
Yeah the ghost peppers are supposed to be tops on the Scoville scale not sure but believe they maybe from South Carolina.
I was told also that hot peppers are all over the map from one plant to the other....we grew some Jalepeno peppers many years ago....some of the peppers were pretty tame and others were up there similar to habeneros go figure.

Regards + HH


Robbie Robertson of the Band is not exactly a slouch on the guitar either.

Regards + HH


Bill, my Friend,

When you posted this, I took your advice to check out the guitar work.

I went "Full Screen."

I expected Joe, of course, my inspiration to learn to play a guitar,
BUT also a 12 string, AND a double-neck!

Mind just blown!



When musicians actually played an instrument! :occasion14:

Kinda reminds me of Robbie.....

Thanks, Uncle Bill for the memory.....



Do you think my peppers are higher on the Scoville scale than yours?

I'd say that yours are higher....

Not much, though....
Not much.

Perhaps I'll have to talk to some of my Hispanic Friends for seeds and possible hybridization....

Ever heard of "Ghost?"


Rooftop concert on David Letterman by Paul McCartney.

Watching this video again, I thought of Trump's Inauguration....

Seems like many in Hollywood and the "Entertainment Industry" have alluded to their political preferences...


But, I DO want to see Lee at the Inauguration!

Go ahead and cry with emotion of Patriotism...I always do! :hello2:

I am A Patriot, A Veteran and a Proud Wolf Pack Member!

OK. I understand the rules about politics, so I'll shut up.

For now....

God Bless America!


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Scott, Dram, Uncle Bill, RC, OV, and all Critters, I have an open door policy for an invite to my friends to the beach!!! It's a freezing 43 right now. Lol

Yep, Brother, the year is yet young!

Let's plan something!

My Birthday is in early June, but I've promised a jump on that time frame....

This summer is gonna be a ME Summer!

Then, I have to move, get serious and continue my passion!

I'm looking at Florida colleges....

I'm sure that I could get Scholarships and a job....

What's the cost of a 1 bedroom apartment?

By the way,
You do like "Black and Tans," right?

Be well, my Friend.

By the way, About -8 months ago, on a job to make keys for a car,

One of them little "ankle biters" came running out to challenge my presence.

He eventually sidled his way to my flank and struck!

I shook him off and told the owner that my next move was to kick the little sh*t across the road if he wasn't contained....

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I enjoy the Brits tongue in cheek dry next door neighbor is from the UK and one day coming home from work he had a grin on his face and mentioned he had a bit of a rough landing at work with the plane he was

Turns out he shows me a picture from the local newspaper where the airport was located....turns out the landing gear wouldn't come down so he landed the plane on it's belly and totaled it after the foamed the runway down.

Regards + HH





My first concert was KISS 1977, Roanoke Civic Center..... can't play a guitar though!!

Mine was Alice Cooper in the early 70's.

At Allen Field House at KU in Lawrence.
Snuck in using my Locksmithing abilities....
They used Corbin locks.
Generally 5 pin. CO88. Or a 6 pin CO89? :icon_scratch:
Always a decent challenge to pick....




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And here's a jar of the finished product.[/QUOTE


Do you eat it on crackers or use it for fishbait?

Sorry, Bill...
I might see myself trying this.....on crackers?.....on a dare?
(Rye Crackers, maybe.....)

I'm always "up" for something new!
How 'bout you?

And, Who knows!


"Perhaps we have something in common....."

"In any battle,
Always known your Friends as well as you know your enemies....." ©Scott

Once, a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses came to my door early one Saturday morning, as I was cleaning my weapons...
Perhaps I've mentioned this story before...
Carry on....


Still works today....


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A tune...

For whatever reason I was thinking of....:dontknow:


A serious endeavor is now underway for a University, an advanced Degree..
an Internship and a Scholarship or two.....
A move, et al.....

Spring will soon be here!

Rebirth~ A new beginning!!

Plan ahead always, my Friends!


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Yeah the ghost peppers are supposed to be tops on the Scoville scale not sure but believe they maybe from South Carolina.
I was told also that hot peppers are all over the map from one plant to the other....we grew some Jalepeno peppers many years ago....some of the peppers were pretty tame and others were up there similar to habeneros go figure.

Regards + HH


Always willin' to swap seeds!




