If the plug wires are falling apart I'd go ahead and replace them with lifetime warranty ones from Autozone and I'd just go ahead and do plugs, cap and rotor (if you're truck is old enough to use these) along with fuel filter, air filter, and change the oil. While the plugs are out I would definitely do a compression test on all cylinders to gain some hard data on the real condition of the motor. A vacuum reading can offer some great insight as to the condition of the valves as well. If those check out and it has good oil pressure, just keep on trucking! I'd take nickel and dime any day over payments!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

Here's the "skinny," my Friend.

(By the way, thanks for the reminder of the air filter!)

I'm gonna do my baby a love!

New plugs.
New wires.
Fresh oil.
New oil filter.
New air Filter.
Flush and fill radiator with anti-freeze.
Top off the windshield washer fluid.
Check tires for tread and air pressure.

While I:

Walk the roof blowing leaves off and clearing the gutters?
Picking up the fallen twigs and small branches before Mowing?
Then the truck plugs before I weed whack?

Here's an Idea Scott, you idiot, how about one chore at a time, playa....?


Say what?


Two days.
Two major chores.

Who want's what day to do what....

Though...It's all on me.

I'm doin' both.
'Cause I have to and I CAN!

I'd hire them neighborhood brats to help out,
but they never can be found when they could earn an honest nickel or two.....

So, How do I want this to play out?

I'm thinking truck work on Saturday and a casual Sunday yard chores day, ending with a steak on the grill.
Perhaps the last cookout of the year.
(not counting my camping meals....)

How is your weekend planned?



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With the current drought in north Georgia,

I see Lake Lanier as low as I've ever seen!


Searching farther out onto swimming beaches with my metal detector...Dig?

Wrap my detector head in plastic and......

Sometime soon....
Where does the time go?

I've also got other leads for old properties to search....




"I've been lead to believe that you can find Treasures, Monsieur.
Perhaps we can all find our own Treasure. Of course.... With the help of Friends.....No?"

(Name the actor and the movie that I'm thinking of here, if you can.....)

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Feeling melancholy tonight,

I sent the following to my first wife.

Whom I had found again recently on the interwebs after some 30 years, while looking for something else...

Anyway, this was my message:

Do you remember Mark and JJ?

And the stolen Yamaha XS1100 motorcycle? From the Dealer's showroom floor?
What a ride that night we had on the Haskell back road to Eudora!
Remember when we hit gravel at 80 MPH?
Who had control...
Such a wonder that we ain't still doin' time or dead....

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"No worries, Mates. I've got a Donk!"

A what?


"He said Donk. That's me. Want some? I'll buy the first round, you buy the last....Try to keep up.....




"And now, an amazing video for you!"

Let's "Spook" a bit this Halloween, shall we?

(64 Track. Feel it!)

How 'bout we head out into the mountains? Tonight?

After watching this video, do I feel old and weak?


"Give me a mission.
Give me a goal.
No matter the hardships,
No matter the toll."

It's now dark....let's go!



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Just a song, before I go....


I hinted a promise.
Now I deliver!

Goodnight my Friends and may you find pleasant dreams....

"When your tobacco supply grows low,
More so than your foe,
How is morale with the men?"

"When your clips run dry,
For whom do do cry?
You see horror and what then?"

Posting as quickly as it comes to me.
Some of my ramblings on could turn into gold as lyrics! :icon_thumright:

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Guess I'll start the weekend in a coupla hours....

This is what I've been waitin' for all week?




"When your tobacco supply grows low,
More so than your foe,
How is morale with the men?"

"When your clips run dry,
For whom do do cry?
You see horror and what then?"

Posting as quickly as it comes to me.
Some of my ramblings on could turn into gold as lyrics! :icon_thumright:



Well Scott I might be able to rake those leaves off the roof for ya. LOL!!!

Anybody watching Treasure Quest on Discovery channel?

Arrgghhh I have to report for jury duty tomorrow!!!!!! I think I'll wear my shirt that says "Waterboarding Instructor " LOL my luck I'd get locked up for contempt!!!!!

"Turn the Page."

My Friend, Scotty,
A word of advice is to move on.....Travel lightly, Bro. :icon_thumright:
Lose some old things and gain some new things.....
The allure of life!



Ummm...Yeah. Scott's talking to himself again.

Not so much that I'm talking to myself but instead I'm making notes to myself here, hoping that my Friends will offer insight and advice.

As is my wont, I frequently re-read past posts to remind myself of how my day went, what my mien was and possibly to come up with new ideas as I glance into the past.

Sort of like a diary, huh?

One that I share with my Friends. :thumbsup:

Hope all are well!



Take the bandsaw ad down, put it bakc at 100 bucks!!
Great saw.....

Yes, a very fine saw, indeed.

I've had it for at least 10 years and made such things like this;





Picture 143.webp

I still have the saw....

Everybody wants to lowball me.

That's OK.

I've still got some projects in mind....



Please indulge my "ear worm."

This melody has been running through my mind all day and now that I watch the video,

I feel a poignancy somehow...:dontknow:

Best Wishes.....



Perhaps an idea for a screenplay?
A future documentary, perhaps?

"An aging Vet, (Scott) who later in life dedicates himself to helping Vets returning to America and a civilian life.

One day, he meets for the first time to help a Vet assigned to him, a very troubled youth.
One whom has seen things that no one can imagine.
The introduction is tenuous at best, but something about the kid draws Scott even closer.
Can he help his fellow Vet or will he go down in flames also?"

A serious study of mental health and the Military.


Just thinking out loud again.

As I contemplate starting a screenplay....

So, who would play me?

Who would play the troubled Vet?
Aren't they the same role?

Think about it, won't you?



Whom, though.....really?

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The truck chores were completed yesterday and I'm no longer looking for a new truck.
Total cost?
Under $100.

My Baby will still take me to the mountains and anywhere I need to go!

Today, my chores are completed and the reward that I promised myself is now enjoyed!


"It's the simple victories in one's life that add up to the pleasure of fulfilled daily obligations!" :thumbsup:

Oh, and the steak is just about ready!



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Arrgghhh I have to report for jury duty tomorrow!!!!!! I think I'll wear my shirt that says "Waterboarding Instructor " LOL my luck I'd get locked up for contempt!!!!!

Haven't we had this conversation before?

You, always on a jury.
Me, never chosen.

I wonder why?

If you wish to be removed from jury duty, let me know.

I have suggestions including being convicted of felonies...
(So I've heard around a campfire or two....)


I can offer other ideas....



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Arrgghhh I have to report for jury duty tomorrow!!!!!! I think I'll wear my shirt that says "Waterboarding Instructor " LOL my luck I'd get locked up for contempt!!!!!

Wear that t shirt, my Friend.

Wear it with Pride!

Tell them that you are so poor that you paid $.25 for that Shirt at the mission resale store.
Ask what it would take to get a pair of jeans.
Tell 'em that you will vote for that.

Play the system and be a winner in the Liberal Society!


Did I say that out loud?

My apologies....
I meant no harm....
But only to speak the Truth.

As your Representative of "The Wolf Pack."


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Yes, a very fine saw, indeed.

I've had it for at least 10 years and made such things like this;

View attachment 1376293

View attachment 1376294

View attachment 1376295

View attachment 1376296

View attachment 1376297

I still have the saw....

Everybody wants to lowball me.

That's OK.

I've still got some projects in mind....



Low balling is half the fun!!!! Lol! I always lowball and I've scored some unbelievable deals that way. I also never take it personally if I get low balled. It's always a starting point of a conversation. Usually we can strike a deal after a few minutes.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!

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