Joined a Facebook group today about Currency, coins and collectible sales and posted a couple of notes for sale.



The first one is $250 and the second one is $200.
Both are priced a bit under their valuation....

Let's see where this goes....

Y'all be well,



The group mentioned...

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Hope you feel better soon Scott. I hate being sick!!

Hope you feel better soon Scott. I hate being sick!!

I hate being sick, also.

When I graduated MP School, I was sent to Germany.
In the winter time.

After a 10 hour MAC flight, landing in Frankfurt, I was a stranger in a strange land.
Alone and on my own.....

First, I missed a Bahnhof connection and my duffel bag didn't.
I'm wearing my dress greens for travel.
And my low quarters were a size too small.

Oh well...

Then, I had to ride in the back of a deuce and a half to my duty station.

A new country and then new weather and climate hits me....
Yeah. I got really sick.


After a couple of weeks, I finally decided to live and chase down my duffel bag.
In Kaiserslautern.

Finally, no more dress greens.

I was never so glad to wear fatigues!

I lived then and I'll live now!

Be well, Brother!



I got a picture around here somewhere of my first night in Germany.
Gimme a minute or two and I'll find it....

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Found it!

From 40 years ago....
When only a few medals were awarded.....
Doesn't matter. Dig?



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Thanks, RC for your post.

Know that for all of my life that I've only depended upon myself and my Friends for survival.

And my Friends rightfully depend upon me....
'Cause I'll always be there.....

Be well,




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I'm just waiting for my Friend....

My Best Wishes to ALL of my Friends!


"When the sun fades low,
and the darkness nears,
Will your strength grow or give way to
the nightmares of your deepest fears?"

"Will you live in the comfort of pleasure
and the knowledge of truth and fact,
A soft landing for you my Friend,
Or will the future show you what you lack!"

Y'all be good, now, hear?


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After a passage of time,
I communicated with my locksmith Friend today.
After a dream last night....
Must have been the fever I was running........

We are still cool and all is good!

But, I'll never work with him again.

My Choice.

Such a bittersweet communication.....


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Now, let's chow on the chicken slathered in hot sauce!

Damn Right!

Then, perhaps a peaceful sleep?


I arrived in Korea during the winter. I rode in the back of a pickup 40 miles during an ice storm!!!!!!!!! Love ya Scott, my brother!

if you are an old timer on this thread you may know the name bbcamay
I see she looked at my profile of late
she was a fun girl

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