Next door to the Lock Shop, a space is rented to two fellows for storage who do the "Storage Wars" thing.
I've opened several things for them and made keys for different things like truck tools boxes and even picked a "Tubular" lock on a Coke machine and made keys....
They know that I like to camp and anytime camping stuff comes to them, I get 1st offer.
Back before Christmas, I bought a good 2 burner Coleman stove for $5.
Yesterday, Doug pulled in with a trailer full of the latest acquisition and I happened to be at the Shop.
I helped him unload and ended up buying some "shells," some tools and a tent.
No stakes, no poles.
Don't even know the brand name.
I told him I'd give him $10.
He said, "Sure. There's some other tent kinda stuff also that I'll also throw into the deal."
While he's talkin', ole Scotty is reaching for his wallet....
I made the offer because I could tell by the canvas material that it was of good quality.
So I opened it up this morning in the back yard.
Everything looks OK.
Now then, about the poles....never mind the stakes; I've got plenty.
I take measurements and determine that 3/4" PVC is the way to go.
I figure lengths and fittings and off I go upon my errands.
First was to get my haircut.
Then to Lowe's.
$27 and some change later for the PVC, I was at home putting it all together...
(Certainly, I'll modify a bit. This was the first go...)

It turns out to be a Sears "Hillary" model 308.771950.
Somewhat a scarce vintage model.
Floor is 9'x11' and center height is 6.5'.
Not a "Hiking" tent, but certainly a "base camp" tent!
Can't wait to try it out in the Mountains!
Hope All are Well!
In conjunction of the haircut,
I will shave.
I've never really looked good with a beard, even though it DOES cover my ugly face! LOL!
And the other tent stuff that I got was several panels of "privacy" camping curtains.
Them be goin' on the "Craigslist."
Gonna leave the tent set up overnight to air it out.
I'll take it down tomorrow before I get out the blower and dance some leaves to the curb!