Yeah the ghost peppers are supposed to be tops on the Scoville scale not sure but believe they maybe from South Carolina.
I was told also that hot peppers are all over the map from one plant to the other....we grew some Jalepeno peppers many years ago....some of the peppers were pretty tame and others were up there similar to habeneros go figure.

Regards + HH



I have Friends with seeds of Hispanic and Asian influence.
I've tasted the differences...

Shall I consider you for our group's seed exchange?

CERTAINLY! :occasion14:


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A couple of early concerts come to mind....The Who, Jimmy Hendrix, Eric Clapton with Cream and the list goes on....memories of my misspent youth I guess we all have a few of those to remember. Oh yeah and a free concert at lunch time by Jefferson Airplane back in the day.

The caliber of the music back then could leave you breathless.....

Regards + HH


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The Corrs - So Young live from Glastonbury.


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Bill, when I attended the '77 led Zeppelin concert I was 12... or 13?:icon_scratch::icon_scratch:
I was just starting to get in to music.... That concert changed my then, easy to influence, life.
I was going to say easily influence-able.... but no.:BangHead::laughing7:

I was trained from about 9 years old in the style of Andrés Segovia. My dad pushed it, plus he could play very well.
I rebelled and got into Rock & Roll and blues. Even attended GIT for a year.

Bill you saw Jimi in concert? Whoa!!! Dude!!!! The Who? :icon_thumright::icon_thumright:


Yeah the Hendrix concert was kind of funny because near the end of the show he played to Star Spangled Banner and torched up his guitar while friend and me thought he was nuts and walked out during his finale go

At the Who concert the opening act was the Troggs and they did a heavy version of their theme song Wild Thing....and the drummer was tossing his drumsticks into the audience as souvenirs and some security guy kept picking them up and bringing them back to him another funny episode in my misspent youth.

Here's the Woodstock version.....

Regards + HH


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Yeah the Hendrix concert was kind of funny because near the end of the show he played to Star Spangled Banner and torched up his guitar while friend and me thought he was nuts and walked out during his finale go

At the Who concert the opening act was the Troggs and they did a heavy version of their theme song Wild Thing....and the drummer was tossing his drumsticks into the audience as souvenirs and some security guy kept picking them up and bringing them back to him another funny episode in my misspent youth.

Regards + HH


That burning Strat..... If you had that guitar, you could retire!!

I will list some concerts that were memorable. AC/DC With Bon Scott, Highway to hell... (R.I.P.) and with Brian Johnson. Back in Black, for those about to rock and... Monsters of rock! Seattle.
Kiss and motley crue, '83 in san fran. Saxon, Iron maiden, the Cars, heart, BOC, tom petty, Triumph and Loverboy (Oregon jam) Van Halen, with David Lee Roth and again with Sammy Hagar!!
Rush was wicked good. There are a lot of blues concerts I attended, some (SRV) in small clubs/halls.

I' was asked to help out a group of young musisians. At first I thought to myself..... I don't do Rap or the modern Grammy culture BS music, if you can call it that. Well.... The guitar players dad (damn I feel old) informed me, no they want to learn classic rock. Whaaaaaaaa???
What is really cool is that the effects, amps, the sound from that era (1979) I have those old effects pedals! I agreed (10 minutes ago) to help. This is the song. The "band" (kids) have talent, but the keyboard were a challenge. (we faked it) with a computer generated effect, for an actual keyboard.

I told them, listen to the original song.



To my mind one of the most underrated guitarist going is Lindsay Buckingham.....I saw Fleetwood Mac live but when he was hiatus and they had 2 young guitarists replacing him and they were just so so....enjoy!

Go your own way.....



One Saturday morning back in my single days a couple of them rang my doorbell after one of my late night's on the town...since they woke me up and was somewhat in revenge invited them in for tea and started poking holes in their teachings....let's just say they were squirming by the time they left but no more Saturday morning visits after that.

Regards + HH


Just won another $10,000 Tourney....

Starts off with 9 Players, $1000 each.

I knocked off the first 3 and laid back until there were only 3.
Prize "money" is awarded to the top 3 finishers...

Here's a screen shot shortly before taking the Tourney....

(At this time, I had a around $5000.)

I seriously need to place my butt at a table in a casino!



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